A/N: Last chapter, I hope you like it. :)
Harry opened his eyes getting used to the light noticing he was naked and then remembered why since Louis was in the same situation and smiled hugging him closer. He then got up to get dressed just in case the girls wandered in and woke Louis up to do the same then sighed when after getting dressed Louis immediately fell asleep again. He didn't bothered checking on Dylan knowing he had spent the night with Jay in his first ever sleepover according to Daisy and that Louis thought it didn't counted since it was his grandma and he was still in the house. It had been Louis' birthday the day before and Harry wanted to give him a present but he wasn't gonna give it to him with Dylan in the room. He decided to sleep a little more and as soon as he was in bed again he was out.
"Merry Christmas daddies." Jay came in holding the now six month old Dylan who began getting excited as soon as he lay eyes on his daddies.
"Good morning sunshine!" Louis almost shouted getting up too fast hitting Harry in the jaw with the side of his head.
"Louis..." Harry groaned rubbing the spot and opening and closing his mouth to make some of the pain go away.
"Oh my God Harry are you okay? I am so so sorry love." Louis quickly apologized trying to rub the spot himself.
"It's okay, you didn't mean it." Harry mumbled sitting up and taking Dylan then laughed at what he was wearing.
"I don't need Santa, I have my nanas." Louis read then laughed kissing his cheek.
"Anne and I got it for him last week and we were waiting for today to put it on him. Come downstairs, everyone's already waiting and we gotta make it special for Dylan. It's his first Christmas." Jay smiled then left the room.
As soon as they were looking presentable they went downstairs getting greeted by the rest of the family and Gemma who took Dylan from Harry and began showering him with kisses while he sat there and took it giggling at the funny noises her kisses would make then sighed when she stopped and set him down on the floor where he sat with her help still not able to crawl. The doctor had told them that since he was a preemie baby and still had two almost one moth to go before he was due he was going to be doing everything behind according to his original age not the one he had since he was born earlier. Louis still blamed himself but Harry would always tell him it wasn't his fault and that what mattered was that Dylan was a healthy and happy baby.
"Time to open presents." Anne shouted handing a wrapped box to Dylan who immediately began chewing on it.
Harry took the box from Dylan to open it but stopped when he began screaming and trying to reach for it and Harry not wanting to give in and turn him into those kids who got everything they wanted ignored him and continued opening the present for him. Dylan whimpered looking at Louis knowing he would take him to Harry but like Harry had done Louis ignored him too and instead sat next to him so Gemma could help Anne distribute the presents. Dylan kept whining until he let himself fall backwards then rolled around so he was on his stomach then shakily got up in all fours and began dragging himself towards Harry who was too stunned and teary eyed to say anything.
"Oh my god he's crawling. Dylan's crawling." Louis shouted and smiled bigger when he saw Gemma was already recoding the moment.
Dylan struggled to get to Harry but once he was there he reached for the present but Harry put it aside and picked him up instead kissing all over his face and cheering along with Louis' sisters. Louis quickly joined them kissing his son's nose as Dylan shrieked trying to reach for the wrapped present, Louis quickly unwrapped it and gave him the plastic box containing a car toy inside.
"Did you got it all?" Harry asked Gemma.
"Didn't miss a single thing." Gemma grinned widely.
"My little Oli, so big already. Soon he's gonna be walking, aren't you buddy. Aren't you." Harry gushed squeezing Dylan in his arms trying to get him closer.
"Ahh!" Dylan screamed pulling on Harry's hair.
"No, no pulling hair." Louis scolded getting him out of Harry's arm and set him down on the floor next to him where he took off dragging himself to the small circle the twins had formed.
He sat in between them trying to steal their toys then moved away and sat in a corner making a face Harry and Louis knew so well then went back to Louis trying to climb on his lap and looking for his attention.
"He wants you to change him Lou." Harry said mockingly and quickly got up with the excuse of helping the twins set up one of their new toys.
"C'mon marshmallow." Louis sighed picking Dylan up to change his nappy.
Later that night after Anne and Gemma had gone home and the rest of the family were downstairs watching tv Louis and Harry were facing the task of giving Dylan a bath and try not to lose their hearing through Dylan's cries because he hated taking baths. Louis was in charge of running the bath while Harry stood looking down at Dylan who was sitting on the floor entertained with a stuffed bear chewing on his ears then banging it on the floor with so much force Harry felt sorry for it. He looked up at Harry giving him a watery smile, drool running down his chin to his clothes making Harry cringe.
"Harry, it's ready." Louis shouted from the bathroom.
Harry picked him up and lay him down on the bed undressing him leaving only his nappy on to take it off in the bathroom. Dylan started crying and clinging to Harry's shirt like he was his lifeline to stop him from putting him in the tub but Harry only took his nappy off and lowered him as Dylan cried louder as soon as he touched the water. Louis poured water over his head and watched as Dylan shivered and pulled Louis' fingers trying to get out.
"He's cold Lou..." Harry mumbled then took off his clothes leaving his boxers on and got in the tub with him.
Dylan immediately snuggled closer to him into a little ball on his chest seeking his warmth and sighed no longer crying as Harry brushed his fingers through his light brown hair. They were able to give him a bath in a peaceful silence then after he was dressed and warm sleeping in his crib a freshly showered Louis and Harry fell asleep s soon as their heads hit their pillows.
Six months later.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you." Everyone sang to Dylan as he stared wide eyed at the cake in front of him, the candle lights flickering making his eyes look even greener.
"Make a wish marshmallow." Louis said and then both Harry and himself blow it out after Dylan made no attempt to do so.
It was Dylan's first birthday being held at Louis and Harry's new apartment, they had just moved in and still had a few boxes laying around it and away from Dylan who was just starting to walk and was a total nightmare. Either Harry or Louis would set him down then look away for a few seconds and when they looked back their son would be gone chasing after Dusty, Harry's cat that he brought with him soon after they moved in or trying to climb the furniture. Harry would put him in his play pen where he would stay playing with his toys screaming every time he threw them out and couldn't get out to get them, he liked to throw them out and watch their daddies bring it to him only to throw it out again over and over until they got tired and stopped making him scream and shake the edge of the play pen.
Both Louis and Harry were starting Uni together that year after saving money and with their mums help, Lottie had offered to watch Dylan after school while Gemma who worked in the afternoons offered to watch her little peanut in the mornings. After much arguing Louis and Harry had chosen Zayn as Dylan's godfather and Zayn had nearly cried hugging Dylan close to him. All three boys where literally whipped when it came to Dylan and according to them he was the cutest baby to roam the planet. Harry had found out that Mason had moved away to America with his parents and he was just glad he was out of their lives because to be honest he could never let Louis and Dylan out of his sight knowing Mason was still in town.
"Dahey!" Dylan shrieked reaching for Harry wanting to be picked up.
"Wait! Harry, Louis I need you to stand in each of Dylan's side so I can take a picture." Gemma shouted from across the room.
"Dada!" Dylan whined looking at Louis.
After Gemma was done taking the picture Harry picked him up and set him down but not before he kissed his cheek viciously then watched him as he clumsily ran to the twins sitting in between them and grabbing a Barbie doll brought specifically for him by Phoebe and Daisy since he only liked to chew on their legs and it was an old doll they had passed down to him. It surprised Louis How much Dylan liked playing with them and he smiled remembering how the twins had said he was going to be their best playmate when Louis announced he was pregnant with him.
"I remember when you showed us his first sonogram and we thought you had gotten someone pregnant but the pregnant one was you." Zayn giggled walking up to Louis and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
"Can't forget it...Thank you for accepting it." Louis smiled through teary eyes.
"Are you kidding me Lou, you know we will always be there for you three. Dylan's like a son to Niall, Liam and I, we love that troublemaker to bits." Zayn smiled.
"He's our troublemaker." Niall laughed joining in on the conversation.
"And why is that?" Liam smiled lazily.
"Because he's the cutest baby ever?" Niall answered trying not to laugh.
"Wrong." Liam smiled fondly at Dylan.
"Because he has the craziest uncles ever." Zayn sighed watching Harry remove Dylan from the twins when he started screaming for Daisy's favorite doll.
"Can't believe he's a year old today, he's growing up way too fast for my liking and I'm not getting any younger." Louis said melancholicly.
"Don't be so dramatic Louis, you're only eighteen." Zayn groaned.
"Yes but the older he gets the older I get." Louis whined.
"Who's getting older?" Harry's slow deep voice asked from behind them.
"All of us, Dylan...soon he'll be getting married and giving us grandkids." Louis spoke poking Dylan's stomach watching him squirm in Harry's arms.
"Not if he keeps going at it with that pacifier... just look at him, it's like he knows his days with it are almost over and he's not ready to say goodbye yet." Harry pointed out as Dylan sucked furiously on his clear blue pacifier listening to his every word with furrowed eyebrows.
"And now he knows what you're planning so good luck with that love." Louis kissed Harry then Dylan's forehead.
"We'll see..." Harry mumbled leaning in for another kiss.
"If I were you I would keep this close to me at all times." Louis sang softly poking Dylan's pacifier and laughed when Dylan took it out of his mouth and extended his little arm away from Harry holding the pacifier in his hand and watching Harry with wide eyes.
"Oh c'mon Louis...now he's never gonna leave it alone." Harry whined.
"Just let him be for another year or so." Louis smiled.
"Fine, just one more year but that's it."
"See Oli, you can relax. Relax marshmallow." Louis smiled taking him from Harry to take him back to the table to give him some cake.
"You're a cruel human being Harry." Niall joked. "Trying to take a child's pacifier away."
"I would never!" Harry joked back smacking Niall's shoulders.
"Uh huh, you take his addiction away I take your bandanas." Liam threatened.
"I can make do LiLi." Harry scoffed.
"You're not ripping your shirts again or Louis will be mad...again." Liam yawned looking at Harry lazily.
"DAHEY!" Dylan screamed and all three boys laughed at Louis trying to pull a plate of cake away from Dylan's hands and Harry pulling it away.
"Troublemaker." Zayn laughed.
Later that night as Louis and Harry lay in bed with Dylan in between them because he wanted to sleep there they were just waiting for him to fall asleep so they could take him back to his room. Louis thought about all the things he had done to Harry back when he was a total prick and even after all of that Harry had chosen to stay with him and love him no matter what, he now had a family and he couldn't be more happier.
"What are you thinking about babe?" Harry asked trying to get closer to Louis but every time he moved Dylan would wiggle around until he was sure he was touching both of them.
"About all the nasty things I did to you and yet you chose to stay with me." Louis murmured fiddling with Dylan's tiny fingers.
"I stayed because I love you and I love this little person here." Harry smiled intertwining his fingers with Louis'.
"Even after he pulls your hair?" Louis smiled.
"Even after that." Harry confirmed.
"I love you more." Louis kissed him.
"Promise me we'll always be together." Harry said rubbing his son's back with his free hand.
"I promise. Promise me we'll always love each other." Louis mumbled.
"I promise." Harry promised looking at Louis the same way a blind man would look at the sun for the first time except with more intensity and adoration.
They stayed there just looking at each other as the moon illuminated the dark room and if they could they would probably stay like that forever but-
"Daheys sleep!" Dylan demanded.
Both boys smiled and closed their eyes cuddling closer together knowing they had forever where they would someday get married, watch their son grow up and maybe along the way have more kids but for now all they wanted was to cuddle.
A/N: Its over, and I am crying. I really hope you liked the last chapter. :)
I would like to thank you all for always being here and for being so patient with updates and what not. I will be starting a new chaptered Larry story soon called Ghost of you and another one shot. For those who read my other story Next To You I'll be updating in a few days.
Thank you all so much and I love you. :)
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