"Your Grace, please, at least try to look like you are having a good time."
I shot Lucci a glare before heaving a dramatic sigh, forcing a fake smile to my face. Just like every other tourney, I was not permitted to explore and have fun. Instead, I had to sit and look pretty. Every single time.
"Lucci, it would hardly kill me to take a walk and look around. Killer would be accompanying me, and-"
"And His Highness would throw an absolute fit. Please, for once in your life, Princess, don't be difficult."
I took great offence to that. I was hardly ever difficult. Well, I did complain a lot, and try to do things I wasn't supposed to, and technically I had crept away in the middle of the night to explore the city with Lord Marco, but I wouldn't say I was difficult.
This was the third day of the Tourney, and I was sick to death of just sitting there. Trafalgar and Perospero had already gone against each other, as had Marco and Koby, the former in both instances emerging victorious. Doflamingo had, by no surprise, been permitted to go straight to the deciding round, as he held many titles when it came to jousting. I hardly found that fair, either.
"Fine, then would you be kind enough as to go retrieve me some food? I can smell roasting meat and I would like to try it." I looked up at the advisor hopefully, but his expression told me it was in vain.
"The food of these commoners is not fit for your refined palette, Your Grace. Perhaps some wine, instead?"
Since when is roasted meat not refined?!
Slumping in my seat, I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose.
"Very well..." I squeaked when Lucci placed his forefingers beneath my chin, slowly lifting me to sit upright again.
"Posture, Your Grace." He tutted, waiting until I had straightened up again. "I shall return shortly. Please, could you just behave? The final rounds begin on the half hour, then once the announcement of your hand is made you are free to lounge as you wish."
The second Lucci was out of sight I slumped back again, resisting the urge to kick my feet and whine like a whelp. Killer shifted a little closer, from where he had been standing by the mouth of the tent, hands behind his back.
"Did you want me to go and get some meat for you, Your Grace?"
I was touched by his offer, but I sighed, shaking my head even though I really wanted to accept.
"Thank you, Killer, but I would not wish for you to get into strife. I will simply wither away into nothing whilst I wait for this hell to be done with..."
Killer puffed out his form of a chuckle through his nose, his helmet kind of tilting towards me as he glanced down at my form.
"If you're sure, Your Grace." He was quiet for a short while, watching the door to the tent. "Who are you hoping wins the Tourney?"
I didn't even need to think about my answer. I already knew exactly who I wanted to emerge victorious.
"Marco, of course. I have nothing against Trafalgar, but he seems unwilling, and I hardly know him. Doflamingo, on the other hand..."
I would rather choke on sewerage.
That was what had me really worried. If Doflamingo won, that would mean my father would put a lot more pressure on me to choose him as my king consort. Still, I would hold firm. Marco was the only suitable option, and at the very least I was comfortable with him.
"So you'll be offering Ser Marco your favour, then?" Killer queried, and I looked up at him, a little surprised that he was curious about it. Reaching up to my neck, I removed the delicate chain that held a small, silver pendant, in the shape of a diamond. It was my favourite piece of jewellery, because it was hardly extravagant, unlike other things I was often forced to wear.
After staring at it for a while, I turned and held it out towards Killer.
"Would you accept my favour, Killer?" I asked hopefully, and was met with a long silence. The man shifted awkwardly, his armour creaking as he almost took a step backwards.
"Your Grace...I'm not competing, and it's not approp-"
"My favour is meant to be offered to the man whom I hold the most respect for, and wish the greatest of luck to. That would be you." I felt rather silly, offering such a dainty piece of jewellery to a hulking man, and the longer he hesitated the more I felt like a fool.
"I'm not worthy of it, Your Grace..." Killer sounded uncomfortable, and I regretted putting him in such a position. My fondess of him was taboo, I knew that, and I often overlooked how he could feel about that.
Trying not to look too defeated, I slightly retracted my hand, looking away.
"I beg to differ, but if my offer is causing you discomfort, I apologise..." I was in no way trying to guilt him into acceptance, but Killer heaved a long sigh, holding his hand out towards me.
" is a genuine offer, Your Grace...then I would be a fool to not accept..." His words bucked me up right away, and almost too excitedly I transferred the necklace into his awaiting hand.
"I could think of no man more suited! A..and of course, it would also solve my predicament regarding which of the competitors I should offer it to..." Why was I so giddy? My little crush on him was silly, but it felt so genuine and true. I couldn't help myself.
I watched as Killer slipped the necklace into one of his blade sheaths, knowing it was likely the safest place for him to keep it. What I hadn't expected, however, was for him to turn and take my hand, leaning down to press the back of it to the front of his helmet, right where his lips would have been.
"I thank you, Your Grace. I'll guard it with my life."
Oh my god, I think I may pass out..!
"What on earth is going on here?" I startled upon hearing Lucci's voice, head whipping around to find him standing at the mouth of the tent, eyes narrowed. Killer no longer had his helm pressed to my hand, so I decided to try and save our skins.
"O..Oh, Lucci, Ser Killer here was just inspecting my hand, per my request. I thought I had gotten a splinter from this wooden seat." I lied through my teeth, praying that he believed me.
"I see no splinters, Your Grace. Please, do be more careful." Killer added onto my tale, straightening himself up and stepping away.
Lucci looked between us for almost too long before he rolled his eyes, approaching and taking my hand to inspect it for himself.
"I suppose I will have to have the seating replaced, if they risk injury. Anywho, the final rounds of the Tourney are set to begin at any moment. I took the liberty of delivering your wine to the viewing box. Come, Your Grace."
I had to hold onto my sigh of relief as I stood, accepting Lucci's arm and allowing him to lead me off. That had been a close call, but well worth it, in my opinion. I only hoped Killer thought the same.
I stood and clapped for Marco, who had quite easily knocked poor Trafalgar from his horse. The dark haired man picked himself up from the dusty ground, pulling the face shield of his helm up and bowing respectfully to his opponent.
Now, it would come down to the final round. Marco versus Doflamingo. I was still incredibly bitter that he had jumped straight to the last joust, but there was nothing I could do about it.
"Place any bets, Your Highness?" Lucci asked my father, who waved him off with a scoff.
"That is beneath me. Besides, we all know who is set to win." He responded confidently, and it rubbed me the wrong way.
I have the utmost faith in Marco.
The second Doflamingo rode out on his white steed, I silenced myself, the usual shiver his presence caused creeping up my spine. Golden armour, and an obnoxious pink feather spouting from the top of his helm was almost laughable. He really thought he was all that and then some.
What made things even worse, however, was the fact that he was riding straight towards our risen viewing box. I knew exactly what was about to happen, and I began praying to the gods that he would reconsider.
"Your Grace, you look like you were sent from the heavens above!" He called to me from the pit, extending his hand towards me. I didn't want to respond, but I felt Lucci nudge the back of my seat, and both my father and step mother cleared their respective throats.
"How...kind of you to say, Ser Donquixote..." I replied flatly, wanting him to know that I took no joy from his compliment. He continued to reach to me, face smug through the lifted plate of his helm.
"I would like to humbly ask you for your favour, My Princess! Such a gift would surely assist in my victory!"
He was speaking as loudly and clearly as he possibly could, wanting everyone to hear, even over the cheers and whoops. I sat rigid in my chair, hands clutching the skirt of my dress.
"I apologise, Ser, for I have nothing to give, unless you expect me to tear the clothes from my very back?" I spoke in such a sarcastic way, even he couldn't misconstrue. His face fell, and I felt accomplished.
"Take this and give him your favour. Do not embarrass me, girl." My father spoke through clenched teeth as he reached over my shoulder, dropping what looked to be Hina's handkerchief into my lap.
This is entirely unfair. I want nothing to do with this.
Steeling myself, I turned my head away and I tossed the piece of fabric over the edge, wincing as the crowd cheered at the sight. It meant nothing. It was not one of my belongings, nor was it given by my own free will. If anything, I had intentionally cursed it with bad luck.
I didn't look back to the arena until they were preparing to start the joust, my eyes settling on Marco, atop his beloved piebald gelding. What worried me the most was the wildly significant size difference between him and the sleazy Lord he was up against.
But I have faith in you...
"Your refusal to offer your favour to Lord Donquixote...Was that your way of showing that you prefer Lord Marco, Your Grace?" I hardly flinched when Lucci leant down towards my ear. I was used to him doing that more often than not.
"Undeniably." I replied surely, hearing the click of his tongue that he tried to keep silent. Lucci hardly hid the fact that Marco agitated him. They had never really gotten along, always butting heads both in the council chambers and every other instance. If Marco were to ever become King Consort, Lucci would likely eat his own hat. I would have paid to see him try.
"Forgive me for speaking out of place, Your Grace, but for the life of me I cannot see why." Tearing my eyes away from the pit, I looked at Lucci with my brow raised.
"It is simple. The mere sight of Lord Donquixote makes me long for a hawk to swoop down from the sky and pluck out my eyes." My words had him taken aback, and he quickly straightened himself out again.
"READY YOUR STEEDS!" The announcer's voice rung with an echo, and I held my breath, the glints from the sharpened tips of each man's lance making me squirm in my seat. This sport could be lethal, and I feared for Marco's safety. Lord Donquixote was certainly not the type to play fair. "HYAH!"
My eyes remained on the Lord of House Phoenix as their horses kicked into a straight gallop. I wanted him to win. No, I needed him to win, but I also needed him to come out of this unscathed. That was what was most important to me.
The closer to meeting lances they got, the harder my nails dug into the pine of the railing, my breath sticking to the insides of my throat like aged taffy. Their difference in size became staggeringly apparent when they clashed in the middle, with Marco having to lean far to the side, just barely avoiding being skewered through the helm.
No, this is too dangerous..! But I cannot stop it..!
There was no way I could continue watching. I hated every second of this. Covering my eyes with my hands, I silently prayed to any possible God that would listen, for Marco's safety and success. I tried to block out anything and everything, holding my breath.
My hands slowly lowered from my face as the cheers erupted within the crowd. The first thing I saw was Doflamingo, picking himself up out of the dirt, looking furious. Then Marco, lance raised in victory as he rode his horse around the pit.
If I wouldn't have been reprimanded, I would have been standing on my seat, cheering and whooping the loudest. Alas, I had to force myself to keep up appearances, clapping for him and remaining seated.
I knew he could do it! I have never been more relieved..!
"That was pure luck, if ever I saw it..." Lucci mumbled, and I turned to give him a sly grin.
"You can continue to tell yourself that, Lucci." My eyes wandered up to where my father sat, and I could tell he was agitated. I was glad. He deserved to taste some form of defeat, even if it was only indirectly.
I looked back down to find Marco pulling his steed up below our viewing box, bowing his head low.
"I thank you, Your Majesty, for allowing me to bring entertainment to the Royal family, and your subjects on this fine day-yoi. It brings me great pride."
My father scoffed, but nodded to him anyway, waving him off with a limp wrist.
"Yes, yes. Good show, Ser. The Tourney is over. Let everyone prepare for the big announcement." He stood and began to take his leave, along with Hina and our guests, but I lingered behind, grinning down at my longtime friend.
This could not have gone more perfectly! All there is left to do is make the announcement, and we shall be home free..!
***I got so stuck on this cuz how tf to write jousting? Meh.
I spent a stupid amount of money on a resin statue of Killer :') It'll hopefully come around August.
My Killer shrine will soon be complete, and then it will be time to make one for the Vinsmoke boys xD
Next Time: King Consort***
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