Chapter ~ 13
Light. Illuminating rays of sunlight pass through the cracks of your curtain as you sigh, you were already awake, your sleep schedule completely ruined to the point where you'd barely be able to even sleep a wink at night. However, for some reason this warmth shrouds your being, calming your senses as you move your hands, rotating the heat across your arms before-
"It's morning time wakey wakey" Yojin sings before ripping the curtains apart, your eyes blind at the sight of the once serene and calming specs of sunlight as you cover your face in horror "I was awake" you cry as she passes you a skeptical look "you have training today you need to get up and eat breakfast" she advises as you sigh.
Reaching out you grab your phone only to realise that it's today, today's finally the day it all begins, the day where you can finally start sleeping again. Your first mission is about to come to an end, a way in which the crimes of the organisation can finally be put on display. You don't know how big of an impact it can make, but just reaching out to some of the good guys may make some sort of a difference.
You've been out all night for the past few weeks sending codes to various people in hopes that by tomorrow somebody will have already decoded them and decided to overlook the teeny weeny fact that you were a rogue agent and pay attention to you.
Obviously this isn't the only mission you'll have to complete, but for now it feels good to know that you can relax for a while at least. Getting ready, you lock your things up mumbling a goodbye as you leave for practice after breakfast.
Basketball training finally came to an end for you, to say you were exhausted was an understatement especially since for some reason a certain pair of boys decided to give you training after your sports session ended. 'It'll be fun' Seokjin said 'we'll only be here for a little while' he said 'we're not going until Yoongi makes five shots' he also said, not wanting to incur his wrath however, your poor soul decided to stay only wishing that the cheeky snow haired bastard would stop throwing the ball whilst his ass was still glued to the floor.
It was a miracle you made it out alive, sighing to yourself you practically limp your way towards the showers, the changing rooms completely empty because of how late you stayed.
The serene feeling of hot water pouring over your body overcomes your senses as you hum in relief, your muscles unwinding as the liquid trickles down the length of your skin. Your long shower finally comes to an end when you notice your fingers wrinkling from the water and you're just about leave the stall when- "hurry up and hit the showers" you hear a rather masculine voice yell.
Your whole body stops moving for a few seconds, slapping your ears you pray that it was just your imagination, that is before you see a pair of legs enter the stall next to yours, a pair of male legs specifically
Fuck, you curse to yourself as you comprehend your situation. How did you even manage to make it into the wrong changing rooms? The situation is almost so absurd it's laughable 'look there's that clown again, let's point and laugh' is what you'd say to someone in this situation.
"At least I've still got my clothes on" you mumble quietly. You almost start crying hysterically before some logical thought springs into your head, 'they all have to leave eventually right?'
Wrong. At least three hours pass by as you continue to slam your ear against the door praying that they'd leave soon. Eventually, when no legs are seen and no voices are heard you decide to take your only chance at exiting, the girl's room is only a door away. 'You can make it' you tell yourself before unlocking the stall.
Lunging yourself out the door you find your whole body paralysing when your head lands on somebody's firm naked chest "n-naked?" You stutter before looking down, two fingers firmly push against your forehead as your captor looks down at you with a ludicrous stare "my eyes are up here" Jungkook remarks as you stare at him blankly whilst sighing out of relief on seeing that he's at least wearing some underwear.
The sound of feet shuffling towards the door makes you all too aware as you forcefully haul Jungkook inside with you "and you don't think this is suspicious" he snaps whilst pointing at your feet. "What are you doing here anyway?" He questions as you respond by shushing him, your only concern right now is that instead of two there are now four legs in one stall "hey, get on my shoulders" you snap receiving a questioning stare in return "well what's your great idea then?" You snarl.
"Why should I help you" Jungkook raises a brow whilst passing you a skeptical look "I'll owe you one" you plead, he thinks for a while before a menacing look crosses his face. "Deal" he grins before hoisting you onto his hips. An involuntary squeak escapes your lips as he instinctively covers your mouth with his abnormally large hand.
"You okay in there?" You hear a voice question, Jungkook stares at you for a moment, a playful gleam lighting his eye, he could just as easily expose you however he decides against it when you smack his hand off your mouth with a glare.
"Yeah, just hit my head on the shower" he responds as you sigh out of relief, his mischievous smirk however doesn't falter. A dark mist clouds the raven haired male's eyes as you stare back as if you're stuck in a trance. Scared of falling, your palms instinctively place themselves on the older male's chest, your legs tightening around his hips as his whole being tenses underneath your touch.
Jungkook leans closer into your warmth causing your back to hit the wall of the cubicle, his breath hitting the base of your ear as you squirm "you know, I might just redeem that offer now", his voice sings through your ear silkily as you muster up the courage to speak "and what is it you want?" You question stupidly. Jungkook can barely contain his grin as he looks back at you to answer, his intense stare unwavering as he replies,
The room finally clears, you can sense the emptiness of the place but for some reason neither of you move from your positions and that's when it hits you, the only reason you're here is because of Seokjin who made you stay till late and informed you that the room was the first on the left, the perfect excuses for you to be stuck for a couple of hours at least whilst they plot something behind your back. You look up at the doe eyed man, blood boiling as you realise that he's in on this too "you, you're a -
a decoy."
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