Chapter two : the trapdoor
Maia's POV
I wake up to see myself asleep , besides me being asleep , it makes sense , seeing I DID pass out. I slowly hear whispering voices and I ended up waking up. " huh ? is someone there ?..." I was shocked. I....was......SHANTAE!!!! I was breathing fast but decided to calm down. I saw dialogue above me , I remembered me going into the strange portal but never knew we'd be in the game ! I sighed , till a noise vibrated into my room. " hello ? " I asked it , seeing the words being typed onto the screen dialogue. This was actually fun ! I jumped out of my hammock and ran to a rope , climbing down to leave down to a door. I'm assuming that's the exit to my home. I walk out to see SCUTTLE TOWN!!!! I ran to my " uncle " 's workshop and to see him asleep. " oh uncle , you fell asleep in your workshop again. Huh ? " I see a light blue glowing light appear to see a trapdoor ! " I've never seen that trapdoor before ! " ( it rhymes ! XDD ) " I wonder where it leads ! " I finally had the ability to move and I jumped into the trapdoor. It was a LONG way down. A few bat - like creatures here and there but I manage to make it. I made it to a face with waterfalls pouring down. " What is this place ? Does uncle even know its down here ? " then , the same few voices whispered to me. " there goes that voice again ! " it spoke to me like a welcoming mother. " welcome , daughter of the genies. " I backed away but I spoke. " who...who said that ? Whoever you are , you had better come out right now ! " I tried to make a threat but it seemed to fail. A burst of energy combined to make a light creature. It looked like a star but it wasn't. " don't be afraid... " I bursted into the question " gasp ! Who are you ? " my dialogue said as hers was next. " A messenger of the genie realm. I have summoned you here to warn you of Greta danger ! Very soon , a agent of darkness will strike at the heart of our world. It seeks to corrupt our magic and use it for it's own selfish gain. With the power at it's disposal , This agent of darkness will reign supreme over both our worlds. And NO ONE will escape its wrath. " this was a lot to take in but yet it was easy to wrap my head around in the game , seeing she's used to danger. But for me...THIS IS CRAZY!!!! I'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING THIS DANGEROUS!!!! " oh no , this sounds serious ! How do we stop it ? " I asked and it game me a odd answer. " As daughter of the genies , only YOU have the power to do this. " I was shocked and asked her something else " me!? HOW!? " " I will help you where I can. Listen for my voice , and follow you heart as you always have. Only then will both of our worlds be saved. " " wait don't go ! " it was too late. It had already disappeared and I was shocked. Having to deal with so much right now. My world turned black and a old man was the only person there , besides me. It was dialogue saying save. I clicked it and ran away. Jeez , guess I have work to do...
Sorry if so short ! More will come soon !
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