Chapter 1
Rose's P.O.V
I'm running in the woods again, and it's funny because I hate anything that has to do with strenuous activities except for sex i'll be down to fuck anytime. But for some reason almost every dream I've had for this past month, i'm always running.
I'll be off to sleep land and then BOOM I find myself running in my dreams, I think all the running that I've been doing in my dreams is the reason why I've lost so much weight. Like seriously, I've been realizing that my clothes are getting baggy on me. I'm not fat believe you me. I'm not stick thin either. Thank my crazy as fuck healthy freak parents for that, they're doctors too. They're surgeons of what I don't know, never bothered to know much about their work, not like i'm gonna be a doctor someday. I'm gonna be an actress. I've always wanted to be on the big screen. I heard multiple gunshots before I got up out of my dream. Why the fuck did I hear gunshots this time?, I've never heard or seen anything in my dream, just me running until I wake up. I turned around in bed to come face to face with David, he's my best friend. I leaned in close to him and start nibbling on his neck, right behind his ear,
" bitch you better stop that shit before I beat your ass" he mumbled .
" Good morning bitches , the queen bitch is , why the fuck do I always find you eating my man's neck like a freaking vampire?" Connor asked not even phased by what i'm doing. Yup David is gay. I have my very own gay best friend. We've known each other even before we were born, our moms are best friends, so it was inevitable when they got pregnant at the same time, had us minutes apart that we were bound to be besties.
"What can I say Con Con he's tasty, I cant help myself" I replied smiling innocently.
You see it's something I've been doing since we were two years old, it's just how it goes.
" I heard gunshots this time D, and I've got a bad gut feeling" I said to David.
"Me too babe, i'm kinda scared for whats going to happen today babe, but we must be getting ready, we have school bitch" he replied. We got ready for school, ate breakfast on the way and went to homeroom when we got to school.
Everything went well at school, but for some reason that dreadful feeling was still lingering between David and I all day.
" Meet us at the house babe, we'll go collect the package on our way" David said to Connor when school was out for the day. We were lucky enough to forget the package we were supposed to collect for our moms, note the sarcasm. the drive was almost two hours because we spent almost a hour and half at a small diner eating and wasting time. When we got to my house, we weren't prepared for what we saw.
That's first chapter up guys. 522 words excluding my note.
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