Chapter Three
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Three. Hannah's outfit ^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
I wake up at 9 o’clock; Luke's coming in an hour. I really can't be bothered to change out of my pj's, I guess if I just have a shower and I can put on clean pj's? That's what I'm going to do. After my shower I get changed and quickly have something to eat. A few minutes later my doorbell rings, I walk to the door and open it to find Luke standing there. I invite him in and we both sit down on the sofa.
"I have 3 things, 2 are questions" he says "Go for it" he takes something out of his jacket pocket and hands them to me. It's a ticket and a backstage pass for tonight’s concert "I want you to be backstage all concert" I smile "I'd love to" he chuckles "First question" I nod "Our manager has been looking for someone to sing with us onstage throughout the tour. He didn't find anyone back home and I told him about you" he places a hand on my shoulder "I want you to come on tour with us. It's for 3 years, we're having a 6 month break in Sydney" I smile "But you go tomorrow, I wont have time to pack and I'm sure that I don't have enough clothes for 3 years" he chuckles "I sorted this out last night. We're going to send some people over here to pack everything you need and then anything you don't need we will buy for you" my mouth drops "But I can't repay you" he shakes his head "You wont need to" I get up and hug him tightly "I will come on tour" as soon as I said that Luke stands up and starts spinning me around.
Once he put me down we sat down again. "So second question?" I ask and he nods "I know we met like 2 days ago but I saw you in the crowd and you were different. There's a reason why I couldn't look away and that's because of how I feel for you. I'm already falling for you and I just hope you feel the same" I place my hand on top of his "And the question is?" I ask again and he chuckles "The question is will you be my girlfriend?" I smile "Of course" he pulls me into his lap and kisses me gently, he pulls away far too soon "Nope" I say and kiss him again.
Luke stays for another couple of hours "You need to tell your friends that you're going away" he says before walking to the door "I will. I'm going to go now" he stops at the door and I stand beside him "A car will be here at 8 to pick you up. People are coming to pack your stuff for you whilst you're at the concert and if it's okay with you. You'll stay in our hotel tonight" he asks hopefully and I nod "I will see you later" he grabs my waist and pulls me into a kiss "Bye Babe" I wave to him as he drives off.
I quickly go and throw some clothes on before going over to Aimee's. Katy will probably be at her flat anyway. I walk out of the house and get to Aimee's in around 10 minutes. The door is open as per usual; I walk in to see both of the girls freaking out about something. "HEY" I shout and that makes them turn around "I have some news" I sit down on the chair and they sit down on the sofa "I'm going away for 3 years. It's a music thing around the world" technically I'm not lying. I just didn't say who I'm going with "That's great" Katy says hugging me "On another note. We got tickets to tonight’s concert. You coming?" Aimee asks and I shake my head "Can't. I'm packing tonight as we leave tomorrow" they pout "Well have a good trip. Love you" Aimee says and I stand up "See you soon" I walk back home.
It's now 6pm, I need to have a shower and get changed. I pick out a black skater dress, a denim jacket and denim converse. I brush out my hair and put in a black velvet bow. By the time I'm changed its 8pm, I open my door and see a limo outside. I presume that's the car Luke meant. I walk down and the driver opens the door for me "Miss King" I smile "Thank You" I get in the car and we drive to the LG Arena.
I walk up to the backstage door and see Brook "Hey Brook" he smiles "Hey Hannah. What are you doing?" he asks and I show him my ticket and pass "Nice one. See you later" he says opening the door "Bye and Thanks Brook" he smiles and I walk in. "HANNAH" I hear someone shout, I turn around and see Calum running towards me "Hey Cal" I say hugging him "Come on. We're going to the dressing room" he takes my hand and leads me to where I'm presuming the dressing room is.
Calum opens the door "Found her" he says sitting down. Luke, Michael and Ashton are sitting down on the couch. "Hey guys" I say walking over to Luke. He pulls me down on his lap "Hey" he wraps his arms around my waist and all the guys are looking at us weirdly "Yes. I'm amazing" I say mock bowing and they all laugh "She's my girlfriend" Luke says after he's stopped laughing "She's a laugh" Michael says "I know we only met you for like 10 minutes two days ago. So we don't know you too well" Ashton says "Well, what do you want to know?" I ask and Calum smirks "How many boyfriends have you had?" Luke's arms tighten on my waist "Including this one" I point to Luke "I've had 2 boyfriends" they all look at me like I'm crazy "No way. You're funny, beautiful, and stylish. How have you only had 1 other boyfriend?" Ashton asks and I laugh "I'm none of those things. But my friend Aimee was always the one with boyfriends. Not me" I say and then Luke interrupts me "You're all of those things babe. Aimee's a weirdo" I laugh "Yeah. She is".
We stay talking for another 20 minutes and then the lads have to go onstage. I'm now standing backstage watching them perform, every so often one of the lads will look back at me and smile, most of the time it's Ashton. I feel someone tap my shoulder; I turn around and face a man that looks in his late 30s possibly early 40s. "I'm Gary. 5 Seconds of Summer's manager" he holds out his hand, I shake it "Hi. I'm Hannah" he smiles "We're happy to have you on tour" I return the smile "Thank You for the opportunity" he nods "It was Luke's idea. He told me you're really talented" I shake my head "That's not what I would call it. It's just a hobby. I guess I can show you one of my videos if you want proof" he nods again, I take out my phone and get my video of me covering 'Just One Yesterday' by Fall Out Boy. He watches all of the video and then hands me back my phone "Luke was right. You're talented" with that he walks off. I turn back to watching the guys perform.
The concert goes quite quickly, soon everyone is filing out of the arena and the guys are cleaning up. Once the majority of people are gone I walk out onto the stage and sit down on the edge of the stage, Michael soon joins me. "What did you think?" he asks putting an arm around my shoulder "I thought that it was great. I love watching you guys perform" he smiles and stands up "I need to finish cleaning up. You staying in the hotel tonight?" I nod "Yep. And on the road with you tomorrow" he smiles "Talk to you later then" I nod and lay down on the stage.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I hear someone shout, but it's a girl. I sit up to see Aimee and Katy running towards the stage "You said you were packing" Katy says once they reach the stage "Someone's doing it for me back at my flat" I jump down off the stage "You two should be going" I say pointing to the door and they shake their heads "We want to see Luke" well I guess I could do something for them "I can get him to take a couple pictures with you" they nod "LUCAS" I shout and he comes running over to me, but slows down when he sees Aimee and Katy "They said they will leave if they get a picture with you" he sighs but jumps off the stage. "HAN" Calum shouts, "Want to play a bit?" he asks holding up a bass "Sure. But help me up" I say holding out my hands; he chuckles and lifts me up onto the stage.
"HANNAH" someone else shouts, jesus what is it with people and shouting at me or for me today. I hand Calum the bass and look to where someone shouted, it was Katy. I walk over to the edge of the stage and sit down "How the hell do you know them?" I shrug and Luke jumps up onto the stage and sits down next to me "I met Calum the other day whilst you two were fangirling over Luke. Then Calum asked me to go backstage so I did and I met the rest of the lads" I say and Ashton comes over, sitting on the other side of me "You didn't tell us?" Aimee asks "Stating the obvious there" Ashton whispers in my ear and I giggle "No. Because you would want to meet them all and you would be obsessing over Luke" they nod "Yeah. Because Luke is single and you hate the band" Luke puts an arm around my waist "Hannah loves the band. Why do you think she's here now?" I jump down off stage.
"I have never hated the band, I just said that I don't see the point in fangirling" they shrug "Same thing" Aimee says and I shake my head, I quickly turn to the lads "Rant time" I say and they laugh. "It's not the same thing Aimee. I see the band as normal people with talent, they started a YouTube channel doing covers of songs and they got discovered. I have always said that they deserve everything they have and everything that comes to them in the future. Whereas you two obsess over the band, do everything you can to try and meet them, when you do meet them you don't leave them alone. All I ever hear from you two is 'Luke is this' or '5SOS did this' I have no problem with that but you think that they're some type of superheroes when they aren't. They're no different to you or to me" I point to Luke "And he's a normal person with talent" I finish and the whole band come and stand behind me.
"Maybe you should leave before security finds you" Michael says and they nod, they walk out muttering something to themselves. "I have never seen you act like that Han" Ashton says as we walk back to the dressing room "Ash, you've only known me for 2 days. But hey, I stood up for my friends" he smiles and pulls me into a hug. When we walk into the dressing room we see Gary sat on the sofa "We need to go to the hotel. We leave early tomorrow, you have concerts in Scotland" I start to jump up and down, the lads look at me like I'm crazy "My parents live in Scotland" they all nod and Luke calms me down.
We get to the hotel and we need to figure out sleeping arrangements. "Who's sleeping where?" I ask as we get to the lobby, Luke pulls me into him "We're sharing" he says and all the lads groan "So that means. Mikey, Ash and Calum are sharing a room" Luke says laughing "How about. I share with Cal" I say walking over to him and hugging him "Nope. My girlfriend" Luke says, being all serious all of a sudden - it's kind of cute "Fine. But you pick another band mate to stay in our room" I say pointing to him and he nods "I pick Michael" Luke says and giving him a bro hug "Awh. The Muke bromance. I'm sleeping in my own bed" I say getting the room key of Gary "Thanks Gaz. See you in the morning" I hug him and walk to the elevator.
I manage to get to the room before Luke and Michael, there are two single beds and I claim the one closet to the window. I get changed into one of Luke's shirts - the bags were already in the room - and get into bed. A few minutes later Luke and Michael walk in, I'm just chilling in bed on my phone when the covers are pulled off me "I was comfy" I say looking at the person who pulled the covers off me and it's Luke "So you took my shirt?" I smirk "Yes. Like it?" he leans down and kisses me "Love it" when he pulls away I pout "Can I have the covers back now?" I ask and they're given back to me by Michael "Thanks Mikey" he smiles "You two are sharing a bed" I say pointing to the boys and Luke shakes his head.
Luke gets changed and gets into bed with me. Michael gets into the other bed and is asleep within seconds. Luke puts an arm over my waist and his other arm under my head so that I can use it as a pillow. I turn to face him "Night Lukey" I say kissing him gently "Night Baby" he says kissing my forehead. I fall asleep listening to Luke's heartbeat.
----- Luke's P.O.V -----
"Night Lukey" Hannah says kissing me gently "Night Baby" I say and I kiss her forehead. She leans her head back onto my arm and she's asleep within minutes. I look down at her sleeping, I don't know why she says that she isn't beautiful because I can assure you all I'm seeing right now is beauty.
That was Chapter Three, hope you liked it.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.....
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