MY GOSH. I keep doing many a/ns and believe me, I hate doing this to everyone because its like, "OO THEY UPDATED THATS THE SECOND TIME THIS MONTH WHATS GOING ON" and then they see this and they're like "FUCK." And I'm like *single tear* I used 'like' many times in this sentence... Anyway! This is about how grateful I am to you all! All of you are so precious to me and I can't help but feel that if I'm down and gloomy you lot are just gonna grab the scruff of my neck and drag me back to happiness. I feel this way because it may aswell be true, when ever I'm feeling depressed you all drag me out of my pity party and give me the slap of confidence that I need. Now, due to my nature, I should get a slap everyday going "HOE. PEOPLE AT HOME LIKE YOUR STORIES GET OVER YOUR PITY AND GO SLAP A PUNK ASS BITCH." in which I nearly broke my ex boyfriends nose before he left. I went over to that little shits house, knocked on his stupid red door, and asked for him to come to the door. His parents got him and that motherfucker smirked at me and went "what you little whore?" And I WAS going to be calm and rational and NOT hit him (LIES, ALL LIES) and clocked him in the nose screaming "THIS IS WHAT YOU LITTLE BITCH"
I'm lucky no one saw. :/ meh, he got what he deserved. Also, to let you know what's going in my life, I have gotten addicted to capri-suns. I've had five today and I have to say, they are the tastiest things. I can't get enough of them. Either way, my appreciation for you all sky rockets (prepare for trouble, make it double) and because of you, I kind of have the confidence to go to the people in my school and go "HEY. I am NOT fat, I'm just so sexy that it overflows." Because of you I feel like a million bucks but most of all, you all give me the strength to carry on with my life. I was barely holding on, starving myself, when you came by like a ray of the best light and beamed me up to the land of prancing unicorns and other things like pink karcrabs and blue dinosaurs. But yes, you all make me feel like the special person you all make me out to be whether I agree with you or not. And I want to say, THANK YOU. THANK YOU, for being there for me, THANK YOU, for giving me the inspiration to write and live my life to the fullest of my ability. THANK YOU for helping me to get over that heartless prick and so many things and people, and THANK YOU for caring about me when no one else did.
And THANK YOU for existing and being a part of my life.
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