I Am My Own Worst Enemy
Dagur's POV:
Well another year this should be my last. Technically I shouldn't be here but I had to repeat a grade when I was younger due to my own apathy, skipping school, and getting in too many fights. So here we are leaving me older than just about everybody else in my grade the same grade as my younger sister. We managed to make arrangements to not share any classes together though. Heather always being the good daughter little Miss Goody Too Shoes. Always doing her homework, bringing in A's and B's, perfect attendance.
As if to add insult to injury my parents have to say things to me 'Why can't you be like your sister?' Which makes my blood boil.
Despite all this in the past couple of years I have buckled down getting my grades up not getting any D's or F's, trying to do my homework, and trying to get to school. Though I can't promise I have stayed out of fights those aren't always my fault anyway.
I wake up to the sound of my stereo alarm playing Rob Zombie "Too early for Rob" I groan hitting the snooze button and rolling over. I hear a snuffling, snorting sound and know it's Shattermaster my bulldog and then I feel a wet nose on my back and a tongue.
I roll over "Your hungry boy ,huh?"
I throw the covers off annoyed and stumble to the bathroom in my plaid shorts and black t-shirt scratching my back. While washing my hands I look in the mirror debating on whether I should shave or not. Since it's the first day of school I will. I rub shaving cream around my face giving me a creamy white beard and shave off the stubble. Then I splash water on my face and dried off with a towel admiring my tattoo's. I remember when I got them my parents screamed for days they said I looked like an escaped convict I just rolled my eyes and said "We'll good because I feel like one living here" I snapped.
I walk back to my bedroom with Shattermaster at my heels. I take my pajamas off pulling on a new pair of boxers, black jeans, and a purple shirt with black lighting bolts on it. I sit on the bed pulling my socks and pet Shattermaster on the head as his tongue hangs out happily.
I head downstairs to the kitchen where I pour the kibble in the dog dish and add water to the water dish. I take some bread and stick them in the toaster and take a hard boiled egg out of the fridge for breakfast. My sister Heather is already downstairs at the table on her phone probably texting her little prepster friends I think rolling my eyes. I open the back door to let the dog out before I leave grabbing my phone off the charger and my backpack. I put my motorcycle boots on and grab my leather jacket and head out the back door letting the dog back in "Bye boy" I say.
I walk over to my black car hitting the button to unlock the door and catch a glance of the motorcycle. It's a limited edition Triple Strike I have been working on that summer to put it back in working order. I was proud of that I managed to ride it down to the lakes a few times this summer soon I will have to put it away before the snow flies I think sadly.
I pull up in front of Berk high grimacing not in the mood for this day. 'Thor let this be my last year' I think getting out of the car and walking in the door. I have no problem navigating the halls everybody gives me a wide berth I have a reputation of being known as 'Dagur the Deranged' it can be useful, very few people mess with me. It can also be isolating as I'm labeled unapproachable especially when I see the one person who I've poisoned against me.
I was like any young punk kid who was scared for awhile till I learned to fight and realized I was a bruiser. It was about second grade I punched a kid in the nose the first time and from their it only escalated. I would be damned if I was going to back down from a fight or if anybody was going to jump me. I decided to attack others before they could attack me as a natural defense. Next I went after those I deemed as weak to demonstrate to others not to fuck with me. Of course I went after her not realizing years later I would come to regret that childish decision of mine.
I was a total asshole I freely admit and I realize it now. If I could go back and change I would but it's too late the damage has been done.
I'm at my locker when I see her and my breath catches she's in a dress I've never seen on her before. It clings to her very well accentuating her curves. Her long auburn hair loose framing about her face like a Raphaelite angel come to life. I know I'm staring like a creep but I can't help it I'm completely spellbound and then that douche Ash shows up and blocks my view. Ash Hofferson Captain of the football team Thor incarnate himself. Oh how I hate him. All the chicks have to flaunt around and flirt shamelessly with him. As if that weren't bad enough even she looks at him like a God.
Who is she the object of my affections and unrequited love: Hiccupa Helena Haddock.
I managed through my morning classes which aside from English and being near Hiccupa were all snoozefests. I caught up with Alvin and the Outcasts in the halls or in classes fist bumping and seeing what was what. I even ran into the Grimborn brother's Ryker who like myself had been held back and was with his brother Viggo in several classes. Viggo was always working on a scheme and a deal so the Outcasts would work with him or the Hunters his own group.
The bell had rang and I was getting ready to head to my car when I ran into the devil himself.
"Hey Viggo sup' with you?" I said fist bumping him.
"Oh, you know Dagur business as usual now that school is back in session" he replies in his British voice which is always shocking since Ryker sounds nothing like him. Which makes me wonder if they are related in the first place.
"Really anything I'd be interested in?" I asked cocking a brow.
"Not at this time Dagur. Although I have word that a certain auburn haired beauty has been turning heads would you know anyone by that description?" he asked knowing full well I did.
I internally snarled while crossing my arms over my chest no way Mr. Fart in the Wind was messing with my Hiccupa. "She's off limits Grimborn I have my sights on her first."
"Oh, Dagur? I seem to have struck a nerve with you. My apologies that was not my intention I will simply set my sights on someone else in that case." He smoothly responded. "Now if you'll excuse me I see someone across the way just now."
I watched as he walked off to approach a group of chicks who were standing around talking. I swear he is such a player no way I want him anywhere near My Hiccupa. I'd sooner have Ash near her than that dude.
It was then I saw Hiccupa walking out the door looking down at her phone and then sticking it in her bag not paying attention. A playful smirk came on my face when I came up with an idea. I walked up to Hiccupa when she had just put her phone away and looked up. I wrapped my arms around her in a bear hug and lifted her feet and all off the ground in a tight embrace. Her legs kicking in the air.
"Hiccupa your just so small and cuddly" I said excitedly breathing in her scent.
"Dagur, Please don't ever say that again" she said in response an anxious edge in her voice.
"Uh, Dagur"
"Yes, Hiccupa"
"Could you please put me down?"
"Oh, yeah sure." I set her down on her feet and chuckled when I saw her teeter to regain her footing and a blush on her cheeks. Seriously could she be any cuter.
"So I was wondering if I could give you a ride home?" I asked to break the ice. "You know it's the first day of senior year and all why not start off with a fresh start." I smiled hopefully at her.
"Uh, that's really nice of you Dagur but I already promised to walk home with Damian after school." Hiccupa replied in that timid voice of hers.
No way was I giving a ride to Toothless that punk I still remember when he knocked out one of my teeth and helped him earn the nickname in the first damn place. Luckily it was a baby tooth at the time or I would have had to get a crown but still.
"Oh, yeah of course. Another time then" I said trying to keep the disappoint out of my voice.
"Well goodbye Dagur. Um, see you tomorrow" Hiccupa said and she slipped off but not before stopping to talk to Ash who had gotten her attention. I clenched my hand in a fist in anger.
When one of the coach's approached me all of a sudden "Dagur Berserk" he said holding out a hand which I shook. "I've been meaning to talk to you for some time today and I finally have an opportunity. You don't have a bus to catch do you?"
"No, I drive." I replied.
"Well how would you like to play football for Berk High? You can be apart of a team and if you play well it could help you earn scholarships for college. I-We need players on the team since a lot of our senior players graduated last spring and we need to rebuild our roster." he said.
"I don't know coach I've heard this all before but I'm just not much of a team player" I said shrugging my shoulders.
"Listen Dagur I've noticed you've turned around since Freshmen year your grades have improved and so has your attendance so you would be able to play for the team. Also, we have access to tutors who can help you with your school work to help boost your GPA if your looking to go to college next fall." The Coach said enthusiastically.
"You have the right build for football as well with a bit of training and discipline you could be varsity. That's why I'm asking you it's also a great way to work off any tension you might feel. Later in life your gonna have a job and that is going to require team work so being on a team can help you build those skills." he said eyes full of hope.
I looked over at Hiccupa who was talking to Ash and smiling at him while he was smiling back at her he then lifted his hand brushing a strand of hair off of her forehead.
I turned back to the coach determined "Sign me up coach. I want to join the football team."
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