Chapter 1: In your dream, You hide Memories
In the year of 2XXX on what seemed to be a normal day just like any other, something that would change the world as we knew it forever happened.
A newborn from Qingqing hospital began to emanate light and shine as if it was a star, this was the very first quirk in the world and from that day on more and more people around the globe was recorded having quirks
These "quirks" were unique to the individual, be it ice, fire, telekinesis you name it and it exists as a quirk. With such a big number of quirks, some must be truly strong and they are. . . The wielders of these strong quirks would be known in the future as "Heroes".
Now centuries later this "Quirk phenomenon" has spread throughout the world to the point that 80% of the world's human population has quirks in some way or form, while the remaining 20% were left behind, thrown into the weakening shadow of inferiority.
But this difference between quirked and quirkless was not the only problem, even among quirked some were cast aside, these people were known as "The Broken" or in the words of the society "Villains".
It was the fate of those who's quirk was too dangerous to become someone villainous, be it through bullying, labelling, force or hatred. . . They all ended the same.
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In a hospital on a small island in the Chubu region, was a pair of newlywed parents awaiting the gift of life from this world.
On the exact day of July 15, 2460, was a small boy with the name of Izuku born. On the newborn's head was a fluffy puff of green hair, and his face was on each cheek adorned with four freckles placed in the shape of diamonds
Small tears of confusion and joy were flowing down the newborn's face from his deep, dark emerald eyes. His mother Inko Midoriya held the newborn close to her chest, pushing the fluffy hair out of little Izuku's eyes
The child now free from the prison of wild fluffy locks of green squinted his eyes, trying to adjust to the overpowering flow of light in his vision. The light that shone from the hospital's lamp was beautifully reflecting the true deep colour of little Izuku's eyes
Inko once more looked down at her little boy whom she held and knew that this boy was unique, that this boy held great potential and true beauty within.
The nurse who had helped the young Inko asked her "What would you like to name him?"
Inko had known the moment she saw him the first time "I-i want to call him Izuku Midoriya" and with that, the life of little Izuku truly began.
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Inko Midoriya with her husband Hisashi Midoriya had quite a peaceful and lovely life. They had well-paying jobs, especially Hisashi who was an aspiring hero so money was never a problem. They lived in a lovely little house in Hosu and lastly, they shared a deep connection of love for each other and their only son.
One evening in the year 2465 that peace faded rather quickly as their own little son had let out a horrible scream in his room.
Hisashi and Inko both sped into the room preparing for what could have made their little jewel scream, but when they arrived in the room they saw nothing. . . Just little Izuku sitting in a corner whispering to himself
Inko neared Izuku and slowly bent down to ask Izuku what was wrong, this gave her no results as it seemed Izuku was lost in his own little world of sorts.
Inko called Hisashi over and they both sat down on either side of Izuku from which they listened to what the little four-year-old was whispering to himself.
"You see me but I don't see you... I hear you, but you can't hear me... I speak to you, but you can't answer me" Izuku whispered as a lightly-green mist escaped his mouth
Inko and Hisashi both noticed this, looked at each other in fear and hurriedly shook the boy by his shoulders to get him out of this trance-like state.
Izuku more or less out of the little "world" asked what had happened to which before Inko could say a word Hisashi answered "Nothing! nothing happened at all, just go to sleep okay? We'll talk about this tomorrow I promise"
Izuku looked weirdly at his father, trying to determine if he was lying or not, this, however, bore no fruit since Izuku's father had a master poker face. Izuku pushed his questions and weird feelings into the back of his mind stood up and slowly got to bed in which he slowly dazed off into the world of dreams.
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Izuku now deep in sleep experienced something he had never believed to be possible, in the exact dream he dreamt every night something completely new happened.
It was just the normal dream, playing with Kacchan and his other friends on the playground. Playing tag, using the swings, and discovering bugs, but this time he spotted something unusual.
In the corner of his eye, a small amount of green mist slowly became visible, it grew larger as it spread throughout the entirety of the playground consuming everything in its misty body.
Izuku looked back to where the other kids were only to see the mist take them, surround them one by one and making them disappear not to be seen again.
Izuku panicked he didn't know if this was a dream or not, he didn't know what to do so he did the only thing he could. . .
Izuku that night screamed a scream without sound, a scream that drove the mists away, only to awaken a feeling inside of his own mind, a feeling that he could only describe as 'A Collision with Reality'
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Hisashi Midoriya was not one to easily be awoken when he first fell asleep, but this particular night he awoke feeling uneasy only to find that before his very eyes, his fears from a time long ago had taken form.
In front of Hisashi stood a small child with light-blue hair and ruby-red eyes. The kid pointed at Hisashi and screamed "You could have saved me!" followed by "Nana trusted you! But you just left me behind?!"
Hisashi tormented by the powerful and sad words of the kid noticed something. What could only be described as a lightly-green mist had enveloped the entirety of the room, Hisashi looked to the door behind the small blue-haired kid and realized that the mist was thicker near the door.
He stood up, faced the kid who just looked sadly up at him with those red piercing eyes and said " Nana trusted me. . . And though it brought me pain when she died I stood my ground as a hero, as a colleague and most importantly as a friend, so even though I couldn't save you back then I know that I will be able to later!" and with that Hisashi walked past the boy.
Before opening the door Hisashi turned his head one last time and whispered to himself "I'm sorry for what happened, but I promise that I will save you" With that the blue-haired boy closed his eyes, slowly dissipating from the world and mere moment before he was no more, he gave one last shy smile and said, "I'll be waiting".
Hisashi then opened the door and mentally prepared himself for what he may face on his way into the core of this mind-boggling, dream-snatching, Illusionary field. He took one last deep breath and walked down the hall into the world of mist...
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That's everything for this draft. . .
This is a sketch another attempt at the draft I made with emodetective-
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Hope you enjoyed, and you're welcome to send feedback in the comments <3
Oh! and please do ask if you want this one
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