"I always wondered if I'd ever see you in my program" looking over I see Dr. Webber here "hi Luna"
"Hi Richard" we hug, pulling away "how's it been? Things with Adele?"
"You know" he says "the same for's your mom?"
"She's doing alright" I actually don't know, only Meredith knows and she won't tell me anything "but Meredith would know more"
He nods his head "How's your first twenty four hours?" Shrugging my shoulders "I've been hearing people ask for the hot intern named Morningstar, patients love you as do the nurses and some of the other doctors"
Shrugging my shoulders "What can I say? People love me"
Dr. Webber gets a page "I'll see you later, welcome to the game" he soon leaves as I shake my head before turning and bumping into someone.
"Sorry" we both apologize, I look up to see I bumped into an attending. This attending has dark brown hair, some facial hair, brown eyes and normal skin.
"Sorry" I apologize again getting up as I check my pager when it goes off, meeting in a conference room "Sorry again Dr..."
"Shepherd" he says "John Shepherd, you are?"
"Luna" introducing myself "Luna Morningstar" waving my pager "I'd love to stay and chat but" he nods his head as I leave him to the conference room where I see all the interns are here so I sit on the other side of Cristina seeing her suture a banana "Why are you suturing a banana?"
"Like I told your sister, I'm hoping this wakes up my brain" she tells me "does anybody know why I'm here"
"Good morning" we see Dr. Derek Shepherd the new head of Neuro come in, he came to Seattle since something happened between him and his wife the famous Dr. Addison Forbes Montgomery Shepherd. I wonder if this guy is related to the attending I bumped into.
"Morning" he greets us "I'm gonna do something rare for a surgeon" he walks around the room "I'm gonna ask interns for help" of course he is, we're indispensable at the moment. We don't know how to do many things unlike other residents so he's going to have us do all the work while he will sit back and look pretty "I've got this kid, Katie Bryce. Right now, she's a mystery—she doesn't respond to our meds, labs are clean, scans pure but she's having seizures, Grand Mall seizures with no visible cause. She's a ticking clock, she's gonna die if I don't make a diagnosis which is where you come in" he walks around to the stack of files "I can't do it alone. I need your extra minds, extra eyes. I need you to play detective, I need you to find out why Katie is having seizures. I know your tired, you're busy—got more work" wow he's got it good with the inspirational speech "than you can possibly handle. I understand, so I'm gonna give you an incentive. Whoever finds the answer rides with me" this gets everyone's attention "Katie needs surgery, you get to do what no intern gets to do. Scrub in to assist an advanced procedure. Dr. Bailey is gonna thanks you Katie's chart. The clock is ticking fast people, if we're gonna" blah blah blah, I just grab the chart and go to the medical wing library where all the files of previous cases are. Maybe they have something to help.
As I look through Katie's medical records once I'm in the library of past cases, I see that she had a fall. Not a major one but a fall nonetheless and I remember some time ago reading a case where some person fell and nearly died because that small fall no matter how small it caused an aneurysm to burst that nearly killed the man.
So I close the record and leave the room, cause what if Katie does have that same thing. I mean this injury was so minor that her doctor wouldn't have checked for it since the chances of an aneurysm bursting with a fall like this is so small that it's near nonexistent.
When I find him, he's with Dr. John Shepherd "Dr. Shepherd, Dr. Shepherd" they look at me "I think I know what's wrong with Katie Bryce"
"That was quick" Dr. Shepherd the one Meredith slept with says "okay, let's hear it" crossing his arms looking at me.
"When I was thirteen I fucked this guy thirty years older than me" that takes them off guard "we were in a library" we were in hell and he was already being tortured so it didn't matter. Besides the guy was really good looking, too bad he was in hell for an armed robbery gone bad. He was just trying to help his family who needed the money.
"How" Dr. John Shepherd asks "does this story help the aneurysm case?"
"This large hard book fell" I explain to them "and hit him on the head. Two days later he wound up dead" they don't get it "an aneurysm burst causing him to die, he was a one in a million chance. What if Katie Bryce us the same? What if she has an aneurysm that bursted because she fell when she was doing her rhythmic gymnastics? Her doctor didn't mention it because this is so small of a chance that it rarely happens"
Dr. Derek Shepherd stares at me thinking "Your right, this is a small chance...let's see if she's this one in a million. Johnny? Want to come with?"
"Sure" he closes his file and we go to get Katie prepared for a head C.T. "So" John—I'm calling them by first names in my head—asks as we go to Katie's room to get her "you slept with a guy thirty years older than yourself when you were thirteen?"
"Yeah" nodding my head "why?"
"You do know" he asks "that that's essentially statutory rape correct? Even if you consented"
"I didn't know at the time" shaking my head "besides not like I ended up pregnant or got a disease, plus no one knew"
"But the guy" Derek says
Shrugging my shoulders "I live by my Aunt Maze's advice, live your life to the fullest. So guy from the bar" they look confused "I know you fucked my sister Meredith Grey" this is news to John as Derek stares at me "when I was leaving the house I saw you two asleep"
"Will you tell anyone?" He asks
"No" shaking my head "I'm no snitch. Besides I've got way darker secrets than my sister—between us both Meredith is a ray of sunshine while I'm a little devil. Are you two brothers?"
"Yes" nodding their heads "John is my little brother, he's a neonatal surgeon. Currently deciding to switch to becoming a fertility specialist"
"That's too bad" I say
"Why?" John asks "thinking about becoming a neonatal specialist?"
"Fetal surgery" I correct "unlike my sister who doesn't know I want to go into obstetrics and gynecology" I know I want to help pregnant women, it's a thing I want to do. Besides I like listening to people scream in agony so women screaming as they deliver a baby is fun to listen to but also helping in bringing life into the world is also something amazing.
We look through the machine for the aneurysm "Derek" John points and Derek looks up from his phone.
"I'll be damned" he let's put a laugh "it's small but it's there. A subarachnoid hemorrhage" looking at me "good job Dr. Morningstar, your scrubbing in. Follow me—see you later John"
"Thank you, Dr. Shepherd" I thank as he leaves, I follow him "so are you going to tell her parents?"
"I am" he nods his head "and I want you to be there too"
"Why me?" I ask
"It took you about fifteen minutes to figure out what was wrong" he praises me as we walk "while I cousins figure it out, they will want to meet the person who essentially saved their daughter's life"
"Thank you for the praise" I thank
"Katie Bryce's chart" Dr. Shepherd orders "please"
"Here you go" he's handed the chart and writes something down.
"Dr. Shepherd" we see Meredith and Cristina come over "we think we know what's wrong with Katie Bryce"
"It's okay" he tells them "Dr. Morningstar here figured it out" they look at me jealous "she's going to be scrubbing in. Luna" I follow him to the parents who look our way "Mr and Mrs Bryce"
"Please" Mrs. Bryce begs "tell us you have good news"
Dr. Shepherd smiles "I do, thanks to Dr. Morningstar here" he motions to me and I smile to them "we know that your daughter has a small aneurysm that burst. She'll be taken up to surgery where I'll clip it then she should be better"
"Thank you!" She hugs me "thank you!"
"Of course" I hug her back then the father too since he has tears run down his face. After a couple hours, Katie has been prepped and ready for surgery.
I am next to Derek who is scrubbing in and says "Their jealous" we see in the OR gallery all the interns here "of you"
"I was just lucky" I tell him "do you like my sister?"
He looks at me "I find Meredith an interesting person"
"I want to be clear now" looking at him as I finish scrubbing in "if you pursue my sister, it better be because your single" he stares at me "I know about Dr. Addison Montgomery and I don't want to see my sister hurt"
"You have nothing to worry about" he tells me "it's over between me and Addison Montgomery"
"It better be" I warn as I go into the OR and get gowned and gloved.
"Alright everybody!" Derek exclaims "it's a beautiful night to save lives! Let's have some fun" I watch from the sidelines behind residents, how Derek saves a bunch of lives. Derek seems like a good guy, but if he hurts my sister all bets are off.
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