What I thought BFDIA 9 was going to be like
These are going to be MUCH shorter than the TPOT ones.
Book: Hey now, with this brand new recovery center, will we be staying in southern Goiky now?
Puffball speaker box: Well yoyleland is prettier, so how about no!
Everyone gets launched to yoyleland
Puffball speaker box: Hey! Where's my owner?
Gelatin: Oh yeah, she got eliminated.
Puffball speaker box: ohh... I'm guessing Match, Firey, Rocky, and Golfball got eliminated as well?
Tennisball: Match got sent to the tlc, but when Fiery and Rocky got eliminated, they got sent to that new 'Weak trembling fortress', but Golfball is stuck to a tree.
Puffball speaker box: Oh, okay, I'll bring her back soon.
Ruby: Hey Book! Look at these cool new robots! Like this one that can float in water, but has a hand he can put under the water!
Book: Wow! What is he holding now?
Gelatin: It's a bar of soap! How Cool!
Freesmart is looking at Gelatin
Shows Gelatin getting thrown out
Book: Hey! That wasn't very nice!
Pencil: Yeah don't care.
Book: Wait, the Robot IS holding a bar of soap, which means...
Book puts money on the store's table and leaves.
Pencil: you didn't have to do that, it's not stealing if no one wants it.
Puffball speaker box sees the yoyleite and sucks it up without freesmart noticing
Puffball then goes to the HPRC and recovers Golfball, impling she killed her earlier.
Pencil: So what are we doing here?
Book: Just watch! Puts the robot in the water and makes it start spinning the soap around.
It spins, with the soap puddle thing that Bubbles form out of forming
Book: and now: Puts a stick in the puddle, then chucks it.
Suddenly, Bubble forms out of it.
Book, while the other freesmarters are looking at her like she's crazy: See! I told you I was on too something!
Pencil: Wait, Bubble, if you were made of yoylemetal, how did you even die?
It cuts to a scene of Blocky making Puffball do the spit rainbow thing at her to un-yoyle her, then pop her
Intro plays
Gelatin: Hey guys, I'm back. Wait, Puffball speaker box has the yoyleite! Gimme gimme!
Puffbal speaker box: uh wait, no,
They end up breaking it
Puffball speaker box: let's just uhh... do cake at stake...
Cake at stake intro plays
Puffball speaker box: Woah bunch! You have lost again!
Coiny: Well we'll still be the biggest team.
Pufball speaker box: Wait, I thought you were launched into space. How did you get back?
Coiny: I dunno.
Puffball speaker box: umm... okay... anyway, we got a total of 141,192 likes!
Yellow face, you only got 9953 likes!
Yellow face: No!
Bomby: ha!
Puffball speaker box: Spongy only got 17770.
Spongy: What?
Coiny: Ha!
Pin: I'm with Spongy on this!
Coiny: Hey!
Puffball speaker box: That's still a big jump!
Next is Nickel with 18,904!
Needle with 18,929!
And Pin with 21,693!
Spongy: What! Coiny got in the top 2? That's insane!
Fiery: I agree!
Puffball speaker box: well he only got 27079 votes while Bomby got 27316! (that's not a factorial, she's just exited)
Bomby: Yeah! Spins the wheel, which lands on something that says "you'll be confirmed to do something really cool a little under 10 years from now."
Bomby: What?
Puffball: Now let's see who's getting eliminated! There have been 56,558 total dislikes!
With the fewest dislikes is Coiny with only 3239.
Spongy: NOOOOO
Firey: OOOOO
Puffball speaker box: you get a carton of chicken nuggets!
Coiny: hey, who's that celebrity who lives close by who really loves chicken nuggets?
Puffball: Don't know, don't care.
Pin is safe with 4521, Bomby with 4672, nickel with 5314, and Needle with 6573.
Pin: wait, Spongy in the bottom 2? How sad.
Puffball speaker box: Don't worry, he only got 9213 votes, while Yellow face got 22966! (again, not a factorial, just excitement)
Yellow face: Sigh I would punch you but I don't have arms. Gets launched
Pencil: Hey, this air is pretty thick. Hey Bubble, can you float up there?
Bubble: Okay! Goes to the top ooh! Chips! Ground pounds here you go!
Pencil: Wow! Let's eat these together today! Goes outside, then back in I lost it (she ate them all, and Book can tell)
Book: yeah...
Golfball: Okay grea-
Fries: That's BEFORE I realized you were a giant piece of-
Intro starts
Puffball: wait, we already played that, didn't we?
Book: Yeah, but let's play it again, for good mesure.
Intro plays again anyway
(I expect this to come BEFORE Tpot 10. If you havn't read my Tpot 10 script, I think you should)
Gelatin: Don't worry you two! (Two factorial is just two so don't question it) I'll stay!
Bomby: Well I'M going to freesmart to get away from you guys!
Pencil: Oh no, we learned our lesson about accepting recruits!
Book: Hey! Whispering to Bomby I wish she'd let you join, I really do.
Bomby: I know Book, I know.
Puffball speaker box: umm... actually, this whole thing no longer matters.
Book: What do you mean?
Puffball speaker box: well, BFDIA 8 didn't fit in the file, so I accidentally deleted BFDIA 7 for it to fit, and it still didn't. Gasps are heard also, we're kind of out of money, and other things.
Yellow face gives Firey a un-yoyle tomato, and Firey eats it, burning the weak trembling fortress down.
Coiny: Wait, so that means
Puffball speaker box: BFDIA, has been canceled.
Pencil: You know what Bomby, NOW you're in our team and NOW it's cancelled so now WE are the biggest team!
Pencil: You keep telling yourself tha- sees Puffball speaker box give Coiny a crown okay fine whatever. I guess we don't need this wheel.
Book: I mean we can still use it for...
Pencil breaks the wheel over her knee and slaps Book over the top of the head for questioning it.
Pencil: quiet! A l t e r n a t e.
Book: Well, Match got out, so can Icy and I replace her?
Pencil: No.
Book is so angry she leaves.
Book: geeze, when I first entered this alliance, I thought that its leaders were cool, but now I see it. I can't deny it any longer. Pencil and Match... are huge jerks.
Suddenly, a pause symbol appears, then it zooms out, revealing that it's all seen on TV, and watching it is...
Four and x?
Four, throwing his cereal over X: Oh it TOOK long enough for you to figure that out!
X: Ugh!
Four: Can you believe this X? Pencil and Match Refused to recover Bubble because Ruby was concerned,
they discarded Golfball's good advice because of a date on it where she wasn't even alive yet,
she made Book and Icecube 'alternates'
They threatened to demote or even expel their members for stupid reasons,
they didn't let Book and Icecube into any activities,
THEY started all of the drama in their group and gave fake apologies doing it over and over and not talking about it,
Gave themselves "break times" that lasted months with only seconds of actually working,
they made the alliance, including those not even in it yet to do the hard work for them,
and Book only NOW realizes that they're huge jerks?
X: Uhh... yeah, she's stupid.
Four: Aw well, goodbye Battle for dream island.
X: You can always rewatch it!
Four: Yeah X, I know... unpauses it
Ruby: Book! Is there a problem?
Book: Oh, it's nothing...
Ruby: well, Bubble hasn't been in a video diary yet, so let's get her in one!
Four: ooh! They never removed the lens cap, so it's all a black screen! Laughs
Book: Okay then!
Coiny: Fans, we'll give a proper goodbye next month! Freesmart will keep making video diaries where they deny my victory!
Puffball speaker box: Very nice.
Fiery out of the now burnt weak trembling fortress:See ya!
Coiny: HEY!
Fiery and Coiny start fighting as Pin presses the stop recording button.
Four: sigh I used to believe tht I could be in battle for dream island, but now there is no battle for dream island. HOWEVER. Freesmart is still making video diaries, even if I can't see what's going on, by compiling them! And I also have their newest one!
Pencil: Alright Ruby, start recording!
Shows Four putting a disc into a box for his TV
Pencil: Hey guys! Welcome to our newest video diaries! (It's shown from a different camera so we can see them but Four can't) you may have seen that BFDIA was sadly canceled recently, but guess what? we're still here!
Ruby: Hey Puffball speaker box, we don't really have a place to stay.
Puffball speaker box: huh, that's true, let's all build huts!
Shows an entire 30 seconds of gathering wood except Pencil because she's lazy but Four doesn't see it because the lens cap is still on
Spongy: I think I've lost 5 pounds from all this work alone. Cutting with your legs is hard.
Bubble: Wow, Yoyleland has a lot of trees.
Book: Well, it's nice to eat fruit other than Yoyleberries! And these don't turn you into metal.
Four: Aww... I wish I could see it.
Icecube: Speaking of which, can you bake us all Yoylecake tomorrow?
Bubble: Okay!
It shows them start building huts
Pencil: Hey, what's this building?
Ruby: We should look inside!
Pencil: But the doors are locked!
Ruby: That's why we can use the stairs!
Jumps backwards on the stairs, clipping into the door
Four hearing this: Oh! She just did a backwards long jump! I can tell by my ears!
X cleaning himself up: Yay!
Ruby opens the door Come in!
It goes around showing them in different rooms.
Pencil: Anyway, I believe it's time to introduce you to another member of our alliance, Bubble! Points the still covered camera at her. Isn't she adorable?
Bubble: Awww... thanks!
Pencil: Bubble here is VERY kind. Maybe the Kindest person in Goiky!
Bubble: Thanks! Everyone tells me I'm a very good person, so I believe them!
Pencil: She also somehow manages to be an over achiever and a pushover at the same time.
Bubble: HEY.
Book: Anyway Bubble, now can you make us that yoylecake you promised?
Bubble: Okay!
Shows her making it
Bubble: And now we put it in the oven and...
Book: Hey, by the time that's done, this thing will be out of battery.
Bubble: Oh! Well... see you in BFDIA 10!
Ruby: Keep watching these videos until then! Stops recording
Four: Yeah! Well, I guess I should start trying to figure out what they're doing once the formal goodbye happens. I'm still sad that it's over though.
X: Don't be sad Four. I'll give you something else to watch.
Four: Mmm. Thanks.
Cuts to a black screen that says "See you in BFDIA 10" with happy music playing.
Shows Book and Icecube getting un-yoyled
Book: Hey Icy, I have something to tell you...
Icecube: yeah?
Book: When we first got into this alliance, I really thought that Pencil and Match were really cool!
Iceube: well...
Book: but in reality, they're actually huge jerks!
Icecube: I agree!
Suddenly cuts, revealing Profily
Profily: Oh you're just NOW figuring this out? Can you believe this Puffball speaker box?
Puffball speaker Box: Nope. Not really.
Profily: I gotta do something about Pencil and Match. Heck, if Bomby switched, the team member counts would only be a tie, 5-5. It's like the other contestants don't even realise I exist!
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