That night, they sat around the campfire and talked. Mainly about event happening and what the Erglis were going to do about it, and also some about what roles they were going to play and what they were going to do when they reached the camp. They talked long into the night, and it was Roric who finally suggested that they stop jawing and get some sleep. They chuckled and took his suggestion.
As Miryanna lay on her bedroll that might, she gazed up at the stars, wishing she could reach up and touch one. Perhaps, they were a thing too beautiful, too perfect for mortal hands to touch. Her mind also turned to her family and how they were. She knew that they all must heartbroken that she run away, and she second guessed herself whether she really should have run away. Isn't it better to just be honest with your family and friends? She sighed and rolled over and fell asleep.
Nynesi finished brushing her hair and just sat there, and looked at herself in the mirror. Her shining dark hair gleamed in the candlelight. She sighed. Why had Miryanna left that way? She didn't even say goodbye. Her uncle said he saw her slip through the window after he'd heard the sound of a ruckus coming from near her room. Nynesi looked at herself in the mirror, inspecting herself. She knew she was beautiful, but her eyes were red form weeping lately and she'd had to put some face cream on to cover up the redness.
"Oh, Miryanna, why'd you have to leave me?" She asked her mirror, tears welling up in her eyes again.
"I'm sure she had her reasons," A voice said in the darkness.
Nynesi leaped out of her chair and whirled around, searching the darkness for the source of the voice. "Who's there?" She asked with trepidation.
A figure slowly stepped out from the shadows into the candlelight. It was a man. He had a black cloak on, but it was parted and she saw he was wearing a long vest that looked to be made of leather that reached down the the middle of his calves, tall boots, a blood red colored shirt and leather bracers on his arms. Around his neck was a heavy pendant. On it was etched a picture of a serpent that had its coils wrapped around a lion and was choking it. The serpent had a sneer on its face. Above this image were the words, We Will Conquer.
well if that ain't a calling card
"W-Who are you?" She asked the dark figure. She was tempted to scream and let the whole castle know he was here, but something about him made her want to find out what he wanted first.
"Please, don't be frightened," he said to her. His voice was positively enchanting. Low and deep, yet soft and smooth as cream.
"What do you want?" She asked.
"Well, I was seeking an employee to join my little band, and since you were the king's own daughter, I thought you might be interested,"
"Wait, what does me being the king's daughter have to do with anything? What kind of employment are you talking about?"
"Let me explain," He said. His hood had been up the whole time and she hadn't been able to see his face. "Now, promise you'll not scream and I can take my hood off."
Nynesi was a bit confused, "What does my screaming have to do with you taking your hood off?"
"You'll find out, just promise not to scream," Was his only reply.
Nynesi shrugged, still a little scared by this stranger. "Alright,"
He took off his hood and looked up at her. Nynesi nearly did scream, for his eyes were red as rubies and they glowed.
She slapped a hand over her mouth to keep it in. "Why do they glow like that?"
"My mother was from the Empire of Amani. As you know, the Amanis can sometimes have... strange traits,"
in fact, both of your parents are from the empire of amani
Nynesi nodded, "Alright, now what do you want with me?"
"Allow me to introduce myself," he said, "My name is Karayan Batal, and I'm the leader of a secret underground organization known as the Vanags. We exist to help the kingdom and keep it from foreign powers that would like to take it over. What I need you to do is gather information about your kingdom, and what's currently happening, and give it to me so I can use it for the benefit of all." He finished.
well if that ain't playin' her like a recorder
All this sounded grand to Nynesi, but she was still a bit apprehensive about trusting this stranger. Especially since he was from the Empire. Well, she reasoned with herself, his mother was an Amani, but maybe he was raised here. "What proof do you have that can make me believe you?" She asked him.
He withdrew from somewhere in his cloak a scrap of cloth. "Have you seen this symbol before?" He held the cloth up and on it was drawn a growling lion devouring a sneering serpent. The words Never Fall Asunder were written above it.
She gasped, "Yes, that was on the arrow that killed my mother,"
"Yes. This is the symbol of the Erglis. Another underground organization. They fight us and are trying to take over. If you join us, you can help stop them, and thus avenge your mother," He said to her.
now he's just playing her like a kazoo
Nynesi paused, it did sound enticing. To help avenge her mother? That was exactly what she'd been wanting. She nodded, "Alright. I'll join you."
hold up hold up, if he's from the empire then why the heck would he care about Terinn--ohhh he's gonna say his dad is from terinnia and that's where his loyalties lie. (except he doesn't that's just me making things make sense)
Karayan smiled, "Excellent. I'll be back tomorrow to tell you your first mission," With that, he turned around and seemed to disappear. She rushed to the window and saw him climb down the wall with amazing skill. When he reached the ground, he mounted a horse that was waiting for him and rode off into the night.
Nynesi just stood there for a bit, wondering if she'd made the right decision. She shook her head. She was a princess. She'd been making the "right" decisions all her life. Now, even if it was a bad idea to join these Vanags, it was right in her own eyes to avenge her mother. But what if this Karayan was lying? No, he wasn't lying. He'd been so nice to her. She shook her head again and climbed into bed to sleep, but sleep was long in coming that night.
I should write from nynesi's pov more often
Miryanna awoke to a sky still dark, but there weren't so many stars. It was cold and she pulled her blankets closer about her. The sound of crackling fire and her companions voices was what woke her. She rubbed her eyes and sat up slowly, drawing her blanket close about her. She scooted closer to the fire where Roric and Andarin were talking and eating breakfast.
whoaaa andarin is up before her?? that's impossible
"Hey, guys," She said, her voice still scratchy.
"Good morning, Miry," Andarin said enthusiastically.
"Morning, Miry," Came Roric's more subdued greeting.
She smiled and yawned, "What's for breakfast?" She asked, picking up her plate from the ground by the fire.
"Same as yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before..."
"Oh, shush, Andarin," Roric laughed, "You make it no secret anyways that you're tired if the tedium of our diet,"
News Flash, roric is in fact, capable of laughing
Miryanna also laughed and scooped some thick porridge from the pot over the fire and onto her dish. They talked some more as they ate breakfast. According to Roric, they would be there by early evening if they kept up a good pace and didn't take too many stops.
They finished eating and broke camp. After getting their horses ready, they mounted and were off. They continued steadily circling the mountain. They'd just passed a little group of trees and there before them lay a river in a valley, sparkling in the bright morning sun. Miryanna gasped with delight at the beautiful view.
"What river is this?" She asked Roric, whose horse was right beside hers.
"That would be the Iphnion. It comes from the same source as the Upegi but flows to the west through the mountains instead of south." He replied.
It was bordered by rocks and trees and moss. Roric said they'd ride beside it until they came to the dead oak, when they would cross the ford and from there, the camp would be easy to find. You just had to ford in the right place. They rode down into the valley and Miryanna looked up and saw that they were between two mountains. The valley widened and now there rocky shores and trees further up the bank. They rode in the trees and stayed in that position until they came to a big dead oak.
"Is this the dead oak?" Miryanna asked Roric, expecting a yes for an answer.
But Roric shook his head. "This is what one could call a natural decoy." He said. "There's another dead oak further up, but it's not as noticeable."
"Oh, so what happens if you cross here?" She asked him.
"You drown. The current here is too strong and while at first it seems to be the right depth, there's a drop off and you'll get swept away by the current." He explained.
wow that's kinda intense
Miryanna's eyes widened.
Andarin gave a little laugh, "I guess that's a good way to keep out unwanted guests,"
"Well, yes, but what if someone like us were coming along and they didn't know that they were to look for the second oak?" Miryanna put in.
Roric shrugged, "That's why they always make sure to either give explicit instructions or send someone with who already knows the way,"
Miryanna nodded, but she still wasn't entirely convinced. Just then, she saw a flash of something pale. She snapped her head around and could've sworn she'd seen a lock of hair before it'd disappeared. She shook her head. He was getting fed up with these "Gnomes". If they wanted to be seen, why couldn't they just step out and introduce themselves instead of teasing her constantly.
because they're gnomes that's how they work
She instead concentrated on the scenery around her. It was early autumn by now, but the trees hadn't started turning colors yet, so it was still as green as midsummer. The sun shone brilliantly through the leaves, giving their surroundings a warm green glow. The sun was hot and got in their eyes during the afternoon when they stopped to eat lunch, but when it got to be evening, the green glow started to shift to gold and the waters of the river Iphnion were stained golden red by the evening sun.
"Are we almost there?" Miryanna complained, "You said we'd be there by early evening and it's early evening now,"
Roric grinned, "Yes, we're almost there," He pointed forward to a small dead oak tree by the banks of the river. "Yonder oak tree is where we cross,"
"Oh, good. I'm anxious to meet new people," She said excitedly.
"Judging by the tone of your voice, I think you meant eager, rather than anxious," Andarin commented.
"Oh, well, I guess so," Miryanna replied sarcastically, then grinned.
Andarin grinned back.
They soon reached the oak tree and forded the river. They got across with no dilemma and Roric led the rest of the way to the base. They'd almost reached it when a great black panther stepped across the path.
Miryanna almost screamed ad Andarin drew his rapier, but Roric didn't seem at all alarmed by it's appearance. The panther also didn't do anything to attack them or threaten them, just stood there, watching them. After a moment of this strange silence, the panther flicked its tail and turned around.
To both Andarin and Miryanna's amazement, Roric followed it. Puzzled, but trusting, they followed it also. It led them through the woods and to a clearing where a bear and a wolf sat, waiting. Miryanna and Andarin were again startled and a little frightened, but Roric seemed to have no problem with the dangerous animals. What also frightened them was that the animals weren't acting like they typically did. The wolf, bear, and panther weren't baring their teeth or growling, or even making any threatening movements at all. Miryanna and Andarin were starting to wonder if they'd strayed into some sort of dream or hallucination, for it was eerily silent in the broad sunlight. There were few bird calls and the wind had stilled.
good animals frens
They all stood and sat in silence, neither Miryanna or Andarin wanting to break the spell, even though they were bursting with questions.
Suddenly, they felt the touch of a cool breeze on their faces and a hawk flew in with it. It was a majestic creature and it perched on the back of the bear. Then, another person joined them.
It was a little girl. She came out from the trees and stood among the animals. Miryanna wondered that they didn't tear her apart. She had long brown hair that reached down to her slender hips, and dark eyes that looked strangely like Roric's. She was clad in a simple shift made of brown fabric that blended in quite nicely with the bear's fur. Her dark eyes lit up with delight when she saw Roric.
ah, sketchy children. everyone's favorite
He dismounted and she ran into his arms, crying a greeting.
Now Miryanna and Andarin were really confused. Roric had never seemed a very approachable person, and both of them had kind of assumed that he had no family, but here was this girl and they appeared to be very familiar with each other.
Roric stood up, his arm still around the girl's shoulder, "Andarin, Miry, allow me to introduce, Yanev, my half-sister," He said, indicating the girl. "Yanev, these are my friends, Andarin and Miryanna," He gestured to the two of them, still mounted, their mouths only slightly gaping.
Miryanna was the first to speak. "Hello, Yanev, I'm Miryanna, but you can just call me Miry," She turned to Andarin, queuing him to introduce himself.
"I--uh--I'm Andarin. It's a pleasure to meet you," He stuttered out.
Yanev smiled shyly, then turned back to Roric, "Caderik's waiting for you," She started off in the direction of the woods. Roric mounted and followed her. Miryanna and Andarin both took this opportunity to ask Roric their questions.
"You never told me you had a sister," Andarin said with a note of incredulous in his voice.
Roric just shrugged, "It never seemed relevant,"
Andarin huffed, "It's still nice to know about your companions and friends,"
"And what's with theses animals?" Miryanna cut in, "I'm not saying I'm an expert on animals, but their behavior is not natural,"
Roric just shrugged again, "My sister has some interesting abilities with animals,"
sike yanev is acctually koda koji
"More detail, please," Miryanna insisted.
Roric sighed, "What, do you want me to tell you my entire family history?"
"If that would explain the recent events, then yes. Please do,"
yisss tragic backstory time
Roric sighed again, "Well, Yanev's mother was of the Empire, and you both know that sometimes the Amanis can posses some strange traits. Yanev inherited these traits."
"But you said she was your half-sister," Andarin asked.
Roric nodded, "Yes, we share the same father, but her mother was Amani, and mine was Terinnian."
"So... I'm confused," Andarin trailed off.
Roric pursed his lips, hesitant to go on. "My father was a drunk, and my mother died of beatings and sickness," He said with obvious scorn. "I ran away, and my father found another woman, an Amani. Neither of them wanted Yanev when she was born, so they gave her to another family. I didn't know of her existence till she was was almost one. Her foster family tracked me down. They told me about her, but I didn't care at that point. I had joined a band of ruffians and scallywags and was still angry at my parents. It was much later, only about three years ago now, that she and I found each other. I brought her to the camp in the mountains and here she has remained." He finished with his story.
Both Miryanna and Andarin were speechless at this revelation. Neither of them had known much about Roric beforehand, even Andarin. Andarin had known that Roric used to be apart of a band of ruffinas, but had known nothing about a younger sister, or anything about his family.
By now, they'd reached the base. Yanev bid them farewell and disappeared back into the woods in the direction from whence they'd come.
"Where's she going?" Andarin asked.
"She's a 'guardian' of sorts of this camp. Her and her animals friends." He explained.
and would you guess what else? i don't do her justice, that's what
Before any of them had a chance to say more, a figure came out to greet them.
"Ah, Roric, you've arrived." He said.
Miryanna recognized him from when she was initiated. He looked to be around the same age as Alarick, middle aged. He had close cropped blond hair and a hawkish nose. Bright blue eyes twinkled beneath rather bushy eyebrows. "And Andarin, and Miryanna," He greeted the other two.
They had all dismounted by this time and Caderik had shaken all their hands.
"Welcome to our ever-so-humble abode," He held out his arms in a wide gesture, indicating the camp around him.
It didn't look too impressive. Just a few tents and some people milling about. Some had gathered to see the newcomers and Miryanna was feeling a little self conscious. She was also left feeling unimpressed and perhaps disappointed by what looked to be a very small camp. Andarin looked the same way.
Caderik noticed their blank expressions and laughed, "Don't worry, my friends, this isn't the entire camp. Most of it is inside the caves," He jerked a thumb behind his to the mountain.
finally it gets even less boring
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