V19 - Chapter 228
"The Italian-led siege of the Jaslo Mountains. The Dwarven Kingdom of Jaslo. As a key supplier of materials, Rondel used to forge enchanted tools and weapons; and having the strategic location guarding over the crossroads town of Populis, NATO was forced to lay siege to the kingdom.
With US forces engaged on other fronts, the Italians took the lead of the operation, successfully containing the dwarves in the mountains. The plan was to move in to flush the dwarves out of their underground fortresses however with the sudden infection outbreak to the east, local NATO forces were forced to call off the operation and redirect their focus. However, they were able to maintain a siege to prevent Jaslo forces from taking the offensive.
With the Battle of Rondel concluded and General Pepreos and the 14th Legion defected. Empress Pina Co Lada forces agreed to help resolve the conflict with the Jaslo Kingdom. After two weeks of negotiations, the General convinced them to withdraw from the League and remain within their borders until the war is over." - Free Alnus News
--- Fort Minick, Alcatris Region ---
Date: July 20th, 2026
Glancing toward the growing town of Alnus in the distance, Sharpe reflected on the short time being here. What felt like a decade, only a year and a half ago, when he and his Rangers first arrived in these lands. The ground below was once a significant battle that the Empire and its allies tried to contest.
What was just grassland with signs of battle now had grown into a small City-State compared to Italica. With a few more years of growth expected, the town will replace Valtris as the largest city in Alcatris.
Hearing another shot, Sharpe looked down at his daughter, Selina, as she laid on the ground holding an M4 rifle, looking through the scope. Having some rare free time on base, he decided to take her out to the shooting range for some father-daughter time alone.
Downrange, Selina missed the target, this being the day's theme. However, he believed she had earned the right to be taught how a rifle worked. She had grown decent with the sidearm.
"Sorry, dad," Selina said.
"It is okay, Princess," Sharpe replied. "This is why we are here. You need to stop fighting the rifle. Treat it right, and it will treat you right."
"Just like a woman," Selina replied with a smirk.
Looking directly toward her, shocked by the comment, Sharpe said, "Where did you hear that?"
Selina looked toward him and replied, "I think you said it when joking with Rory."
Wanting to respond, Sharpe stopped and remembered there was a good chance he made a joke like that. Realizing that he would get in trouble with his wife, he said, "Don't joke like that around your mother, and don't tell her I said that."
"Or?" Selina replied with a grin.
"You spend too much time with Rory," Sharpe said. "I will buy you ice cream. Do you accept the bribe?"
Looking back down-range, Selina started to hum a joyful song. After a moment, teasing her father, she said, "I accept the bribe. But it needs to be three flavors and maybe a puppy."
"Don't push it, you already have a griffon."
Selina giggled before accepting. "Deal."
Sharpe watched his daughter drive around the tar mat as it was a slow day on base. As expected, there had been many zigzagging and random stops as she figured out the balance.
"How is school?" Sharpe asked.
"It is fine," Selina replied. "People keep asking me questions. Many wanted to know what it was like in Rondel."
"That is because they see you as the head of the class," Sharpe replied. "And not because your mother is the teacher. Just always remember, you have a large sway over your classmates. Don't abuse it."
"I don't, father," Selina replied. "But they want me to talk about how I felt about killing that man."
Glancing toward her, Sharpe debated in his head on the meaning of the topic. He was relieved that his daughter was comfortable bringing up major topics like that. What concerned him was that she was too comfortable with the kill. Selina had experienced hardship so she was more prepared compared to other girls her age.
Based on Selina's facial expression, her taking a life has shown no major difference in her demeanor. Sharpe calmly said, "It was a big moment. Everyone is happy for you, saving all those people. Own the kill, but don't brag about it."
"Even if he was a bastard?" Selina asked.
"Yes," Sharpe said. "That man was evil. But always remember why you did what you did. If you want to follow in my footsteps, you need to understand the difference between killing someone because you hate them or because you had to."
"I think I understand father," Selina replied.
--- DARPA facility, Fort Alnus —
With the number of bright lights coming from all directions, Arpeggio could not believe what she was witnessing. Outside, this facility looked like a boring and unimagined design, nothing like how her younger sister described Earth cities. However, once inside, the differences were made clear.
Every corner was lit. Lights coming from every direction. The ceiling from long strips, wall lights. Even from small devices, Lelei called a screen. "This must be the electricity she was talking about."
"You look like a kid at a candy store," Hao said.
Looking to the approaching soldier, with the name tag that read Sergeant First Class Hao. "I am sorry? I am neither a child nor do I know what candy is."
"Then we are going to have to fix that," Hao said with a laugh. He then looked over to Flat, confused. "Does he need a hand with that? We have carts."
Turning to her new boyfriend Flat, the crazy astronomer whose theories of the solar system of Uros turned out to be fact. He was there, struggling to stand as he carried a few dozen books. Looking back to the American, she giggled and said, "not at all. My sister told me I should read up on some material. He is just helping me carry them."
"Cart would be lovely," Flat mumbled.
With the introductions finished, Hao escorted them into the main research facility. The first thing Arpeggio noticed were more terminals, a clean floor, and tables. The setup reminded her of the classrooms at Rondel but littered with many wonders.
"Wow, never in my life have I been able to work in such an advanced place like this. All this equipment and facilities far surpass anything in Rondel. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to work here, Master Herena," Arpeggio bowed toward Herena as she marveled at her new place of employment in Alnus.
"Well, your sister had recommended to us a lot about your alchemy skills," Herena said. "Especially with the magical airburst bullets you made back in Rondel so we could use a great helping hand in our magical research and development projects."
"The salary and benefits offered by us will be substantial enough that you can quit your side job of recording books," Sergeant First Class Hao added. "Now you can focus entirely on your true profession as an alchemist and magical researcher."
Hearing the word benefit, Arpeggio turned bright red and slapped Hao across the face, remembering all the times her stepfather Cato spent with his female assistants, using a similar word. "How dare you."
Hao placed his hand on his cheek, confused. "That hurt. What was that for?"
"She thought you wanted to sleep with her," Flat said as he turned to face Arpeggio. "I highly doubt he meant that."
"What? Hao stated, stunned. "I would get shot. I just meant you get healthcare and such."
With the realization of her mistakes, she quickly covered her mouth and mumbled, "please don't fire or curse at me. I am so sorry."
"Do not be sorry Arpeggio," Herena said, laughing. "He probably did something to deserve it. I will explain to you what benefits and salary are later."
"With that misunderstanding clear, this is where you will work," Hao said, still rubbing his cheek. "Herena, here will be your boss. These facilities here are for you and your research regarding enchantment and alchemy."
"That's great! No more worrying about making ends meet!" Arpeggio said, breaking a tear. The memories of being barely able to feed herself fading away with this newfound security. "While working here maybe you can teach me some magical field back on Earth and maybe some of your magic."
"That would be great to do," Herena said. "But, I would like to ask how your sister is doing? I heard something terrible happened in Rondel? Is she ok? She was a sweet thing when I met her."
With the memory of Cato's death, and remembering crying with her sister. Lelei was too young to remember much about their life in the tribe except for their father's strict rule and hatred over them. Being taken in by Cato and Mimoza, made them her sister's first family. "She is ok. She is taking time away to sort some things out."
"I am sorry to hear that," Herena said. "Well, she is welcome here if she wishes. But first, let's get you settled."
--- CIA Headquarter, Fort Alnus ---
"I really hate this shock collar."
"Yes, Giselle. We heard you the first five times." Rory glanced away from Giselle, annoyed by her complaining.
"Well, you did not have to live in one of these collars," Giselle replied. "Being shocked after every movement. It is an insult to our kind after all."
"They would not have had to build one of these if it was not for you," Rory replied.
Ignoring Giselle's complaining, Rory approached Frayen. "Can you help her?"
"I do not know." Frayen replied as he concentrated, handheld toward Jasis. "I do not know what the gods have done to her, but this is a powerful spell. This will take time."
During the Battle of Rondel, Jasis of Siflis, the goddess of evil appeared out of nowhere along with two other apostles, Mabel Forn of the god Zufmuut, and Envira of the goddess La, and assisted the Darlko mages in their madness. In the end, NATO only managed to capture Jasis while the other two escaped. It had become clear that the gods were plotting something. The question is, what was it?
"You would think the gods would tell us what is going on," Giselle said. "I mean, I was only under Hardy's orders regarding the Flame Dragons and informing the old Emperor about how he was tricked into triggering a war(1)."
"It is strange how silent the gods are," Rory mumbled. "It has always bothered me that the Gate appeared early and to Earth. The same world twice, only within a time span of two thousand years."
"So the Earth gods told you," Frayen said. "And you two are used to having active gods commanding you. Do not forget our purpose as Apostles."
The Apostles' duty had always been to represent the gods so they don't have to themselves. It was to prevent the gods from waging all-out war against each other. It happened once before with the God of Creation, Uros. He was slain by the other gods for becoming mad, so the legend says.
"They have no reason to lie," Rory replied. "And our historical records line up with what they said."
"This would be easier if Hardy would appear and mention something," Giselle commented.
"If she did, then it could trigger the war they are trying to prevent," Frayen said. "Give me time; I will find a way to free Jasis."
"So, what do we do now in the meantime?" Rory asked. "Sitting around waiting has never been my strength."
"Patience, Rory," Frayen said. "The enemy has already made their move. Now we must study their actions."
"And what actions was that?" Rory asked. "If I recall, Darlko summoned a massive demon that nearly wiped out the most important city on Falmart."
"Correct," Frayen said. "Two thousand years ago, the Gate opened, and a wave of demons came through to conquer our world. As you confirmed with the Earth goddess of love, Aphrodite, and goddess of wisdom, Athena, the Gate changed and connected to Earth, allowing their version of the Empire, which according to Earth records it was was the Roman and Parthian Empire, to arrive here and reinforce the forces of Falmart, aiding in the defeat of them."
"And you think there is a connection?" Giselle asked.
"I can only assume, but the connections are there," Frayen replied. "It always bothered me that you happened to be close by when the Gate opened, Rory. After being away for generations, the Gate appeared right when you came back to Falmart?"
"Ahh..." The words did not form in Rory's mouth as she thought about the question. It did not cross her mind, just enjoying the ride with her new friends and eventually families.
"And you Giselle," Frayen said. "You were told to give Emperor Molt of the Empire a message about how Hardy opened the Gate to punish the Empire for its sins."
"Why are you repeating what I already told you?" Giselle said.
"I always found it puzzling that a goddess or anyone would open the Gate to another world just to embarrass the Empire and bring change," Frayen said. "It is only a theory, but I do not believe that that was the true purpose for the war but a cover to bring in a more powerful force."
The reality of what Frayen said bothered Rory. While she has always been the 'free spirit' type, according to her Ranger friends, Frayen has always been the thinker of the Apostles, and now she sees why.
"Ok, so, something else is at work," Rory said. "Mabel was saying that the gods have rejected 'His will.' It sounded like they were rebelling about some disagreement with someone. I am still wondering who is the one that the gods are disagreeing with."
"I recall them saying that," Giselle said. "What I am worried about are the other Apostles."
With Giselle's point, all Rory could think about was Taylin, somewhere out there in the world. After everything he had done, she still wondered if he was safe. Last she saw of time was during the second time they were at Sadera, freeing the pro-peace faction for Pina. He gave up and fled the Empire war during the fight, which was the last time she saw or heard of him.
"Finding them will be impossible," Rory said. "Most are scattered around Uros, but we will be mindful."
"So what should we do now?" Giselle asked.
"Continue the war," Frayen answered. "Until we know more, there is not much we can do. But I recommend telling General Stanford and having him start searching outside the current battlegrounds."
--- Thaluilas, Elies Region ---
Date: July 26, 2026
Looking out from the balcony, Legatus Fabius stared out into the ruined city of Thaluilas. One of the last elvish cities ruled by the elves. As part of their allegiance during the Imperial expansions centuries ago, they signed an alliance agreement. Loyalty to the Empire and they shall remain in control of their city.
"I am glad to get out of the mud for once," Lartia said as she walked over with a cup of wine. "Please take it; you need to drink something."
Fabius grabbed the cup of wine, even though he was not thirsty, looking forward to his loving wife. "Thank you."
Smiling, Lartia looked out at the ruined city and said, "I remember us coming here. It was so beautiful. The elves, while they hunted my people, I always admired their structures. They always knew how to create something that blended into the world."
"They always did," Fabius replied.
"Too bad it is all gone now," Lartia commented while glancing around the city. Important buildings in the city, such as the treasuries and soldier barracks, were bombed by NATO airpower. The rest were either ransacked or destroyed in the riots by the disgruntled citizens of the city due to the duke's insistence to stay loyal to the Empire despite the war not going in their favor. Now, the majority of the citizens have fled the city, leaving only citizens with either no relatives in other cities or do not have enough funds to relocate. Structures that were once glowing with the Flare's reflection are now caved in. The once clean and colorful streets now looked like Akusho of Sadera. "I wonder if the other cities are like this."
"I believe you already know the answer to that," Albon said as he entered the room. "From what I understand, you fought in the capital."
Looking toward the elf, Fabius couldn't help but feel anger. "What are you doing here?"
"I see I have dishonored myself to the point you refuse to use my name." Albon approached, stopping at the other end of the balcony, leaning against the rail. "I understand. The truth is, I wished I died out there."
"You did have all the opportunity," Fabius quickly retorted. He felt his wife's hand on his arm, warning him to calm down.
"What brought you here my lord," Lartia asked, trying to move the conversation along.
As Albon leaned in, he couldn't help himself from chuckling. "There was a time when I would have struck down or found offense of a Neko speaking to me. Now, I simply do not care anymore." Looking out, admiring the view. "I am here to seek your forgiveness and request your support."
The gall of this man infuriated Fabius. After everything that had happened, Albon wanted forgiveness. "You forced me to sacrifice thousands of my men to save yours. I have been standing here praying to the gods that some of them were captured or escaped."
"You are an honorable man, Fabius," Albon said. "I know before you came to save us while your staff was debating on surrendering. While reflecting, I am convinced your Oprichnina friend planned that battle to prevent your surrender."
The same thought crossed Fabius' mind. The Oprichnina already slaughtered Krysist's Legions because of his plot to overthrow the Empire. It was one of the reasons why he remained in command, to help protect the men from the Oprichnina wrath.
"That is a thought we agree on. Now I fear that that option is gone. Even now, the enemy is pressing their advantage against the south. Now that I have no more men there, there is nothing stopping the enemy now from pushing straight here."
"Rumor has it that the enemy is now placing the League leadership on trial. My agents learned the ones who remained loyal to the Empire and caused the destruction at Rondel might face execution."
Hearing the news, Fabius held his wife tight and said, "If that is my fate, then it is my fate."
Lartia could see that those words weren't easy to say, more so with his wife standing right next to him. Not that it was any easier for her, she tried to move the conversation along to see what Albon really came here to talk about. "Excuse me, but you said you had an offer?" Lartia asked.
"I did," Albon replied. "The truth is that the Seckin Sanctum never wanted to go to war. Our spies recorded the devastation the Empire was facing and realized it would have been a suicidal move to join the war on your side. Personally, I wanted the Ticaret to stay neutral. The only reason we supported it was because all but one House, the Atlins, voted for war. We were always the one that maintained order within the Ticaret Conglomerate, and going against that strong of a vote would have triggered a civil war."
"Your point is?" Fabius asked.
"My point is, after what has happened here and other events, the Seckin Sanctum wants a way out of this war. I want a way out of this war, and I think I know how," Albon said. "What we need is the approval of this new Empress of the Republic everyone is talking about."
"Empress? You cannot mean Princess Pina from Sadera?" Fabius had heard enough. It has become clear that bloodline has led the once honorable Empire to ruin. The last he wants is another member of that bloodline. "I am not trading one of Molt's kids for another."
"You say that, but if my sources are correct, your former leader chose her to replace Zorzal," Albon pointed out. "It makes me wonder, if we have something to offer, this new Empress and her allies might forgive us and let us go home."
"And what could that possibly be?" Fabius asked.
Tapping on the railing, Albon said, "I received word from Azariah Galen, the head of my order. Apparently, one of Gummus' many sons found a friend of yours west of here. The man who defied the Dark Races, the Empire, and this unstoppable enemy. The Gladiator General."
It took a moment for those words to settle in Fabius' mind. "How is this possible? I thought Herm killed him alongside Pelue Muilk? Oh, wait! Of course, there is no way that pathetic excuse of a general could kill someone like him even if he was injured! That coward bastard has been lying to the teeth the whole time."
"I do not know the details," Albon said. "All I know is that the head of the Seckin would not have sent me this information for nothing. All I can assume is that they will take your former general to Sadera, to Zorzal. He is in my country right now, but I do not know for how long."
Realizing this could change everything, Fabius carefully considered his options. "If we are going to do this, we will have to be careful. I think we-."
Hearing the doors explode open, they all turned around to look. Two elven mages marched through, and behind them were dozens of Ticerat soldiers, Oprichnina agents, and Thaluilas Knights. Among them was the Oprichnina leader Katsuo and Gagnog Sand Shield.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Fabius demanded.
"The meaning of this?" Katsuo replied. "Both of you are under arrest for treason."
"Treason?!" Albon responded in a confused manner. "What would create that conclusion?"
"Is it not obvious?" Katsuo said. "Legatus Fabius Aulus is responsible for the defeat at the Becwood Forest, allowing thousands of our men to die. He allowed our allies to go off into battle alone, under-prepared. And most importantly, he plotted to surrender these lands and our allies, the Thaluilas, to the enemy."
Hearing Katsuo's accusations, Fabius' eyes went wide. Not because he was surprised by the accusations, but because all the dots in his head finally connected. Fabius finally realized Katsuo's objective in sending the Ticaret forces to a suicidal move. This was the result of Fabius' decision to help the Ticaret forces. Even if he decided not to, Katsuo would still have enough justification to accuse him of leaving, if not sending, the Ticaret forces to their death and saving his own skin. In the end, it would be checkmate.
"It is over Katsuo!" Fabius said. "Even you must see how pointless it all is. We cannot continue!"
"And why are you with the Leonoids, Gagnog?" Albon asked.
"I've struck a deal with Katsuo and the Oprichnina," Gagnog boldly replied.
"Gagnog Sand Shield will be taking command of all League armies in the region as agreed upon. Officially replacing you, former Legatus Fabius." Katsuo replied.
Both Fabius' and Albon's eyes went wide hearing Katsuo's and Gagnog's deal. It would have been one thing if Katsuo elected someone from Oprichnina, but Gagnog? The proposition was ridiculous for both Fabius and Albon.
"You are mad, Katsuo!" Fabius protested. "Electing this mad dog to lead an army. OUR army against NATO?! What are you expecting out of him? Ordering all of our men to charge against them?"
"And what are you thinking, Gagnog?!" Albon yelled. "Cutting a deal with this bastard? He was the one who told us that it was okay to charge at NATO! Many of our men died pointlessly because of him! YOU almost died because of him!"
"I'M NOT DONE YET!" Gagnog yelled, catching Albon and Fabius off guard.
"I know... I know this bastard tricked me into charging at NATO, leading my men and I into their trap." Gagnog continued, but his voice was starting to shake. "B-but, it's not over yet! I-I-... I can do it! I know I can beat those blasted Other Worlders! I have seen how they fight, now! I-I just need more men! More weapons! Give me six weeks, and I'll kick all of those Other Worlders away from Elies!"
Fabius, Lartia, and Albon were standing there, baffled after listening to Gagnog's outburst. All three of them, even Lartia, who did not have a military or political background, could see that Gagnog was being driven by his pride and greed, not willing to accept his defeat. The way he spoke loudly was his way to hide his cowardice and uncertainty. Without saying a single word to each other, all three of them came to the conclusion that if Gagnog gets the position of the leader, many more people will die pointlessly.
"By the gods," Fabius mumbled. "You're insane, both of you. I knew those thick heads of yours will bite us in the back someday, but this is preposterous!"
"Damn you! Both of you!" Albon yelled. "If you think that I will let both of you mindlessly send more men, Ticaret men, to their deaths, you have got another thing coming! Do you hear me?!"
"The Empire has overcome all threats! This will be our greatest moment. And Gagnog here." Katsuo said while patting Gagnog's shoulder. "He has the will to overcome this challenge. He may not be from the Empire. He may have been the traditional enemy of the Empire. But he has more will to lead the League's men to victory than you ever will, former Legatus."
"Every army needs a leader who has the will! The will to drive all of his men forward to victory!" Katsuo said while letting Gagnog's shoulder go and spreading his arms before continuing his speech. "And when that is set, what we must do next is purge the traitors to make sure that everyone could do their jobs seamlessly, and the gods will come to save us."
"And what about me?" Albon interrupted. "I have faithfully served the Sekin Sanctum for over one hundred and twenty years. Do you honestly think that my men and the Sanctum will easily trust your words, an agent of our traditional enemy, that I betrayed the league?!"
Fabius silently agreed to Albon's point. Among the Ticaret forces leaders, Fabius could easily tell that Albon was the one who cared about his men the most. His talk with Albon just before cemented this. But right now, Fabius couldn't help but think that his question was merely to confirm Albon's suspicion with Katsuo.
Fabius then awakened from his thoughts when he heard Katsuo chuckle. "You are a sharp man, Albon. But do not worry, I have it all prepared. The Other Worlders are quite confident with their airpower, it seems. They use it on almost every occasion they could get. Even this city does not escape their wrath."
"What are you saying?" Fabius asked.
"Sir Albon Dac Kalv, he was an honorable man." Katsuo said, while both Albon and Fabius quickly picked up the past tense that Katsuo used. "He bravely sent his men to safety after the doomed attack on Becwood forest, and tragically lost his life to the bombings by NATO aircraft in the process." As if on cue, a mage walked up to Katsuo's side after he was finished while summoning a fireball on his hand, hinting at what he was going to do to Albon.
Fabius and the rest understood it fully. By faking his death, it would be easier for Katsuo and Gagnog to take control of Albon's men while minimizing the risk of revolt, instead of simply purging them and losing them in the end. The Sekin Sanctum would also be more likely to accept it, and they would likely not pursue the fact too much.
"Now, I believe I have kept you all waiting for too long with this idle chat." Katsuo said while pointing towards Fabius before giving his order to his men. "Guards, seize them!"
"I do not think so!", Albon stated as he cast a wall of sharp ice spikes that protruded from the ground between him and Fabius from the guards, Katsuo and Gagnog, preventing them from coming closer.
Seeing only moments to respond, Fabius looked to his wife. "Run now. Get out of here. Go to my camp, and find the officers. Tell them 'The poplar tree is torn thanks to the monsoon'. They will know what that means and what to do. They will gather horses for you and themselves so you all can escape to NATO. Stay close to them, but do not hesitate to leave or even kill them the moment you notice something suspicious. Get to the enemy lines before it is too late. Tell NATO everything you know."
Seeing no time for a conversation or tolerating his wife's loyalty to stay with him, he grabbed her and pushed her over the edge of the balcony. Being a Neko, he knew her feline body enabled her to safely jump down from a high balcony and outrun her pursuers on four limbs.
"Find Pina! GO!"
Lartia heard Fabius as she landed on the roof of the building just next to them, a couple of stories down. She could hear various sounds of battle coming from the room where Fabius was in, from blades clashing to magical explosions thanks to her sensitive Neko ears. But she couldn't even afford to turn around and check if her husband was fine as she heard the order to pursue her was being shouted. She kept on running while fighting the urge to cry and worry for the well-being of her husband.
'Dear, please stay safe' Lartia prayed in her heart as she made her way towards Fabius' camp on all four.
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