Chapter 38
"Can't believe V's gay."
"Half gay, but still."
"He's probably just experimenting."
"Yeah. Him and Jungkook? I mean, that's just weird."
"Yeah. Jungkook probably did some voodoo shit to turn him gay."
Jimin scoffed, walking alongside Jungkook. "We can hear you, y'know!" Jimin snapped and one of the guys turned from where he was talking to all his friends and laughed.
"Fuck off, you queers." The guy spat and his friend started laughing. Jimin rolled his eyes and Jungkook just sighed, biting the inside of his cheek.
"Ignore it, Jimin. I really don't care. C'mon, let's get to the food hall." Jungkook said. Jimin pressed his lips together and followed Jungkook to the food hall.
It was currently Saturday and this was exactly what Jungkook was dreading. Having to see everyone, and probably hear all the nasty shit everyone bottled up when Taehyung came out. Ugh.
Jungkook was used to it.. kind of. Either way, he learned how to not let it bother him. What scared him was.. how would Taehyung react?
He's scared that Taehyung's going to hear all the shit everyone has to say and become afraid again. Let his cocky hard-headed fuckboy 'straight' self take over again. Wouldn't be the first time!
Jungkook walked into the food hall with Jimin and the two of them saw their friends sitting around a table, all talkinng. They walked over and both of them sat down, Jungkook feeling apprehensive.
"Hey guys." Jimin said and all the boys turned to him. They saw him and then turned to Jungkook. Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi stared at Jungkook with eyes that were clearly confused as fuck and looking for an answer. Jin looked a little confused too, but at least he wasn't outright about it.
"So.." Jungkook trailed, an awkward silence falling upon the table. "What's new?"
Jin scoffed. "You should know. It's the only thing people have been talking about." Jin said and then Jungkook turned a little pink.
"I.. have no clue what-" Jungkook started and Yoongi slammed his hand onto the table, startling Jungkook.
"Stop pretending like nothing happened, Jungkook. You know damn well what we're talking about-" Yoongi snapped and Jungkook looked at them with hesitation, eyes a little big.
"Yoongi-" Jimin tried, but Yoongi glared at him, shutting him up.
"We wanna know what the fuck is going on." Yoongi said and Jungkook felt his stomach tightening.
"I-I don't-" Jungkook started and then suddenly he heard as the commotion in the food hall went down, at least around him.
Everyone's eyes went to the door, and so did everyone from their table. Everyone's eyes were on V. Kim Taehyung. Because, shit, everyone still had SO many questions.
Jungkook saw Taehyung, hair neatly pulled back in a black headband, loose grey t-shirt hung around his neck, along with black sweats. He was so rugged and handsome, fuck-
Taehyung could feel the eyes on him, but just ignored it, walking over to where his boy was sitting with the rest of his friends. He could see the furrowed brows and clenched jaws, but what his eyes went to were how timid Jungkook looked.
Jungkook instantly shot up from his seat before Taehyung could come up to him. "I'm going to go get some food." Jungkook said quickly and rushed towards the buffet, leaving a confused Taehyung.
Taehyung walked over to the table, wondering why Jungkook ran off. He trailed his eyes from Jungkook to the boys sitting at the table and sat down on the empty seat beside where Jungkook was sitting.
"Sup." Taehyung said normally and Jin just sighed, finding this whole ordeal rather amusing than anything else.
Hoseok tilted his head, cocking his eyebrow. Taehyung looked at him, mimicking his expression and making Hoseok roll his eyes.
"Well?" Namjoon said and Taehyung snickered.
"Well what?"
"Well, are you going to explain to us what happened at the dance yesterday? Was it legit or was it some kind of a prank?" Yoongi asked and Taehyung snickered. He then grabbed a half eaten muffin on Hoseok's plate.
"Nah." Taehyung said, taking a bite of the muffin and pissing Hoseok off further. "I'm into guys."
Jimin giggled lightly and Hoseok scoffed. "Since-since when?!"
"Since, like, ever I guess. Just found out about it recently, though. What is in this muffin? It's good." Taehyung asked, looking at the muffin in awe, as if the most important conversation wasn't taking place.
"But- w-wait- and you and Jungkook are.. like.. together? Like a.. couple? Or is it like an experimental thing?" Namjoon asked, all of their eyes glued on Taehyung, who took a bite of the muffin again, being totally nonchalant.
"No, it's legit. We're dating. This fucking muffin- I can't tell if it has blueberries or cranberries," Taehyung said and he could see how irked Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon looked.
It was fun. Pushing their buttons, seeing how pissed and confused they look.
"Blueberries." Jin said, snickering. Taehyung looked at him and hummed.
"Thought so. Love blueberries." Taehyung said and Jimin grinned, trying hard not to laugh.
"Same. Though I prefer raspberries." Jimin said, going with Taehyung's flow. Taehyung turned to him, gasping.
"Really? I actually really like blackberries-" Taehyung started, and then heard the loudest groan.
"Oh my god, shut the fuck up. V, you're going to explain to us whatever this-this dating thing is. You're half gay? Dating Jungkook, of all the people? You guys used to hate each other!" Hoseok said and Taehyung finally looked at him, placing the muffin down.
"Love changes you I guess," Taehyung winked and Namjoon rubbed his face with his hands, groaning into them.
"Can you just give us a straight answer?" Yoongi snapped and Taehyung smirked.
"Kinda hard to give you a straight answer when I'm not," Taehyung said and Jimin started laughing loudly, practically falling off his seat.
"Jesus Christ-" Yoongi grumbled and then Taehyung's smirk transformed into a fonder smile when he saw Jungkook with a carton of banana milk and an apple, walking over to the table.
Jungkook saw how annoyed Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon looked and felt the lump in his throat get bigger.
Jungkook felt a little hesitant, kind of wanting to run out of the cafeteria and drink his banana milk alone. But then he saw Taehyung give him a look, one which made Jungkook feel a lot more comfortable.
"Com'ere, Kooks." Taehyung said, patting the seat beside him. The guys all looked at Jungkook, who shyly walked over to the seat and sat down, placing his apple and small carton of milk onto the table.
He felt Taehyung's large hand on his back and it eased him- a lot. "You should have taken the blueberry muffin. It's so good. Isn't it, Jin?" Taehyung asked and Jin hummed.
"Mhm, it's great," Jin said and Jungkook felt a lot more relaxed at knowing that Jin wasn't that bothered. Jungkook gave Taehyung a small smile.
"I'll try it later," Jungkook squeaked and Taehyung gave him a big smile, trying to lighten his mood. Taehyung could tell Jungkook was a little nervous and stressed out by this whole 'coming out to your friends as a couple' thing.
Taehyung didn't want his Kookie to be sad. Ever. He reached forward and booped Jungkook's nose with his finger.
Suddenly, Taehyung heard a disgusted ugh from the table behind him.
"Can you guys do that gay... couple stuff in private. It's really.. weird." A guy from the table behind said, looking disgusted.
Taehyung turned to him slowly, eyes darkened. The boy was some kid from their grade, who wouldn't have ever spoken up to Taehyung before. So why now?
"Fuck did you just say?" Taehyung growled and the guy suddenly paled, his eyes showing complete utter regret.
"N-nothing, I mean- nothing, sorry-"
"You better be fucking sorry before I beat you to pulp you ugly-"
"Taehyung." Jungkook said softly and Taehyung showed his middle finger to the guy before turning to Jungkook, face showing clear annoyance.
"Dumb bitch," Taehyung grumbled under his breath and then heard a snicker.
"Glad to know you're not a sissy now," Hoseok mumbled and Taehyung looked at him, eyebrows furrowing. Jungkook tightened his grip on Taehyung's t-shirt, knowing that Taehyung was going to burst.
"What, just because I'm queer I have to be some kind of a pussy who can't stand up for himself? Is that what you're implying, Hoseok?" Taehyung snapped and Hoseok widened his eyes.
"What? No, V, I wasn't-"
"Tae-" Jungkook started and then Taehyung stood up from his chair, making it slam against the ground loudly.
"No, I'm fucking tired of this shit. Yes, me and Jungkook are dating. In fact, we've been together for like, three months now. Nothing about me has changed, except the fact that I'm more open about myself and less of a dick. If you've got a problem with that, then fuck you- I don't need your guys' fucking stamp of approval." Taehyung snapped.
The guys were stunned, trying to take in what Taehyung just said. Taehyung didn't give them any time, he just walked off.
Jungkook sighed, grabbing his banana milk (yeah) and rushing after Taehyung, who was storming off towards the door.
"Taehyung-" Jungkook called and followed him outside the food hall and to the hallways, which were full of people standing by their lockers and stuff.
"Taehyung!" Jungkook said again, his voice wavering. Taehyung turned around and stopped, letting Jungkook run up to him.
"I know, I'm sorry for getting pissed-"
Jungkook wrapped his arms around his neck. That took Taehyung off guard, because he was sure Jungkook would be pissed. Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist, hugging him back.
"I was scared, Tae. I-I thought everyone's opinion would scare you and-and you'd go back to being m-mean, and-"
"Baby," Taehyung let out, pulling away from the hug to look at Jungkook. He lifted Jungkook's chin, looking into his starry eyes.
"I'm not scared. I don't give a shit what people have to say, alright? Stop thinking I'm going to revert to my old habits, because I'm not." Taehyung said and Jungkook smiled a little and then pulled away from the hug, feeling eyes on him.
"Okay. I will. But you need to promise not to get so angry all the time, Tae!" Jungkook said and Taehyung chuckled, pressing a warm kiss to his cheek.
"Sorryyy. They were just pissing me off. People think I'm gonna be unfaithful, or that I'm experimenting, or something like that. I'm not, and I'm scared you'll believe them. I-" Taehyung started, but Jungkook shook his head.
"No I won't! You're my baby," Jungkook stated and Taehyung smiled, eyes crinkling and cheeks tinting.
"That- that's so cute, holy shit. Listen, let's go back in and explain everything to those guys, okay? Don't want them to keep pestering us with questions." Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded.
Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand, intertwining them together. Jungkook giggled shyly, because wow Taehyung's holding my hand! Small little relationship-y things that Taehyung did still drove him insane. It just.. made him so fuckin' happy.
Taehyung turned to Jungkook and saw him sipping on his carton of banana milk, tiny straw fitted between his lips. Taehyung snickered.
"Why didn't you just leave the milk on the table?" Taehyung asked, because clearly Jungkook didn't have his apple with him. Jungkook turned to him and blinked.
"I-I didn't know how long we were gonna be out here.. and I didn't want anyone to steal it. They always run out of banana milk." Jungkook said shyly, making Taehyung's heart explode because of how adorable he was.
"Aw, baby- you're so cute." Taehyung giggled and Jungkook blushed, just making Taehyung kiss his cheek.
"Also, Kook?" Taehyung said, as they walked into the food hall, hand in hand.
"The old V can't come to the phone right now." Taehyung said and Jungkook stopped dead in his tracks, closing his eyes for a second and trying to grasp what Taehyung said.
"Ask me why," Taehyung said, grinning at how fucking done Jungkook looked. Jungkook opened his eyes and gave him a look and Taehyung just grinned wider.
"....Why?" Jungkook mumbled, but he knew what the stupid bitch was going to say-
"Cause he's dead," Taehyung said and then burst into giggles when Jungkook groaned, pushing him away.
"I hate you!" Jungkook said, but he couldn't help but giggle himself. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook by the waist, peppering his cheek with kisses.
"Hmm, I hate you too." Taehyung whispered, hearing Jungkook giggle and elbow him in the stomach lightly. They didn't care that people were looking. They didn't care that some people were looking in disgust, or in confusion, or whatever. They just cared that they were together, and they were happy.
They finally reached their table, where Jimin was standing and all the other boys were looking at him.
"-and then, Chanyeol asked Jungkook out right? That was like a HUGE no-no, but V finally realized he was bi! So, then, V tried to find Jungkook and tell him, but-" Jimin started, all focused and shit, moving his hands like he was giving a damn presentation.
Jimin stopped when he saw Taehyung and Jungkook, giving him odd looks.
"Why'd you stop? Tell us what happened!" Jin snapped and Yoongi nodded, taking a sip of his orange juice.
"Oh my god," Jungkook said softly and Jimin just giggled.
"Yeah, okay- so V saw Jungkook and Chanyeol making out! I know! He was all torn and shit; And then, the dance happened, where Jungkook found Chanyeol making out with Eka!" Jimin said and Hoseok gasped.
"No freaking way! And then?"
"Okay, I would really prefer if you didn't just spew out our entire love life in front of everyone," Jungkook said and Jimin giggled.
"Dude, you should write a book about this." Namjoon told Jimin, who grinned.
"I know right!" Jimin said and then turned to Taehyung and Jungkook.
"Sorry." Jimin said softly and then sat back down. "I didn't tell them everything, though. Don't worry." Jimin said and then winked.
"Okay, I have a question." Hoseok said and Taehyung and Jungkook turned to him, both sighing.
"How do gay guys have sex? Like.. what do you do?" Hoseok asked and Jungkook covered his mouth with his hand, because he was laughing.
"Butt stuff." Taehyung said, winking.
"That must be a lot of lube." Jin said and Jungkook laughed harder.
"Wait, so.. who's the one that gets the.. I mean- which-which one of you gets it up their.. y'know-" Hoseok started and Jimin turned to Taehyung and Jungkook, who were red.
"That is.. private information t-that we would like to keep between us. It-it's for us to know and-" Jungkook started and Taehyung smacked his hand against Jungkook's ass loudly, making him let out a yelp.
"Isn't it obvious?" Taehyung snickered and Jungkook whacked his hand away.
"Tae!" Jungkook hissed, glaring at him. Taehyung giggled and did some cute actions, making Jungkook roll his eyes.
"What? No it's not! Tell us-" Namjoon started, but then Jungkook plopped himself down on his chair and let out an ow!, feeling pain shoot up his ass (from getting it pounded last night).
"Ohhh. Now we get it." Hoseok said and Jungkook turned bright pink. Jungkook turned to Taehyung, who was looking at the other three boys while making fingering gestures. When he saw Jungkook looking, he froze.
"You are so dead." Jungkook said and then stood up and chased after Taehyung, who ran out of the food hall, laughing loudly.
"Well. They're cute." Jin said and Jimin hummed.
There was a bit of a silence, and then-
"Do you think you would be the top or the bottom? If you were.. y'know, gay?" Yoongi asked out of nowhere and Namjoon choked on his drink.
Jin laughed loudly and Hoseok snickered.
"Top. Obviously." Hoseok said.
"Same." Yoongi mumbled.
"Yeah me too." Jimin said, innocently sipping on his drink.
Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin all looked at him. They stared at him for a few seconds, and then burst out laughing.
"Yeah, sure." Namjoon said, and Jimin gasped in fake offense.
"I'm not a bottom! I-I can be dominant y'know! Just because I'm.. cute." Jimin said, and Hoseok snickered.
"Who said you were cute?" Hoseok said, and Jimin gasped again, and the boys began laughing, again.
"Yoongi did!" Jin suddenly said and Yoongi turned to him, eyes widened.
"What? N-no I-" Yoongi started, but got cut off.
"Yeah, we were playing truth and dare a few weeks ago and I asked Yoongi if he had to sleep with one guy in the grade who would it be. He said Jimin, because you were cute."
Jimin burst out laughing and then fell off his chair, still laughing loudly. He could hear Yoongi yelling loudly and Jin shrieking, probably getting food thrown on him.
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