allycat added laurenza, dmac, manibear, and canola to the conversation
allycat named the conversation "me and my girls"
allycat: about time we all have a group chat!😅
dmac named the conversation "all hail queen dinah"
manibear named the conversation "all hail queen normani"
canola named the conversation "#LaurenAlwaysLookOverYourShoulderCauseYouDontEverWannaMissTheRecordingDatesFor5H2"
laurenza named the conversation "camz wtf"
allycat removed the name from the conversation
dmac named the conversation "#JusticeForLaurinah"
manibear: #NormilaRiseFromTheDead
canola: :(
manibear: :(
laurenza: #WhereIsLauren
dmac: ^in camila's bed
allycat: DINAH
canola: tru tho
laurenza: where is the lie
manibear: #EMABiggestFansJustinBieber
dmac: #EMABiggestFans1d
canola: #LaurenIsHotterThanTheSun
laurenza: aw thank you babygirl💖
allycat: #JusticeForCamally
dmac: don't be takin mine and lausers hashtag girrrl
dmac: #SoAreWeStillNotGettingTheFullStudioVersionOfTellinMe
canola: #LaurenFingerMeToTheBeatOfThisIsHowWeRoll
dmac: #camrenfeels
manibear: #LaurenWeAllKnowYouKnowHowToUseSnapchatWhyTheFuckYouLyinWhyYouAlwaysLyinMmmmOhMyGoDStopFuckingLyin
laurenza: #CamallyRessurectYourAssesFromTheDead
allycat: #FifthHarmonyGetANewStylist
canola: #LaurenSomePeopleWantItAllButYouJustWantSolos
laurenza: #DinahJaneIsOurMoana
dmac: :)
allycat: #LaurenYourWorthItVocalsAreBetterThanAustinMahonesDiscography
allycat: was that mean to say?
canola: nono that was good 10/10
manibear: #LaurenStopLookingOverYourShoulderItsGoingToCrampYourNeck
laurenza: why are all these hashtags about me?
canola: I think cause ur the easiest to pick on babe
dmac: #IWantFifthHarmonyToRunMeOverWithTheTopDown
allycat: oh my
manibear: #DinahClapYourThighsOnMeUntillISuffocate
dmac: #LaurenKillMeWithYourBeautifulHands
canola: #ThisIsWhatHappensWhenTheGirlsArentDoingAnything
dmac: #HerWingsShouldHaveSavedHerFromGettingHitByACar
canola: who got hit by a car?
dmac: you did
canola: what
laurenza: what
manibear: what
allycat: #DinahWhatHappenedToThe80kMariahCover
dmac: ...
dmac: gotta zayn
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