Chapter 10
"Whoa, wait. Andrea's the Director of the MDO?" Chance blurted out. "And Oliver is what now?"
Everything is not as it seems. The unmistakable Andrea Lancaster is unmistakably running the MDO. Chance LaMay is alive and as well as can be after having been shot throw the chest with both a bullet and this awful realization.
"Possessed," Andrea reiterated, "There's not much time left."
Much to Zara Woods irritation, the Director has the mutants (and Chance) led out of the the mysterious bunker, through the kitchen and a hidden door anyone would have missed if it hadn't been gaping open. Beyond the clean cut door is a hall with more doors lining either side. Little plates dictate what lies behind them from a list of ungamiliar last names to something simple like boiler room.
"I started the MDO with Oliver years ago when mutants first started appearing." Andrea clarified as they walked, MDOs flanking the group, and Zara glaring at the doors. "Back then, people would come to us for help in managing their power. This was before we met, Chance, and admittedly it was better back then. The every mutant who came in contact with an MDO had already signed a waver that agreed if a power got out of control an MDO could and would put a stop to it.
"We met a man who said he had developed the ability to predict the future after he had been abducted by aliens." She sighed, "Obviously we didn't buy it. Even with all our advances in science there's never once been solid proof of aliens, especially not any with an intent to kidnap older men in Arizona and give them super powers, right? Oliver wanted to go anyway."
The hall turned, and Andrea started the treck up wide polish steps letting everyone follow. She fiddled with her lab coat while she talked.
"While we were there, we would constantly split up. One of us would stay in the hotel room
researching alien abductions of all things, the other would go out with an MDO to sacavenge the land." She paused, "When my power developed, we agreed to start search for an origin in me rather than in strangers. We packed up and brought everything back here."
She stopped, turning back to the group with a thoughtful expression, "I don't believe Oliver ever came back from Arizona."
The rest of the group exchanged confused and weary looks. She paused again, before walking to a door that had been label "conference". Inside were a dozen comfortable chairs sitting around an oval table.
In one of the closest ones sat Jack, looking very tired, but alive and well. When she noticed them she nearly burst into tears. "Guys!"
Andrea bit her lip, an unnerving habit that she shared with Oliver. "The MDO was not suppose to be a Mutant detainment organization. It was the Metahuman Defensive Operation. After Arizona, Oliver sent out faulty news, he put fear to the acronym. When I tried to stop him I found out he was not my brother-- whatever he was, it was cunningly smart, manipulative, and had an agenda for world destruction."
She let out a heavy breath, wincing before she me out a final piece of informarion, "Behind my back he had implemented a Project Neutralizer, to neutralize the most powerful and influential people on earth."
Start Main Chain here :)
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