painful scenes
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
"Local sperm bank. You jack it, we pack it, how may I help you?"
"Why are you like this?"
"Ah Y/N! Our favourite donor!"
"You're an idiot."
"I'm YOUR idiot, idiot."
"Whatever idiot, I've got some tea."
"Go on."
"That night... It wasn't a dream."
I heard the sound of shuffling on the other side. I waited for a few seconds for him to respond.
The sound of beeping came from the other side. I pulled my phone away from my ear and frowned.
'This motherfucker...'
I whipped my head around to see a pair of wings crawl through my window. He landed on my floor with a thud.
"Ah fuck." He groaned, picking himself up from the floor. I could see that he had his hero costume on. A sleeveless, tight crimson shirt that was tucked into red, camo, baggy pants. His pants were then tucked into black combat boots.
"Well you're fast." I comment, watching as he sat next to me on the bed. He gave a fanged smirk.
"At you're service!" He held a finger to his chin. "But now, gotta be super serious. Tell me everything."
I took a deep breathe. "Well, this morning I ran into Katsuki and we agreed to have a rematch after school. So after school, we went to a field where we fought. I kicked his ass of course." I raised a fist in triumph, but then slowly lowered it. "Then, when I went over to help him up, he pinned me and fuckin' kissed me again."
"Tut tut. Girlfriend, you need to stop letting this 'sloppy joe' do you like this." Ryoto sighed, shaking his head. I gave a laugh at his sassy tone.
"Yeah. But then when I pushed him off, he went straight crazy. He spilled that Izuku tried to kill him that night, which confirms that it all happened, and that it wasn't a dream. Then, he said that I belong to him, and that he'd kill anyone who'd get in his way." I gave Ryoto a scared side glance. "I'm scared for you, Ryoto." He gives a sigh as he engulfs me in a protective hug, wrapping his arms and wings around me.
"Don't worry Y/N, I'll protect you. Don't forget that we have Iida and everyone else on our side." He beamed. I gave a nod as I hugged him back tight. He pulled away and gave a smile. "Hey! Why don't you patrol with me? Bashing villains could help get your mind off things."
"Yeah. Give me a minute." I get up and walk over to my closet, grabbing my hero case.
"Alright, I'll go tell your mum. Don't take too long." I gave a wave as he closed my door. I dumped my case on my bed and proceeded to change into my hero costume.
---Izuku's POV---
"Izuku! Your friend is on T.V!" I opened my door and dashed into the living room. My eyes widened when I saw Y/N engaging a villain in a fist fight. I sat down on the couch as my mum went to the kitchen, my eyes never leaving the T.V. I subconsciously gripped my shirt tight everytime she would be hit. Her dragons were nowhere to be seen.
"The young Pro Hero Stormfyre is currently engaging with a villain in a full out brawl! The villains quirk seems to be able to erase the quirks of others by ingesting their blood!" A male announcer explained. At a closer glance, I could see Y/N's nose bleeding. The thick, red blood oozed down her front as she dodged and swung hits. The villain had to be at least three feet taller then her.
"Y/N..." I gasp. Normally, rolling her name off my tongue would calm me, but right now, it didn't. I was worried, worried for my Y/N.
She hit him the stomach with a swift kick, knocking him down. She seemed to call out to someone in the background. While her back was turned, the villain slowly got up with something shiny in his right hand. When Y/N turned around, her eyes went wide. She dodged the first slash from the knife by stepping to the side, and the second by ducking. The third one slashed her stomach, making blood drip.
"Y/N!!" I screamed, almost lunging at the T.V.
"Izu? Are you alright?!" I turned to see my greenette mum burst in. I turned my attention back to the screen. I felt a hand grip my shoulder, letting me know that she was watching with me.
Y/N clutched her stomach as she kicked the villain's hand, making the knife go flying. She then followed up with a knee to the gut and a left hook to his nose. The villain collapsed, seemingly out for the count. She also fell, clutching her stomach. The cut looked deep.
I zoned out from whatever the commentator was shouting and focused on Y/N. Her perfect face was stained in blood and there were bruises on her cheeks, and her fine H/C hair was tangled and knotty. Her costume was covered in red ooze and was torn. I furrowed my eyebrows as I saw another figure help her up. Ryoto. He was in an exceptionally better state then her. He held her bridal style as he ran towards an ambulance parked near the chaotic scene.
My eyes narrowed on her body as she tried to get up and refuse help. She held her hands up in a motion to say that she was fine, when really, she wasn't fine. Ryoto shoved her into the ambulance and it sped off, with both teens inside. I sat back down on the couch and exhaled a sigh.
'Be safe my darling.'
---Katsuki's POV---
I slammed the door as I stormed in, alerting anyone in the house that I was home.
"KATSUKI YOU BRAT! HOW MANY TIMES TO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO NOT SLAM THE FUCKING DOOR?!" The old hag yelled. I growled as I put my hand on the stair railing, smoke emitting from my palm.
"SHUT UP YOU DAMN HAG!!" I yell back, stomping up the stairs.
"WAIT A SECOND SHITHEAD! Y/N IS ON T.V!" I stopped, halfway on the stairs. I quickly turned around and bolted towards the T.V.
"MOVE IT OR FUCKING LOSE IT!" I yell, bursting into the living room. My old hag was on her way out and my old man was nowhere to be seen. I glued my eyes to the screen as I saw the chaos.
"I THOUGHT YOU AND HER WERE TRAINING?!" The hag yelled out from wherever the fuck she was, maybe the kitchen.
"... SHE HAD TO DO HERO SHIT!" I yell back after awhile, not looking away from the screen. I don't dare tell her what I did. She was fighting head on with a much larger villain without her dragons. Her nose was bleeding and she had marks and bruises on her face.
Her perfect face, bloodied. I felt my blood boil at the sight. Her soft hair was messy and her royal purple cape was torn. I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I sat down, trying to stop the smoke from rising.
My Y/N was being hurt, and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.
I remember the past hour perfectly, every image, touch, smell and sound repeating in my head. She was all I could think of. But then she ran away. Away from me. But that of course, wasn't for long. I would get her back, I always did. I always get what I want.
I knocked myself from my thoughts and continued to watch as that lizard shitface shoved her into the ambulance and climbed in himself. I growled lowly at the contact between the two.
She's only allowed to touch me, no one else. Just me. I'll skewer that fucking lizard and burn him alive. He's getting in my way and I don't fucking appreciate that shit. I flopped on the couch and glared at the coloured screen as some douchebag reporter blocked the whole screen.
'I'll find you Y/N. Whether it be tommorow, next week or a year from now.
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