Chapter 14 | confusing affection
"You, still, aren't over him?"
• ♡ •
Heer sat on the bed in silence while Kabir offered to tuck Advika in bed. She rubbed her face with her palms. She wondered what he thought. Did he think she was still not over him, based on her behavior? She was over him. He was a closed chapter. But still when she saw him today it just made her heart heavy. She didn't know why exactly she felt that way. Of course she was more worried. She didn't want her past to mess with Misha's future. She didn't want Rajeev to mess with her present. He had changed so much. He looked intimidating yet handsome. His full-framed glasses were gone. His hairstyle had changed. She never thought she'd see him again. But she did.
"Heer?" She looked up, breaking out of her mind to find Kabir sitting beside her.
"I am sorry, I didn't expect to see him. I had no clue he's related to Rohan. I don't know. I ..." her voice trailed off.
"It's okay, not your fault. I think Rohan is different. But yes, I am worried about Misha a little." Kabir spoke thoughtfully.
Heer looked at him thoughtfully, "I don't think you should be worried. He adores her a lot, cares for her..." Heer said recollecting how he had called her to check on her at the party, and even when they went shopping. "She loves him too."
Kabir sighed raising his eyebrows, "how can you say that?"
"She told me she likes him. She told me what she likes about him. She relates everything to him. A girl says she likes a guy when she actually likes him or when she loves him and wants the relationship to grow to the point where she can tell open she actually loves him. Misha loves him. She cares for him too much. And she's always honest with him."
Kabir's thoughts immediately went back to the night where Heer told him she liked him. He glanced at her. Was that her subconscious speaking? Did she want their relationship to grow to that point?
He cleared his throat, like a subconscious way of clearing his mind. "What about Rajeev?" He spoke up and saw the slight puzzlement on Heer's face. "I mean, are you going to talk to him?" He rephrased.
"I don't want to," Heer admitted honestly, her gaze dropping to the bedsheet.
"You still aren't over him?" Kabir quizzed. He hoped there was a negative for the answer.
She raised her gaze and met his eyes. "I have moved on, Kabir, I wouldn't if I... hadn't got over him." Her heartbeat escalated slightly. She doubted her own words momentarily. You are done with that jerk, she told herself in the mind.
"So, this..." Kabir began, "stays with just the three of us?"
"I hope so,"
"You said, he hadn't told his parents about you."
"Definitely not, that's why they didn't recognize me. I hadn't even seen his parents." Heer replied. Kabir gazed at her. What kind of relationship was she in? She was freaking pregnant with his child and she didn't even know his family. It wasn't his place to get angry or judgemental. But he couldn't help but think why would a girl like he be so mad.
"Okay, then... let's sleep. We will leave around noon for the resort tomorrow." He informed her and got to his feet.
"Kabir," Heer called for his attention as he stretched his arms. He glanced down at her. "Thank you, for trusting what I say and just being there."
Kabir's eyes were fixed on hers. He felt strange, his heart skipped a beat. Her deep brown eyes were tantalizing him. It filled him with warmth. She smiled and his gazed flickered moving down to her lips. He nodded in acknowledgment and walked into the washroom after taking his night clothes.
* * *
Kabir just couldn't stop thinking about Heer. A variety of thoughts ran in his head. He was confused. She said she likes him and that she was over Rajeev, yet she was evidently anxious. He had put on a brown kurta with white straight pants. The mehndi ceremony began later in the afternoon. Their bags were all packed. They'd only be back home on Monday morning. Kabir had taken care to lock up the windows and the balcony doors. He had made sure his kitchen was neat and tidy, with no vegetable that would rot.
Heer and Advika were getting ready in the room. Advika was excited to get ready. She was like Varsha, she loved wearing Indian dresses. He smiled at the thought. "Advika, Heer how much more time?" He shouted from the living hall.
"Almost done!" Came Advika's loud voice from the room. Kabir smiled to himself. His usually silent daughter had learned how to be more vocal and loud lately. It reminded him of his own childhood. He used to scream from the top floors and reply to his mother. That did get him into trouble with his father so many times.
He looked up when the door opened and Advika walked out dressed in a brown lehenga with a golden colored top and a dupatta. Her hair was braided and a million-dollar smile lit her face.
"Wow, Advi, you look so pretty," he smiled opening his arms for her.
The girl beamed with happiness and hugged him. "See this," she showed her nail paint. "Mom said since I am not going to school I can put it."
Kabir smiled as his daughter kept gushing about her hair style which was inspired by some Disney movie and bracelet which she loved. Kabir kissed her forehead, wishing Varsha was with him to see how pretty their daughter was.
He looked up hearing the clicks of the heels and yet again he was astounded. Heer stood dressed in a brown flared lehenga with a beige blouse and beige dupatta hanging on one shoulder. They looked identical. Heer hairstyle was almost identical to Advika's. He glanced at Advika and then back at Heer.
Advika giggled, "We are twinning!" She declared in glee.
"Okay," Kabir smiled at her. He glanced at Heer who passed him a smile.
"Let's go," he spoke giving her a glance. She looked extra pretty today. Maybe it was the dress.
He dragged out the wheeled suitcases. Heer locked the door after checking the window to the other room. They entered the elevator and before the doors could close, Kunal entered.
"Hey," he greeted giving the three of them a look an then the suitcase.
"Family marriage huh?" He asked looking at Heer.
"Yeah," she answered politely.
"So the family is full color-coordinated. Nice." He commented glancing at Advika.
"You look very pretty little girl!"
"Thank you," Advika smiled shyly then turned to Heer. Heer winked at her. Kabir noted it. They were adorable together. He wouldn't really want it any other way. He was glad that he had actually married again. With Heer around it struck him that Advika actually needed a mother. He was being selfish in not giving her that. He glanced at his engagement ring. His gaze went to Heer. A dull ache consumed his heart.
"After you beautiful ladies," Kunal spoke stretching his arm out for Heer and Advika to step out first.
Heer took one of the trolley bags.
"I can take that..." Kunal offered only to find Kabir's hand already on the bag.
"I will take it," Kabir looked at Heer and then at Kunal.
Heer nodded and walked out.
"Need some help?" Kunal asked Kabir.
"No, I can manage," Kabir said curtly not even bothering to smile.
"Cool," the man uttered and turned around walking out.
"Have fun ladies!" He remarked walking past Heer. Heer smiled and once he was away she rolled her eyes huffing. Such a flirt! He knew she was married and still openly, cheekily flirted with her even with Kabir around.
Kabir fixed the baggage in the trunk of the car. That Kunal was so annoying, Kabir was tempted to wipe that smug grin off his face with a punch. Even he hadn't checked out Heer the way that man did. Okay, fine. He did check out Heer a little longer and closer. But that wasn't appropriate for Kunal to do. Heer was married, she was off-limits.
* * *
Heer stepped out of the car blowing out air. Her mother in law greeted her at the reception. She whisked her away saying there was work. While Kabir stayed back at the reception to check the bags into the room.
"Hey, Misha, looking pretty!" Heer greeted hugging the bride to be.
"I am sure Kabir had his eyes out of his sockets seeing you!" Misha whispered causing Heer to blush.
"Heer," Kabir's mother called to her, "just come with me. I will need some help."
"Sure," Heer smiled turning, "Advi come."
"Leave her with me," Misha spoke.
"Okay, Advi stay around Bua okay?"
"Yes, mom!" Advika answered in a sing-song voice.
Heer giggled and went with Kabir's mother.
* * *
Kabir was tapping the room key in his hand walking down the corridor. He wondered where to keep it. He just had a single pocket in his kurta and none in his trousers. He decided to give it to Heer. She had a sling purse on her. He pulled out his phone to call her and find out where she was.
"Oww," came a voice as Kabir ran into someone.
"Oh, look where you go," he spoke in his defense only to find Heer. "What are you doing here?" He asked quickly stationing the objects that were slipping off the things in her hand. She was holding a few packets piled up and on top of that some boxes.
"You should look where you're going!" Heer muttered.
Kabir ignored that, "where are you going and what are these?"
"I have no clue, your mom asked me to put this in room 401."
"Right, that's not this way. It's that way," he pointed in the opposite direction.
"Let me hold that for you," he offered.
"No, I am okay,"
"Heer, you have heels on. Why are you even doing this work?"
"It's a marriage home, Kabir. Obviously they need help with things like these." Heer answered walking in the opposite direction. "Plus, I got rid of them downstairs."
"Don't tell me anything, if you trip, with your face on the carpet," Kabir mumbled following her.
"You really think I can't manage?" Heer asked puzzled.
"Yeah, your lehenga is.." he paused abrubtly as Heer tripped forward. Luckily not hard enough to fall.
He hurried to stand before her to hold the boxes on top of the packets filled with some cloth, maybe bedsheet.
"See, I told you." He reprimanded. Heer looked at him his one hand was on hers while the other was in the boxes she was balancing.
"Fine, take them." She said handing the entire load to him. His sudden concern and closeness messed with her mind. It didn't help that she had literally been floored by his charming look. She walked ahead leading him. Kabir followed her with the load. She used the key that his mother had handed to her and opened the door of the room. Kabir couldn't help but hawk at her. She was so pretty and she looked even more pretty today. The deep curve of her top at the back left a lot to the view. Kabir squeezed his eyes looking away. He had never been the one to gawk at women. Women gawked at him. With Heer it wasn't so.
She opened the door out for him. Kabir walked in and placed the load onto a small table by the sofa. "Wow, this room is...a storehouse." He exclaimed looking at a variety of things stocked up in the room.
"Definitely looks like one," Heer replied looking around. "Let's go," she said and he nodded.
"Heer, keep this. It's the key to our room. Don't keep it with your phone..." he spoke as they began walking down the passageway after locking the room.
"I know that.." Heer replied taking it from him. She unzipped one of the three zips of her sling purse. Kabir's eyes followed her actions. His gaze flickered up to her visible fair skin at the waist. He tore away his gaze when he heard the zip. What was even wrong with him! That was the third time he had checked out her waist.
He matched her steps as they walked down the corridor. He stopped at the elevator.
"Not this one Kabir, the other lift. It opens to the lawn directly," she said pointing ahead. He nodded and walked along with her. The elevator was smallish and that didn't help. He could literally smell her fruity scent. Her bangles jingled as she moved her hands. Damn, he was very very attracted to her at the moment. It was hard to keep his thoughts straight. This hadn't happened for quite some time now. His dormant hormones were not just wide awake but dancing to seek attention.
The elevator opened into a lobby that opened into the lawn. Kabir walked with her looking around.
"Kabir," a lady's voice stopped him. Heer turned around just as Kabir did.
"Esha," Kabir smiled a little. Heer looked on.
"So good to see you, Kabir!" Esah spoke hugging him. Heer looked at the tall woman with black hair that had red highlights. She was dressed in a light yellow saree. She had striking features and a sharp jawline.
The woman looked at her, "this must be.." she spoke waiting for Kabir to complete.
He nodded, "Heer, my wife." He answered politely. Heer couldn't help but glance at him.
"Uh this is Esha, Maanav's wife." Kabir informed her. Heer had heard about Maanav and his wife from Misha. Maanav was Kabir's younger brother. A year and a half younger, settled in US. From what Heer had gathered, Kabir didn't talk to him much. A very dysfunctional family. But then weren't almost all families like that.
"Kabir!" Came a deep voice. A man almost ad rall as Kabir came forward standing beside Esha. Heer didn't have to be told that it was Maanav. He had the same dark eyebrows and eyes like Kabir. Except the Maanav had a different jaw structure.
"Maanav," Kabir acknowledged looking at him. The man stepped forward to probably hug but Kabir extended his hand for a shake.
"Kabir, it's Misha's wedding. Can you please.."
"I have some work," Kabir lied to him beginning to turn around. Heer looked on baffled.
Maanav sighed, "How do I apologize? It's been five years, Kabir. I know it was wrong on my part. But, Kabir... you can't..." he paused receiving a glare from Kabir.
"Kabir, Maanav is right. For Misha can we not go back to being a happy family?" Esha spoke up holding his arm.
Kabir pulled his hand back staring at Maanav. He turned to Heer and held her hand. Heer took her cue and began walking with him. Heer tagged along with Kabir as he went to greet Misha. Later they settled on two chairs a little away from where Misha sat getting her Mehendi done.
"Where's Advi?" Kabir asked looking around.
"She's with a few kids. Playing around." Heer informed what her mother in law had told her while Kabir was greeting Misha. Je nodded sipping the juice as Maanav and Esha greeted Misha. Misha was beaming with happiness laughing and smiling as she conversed with them.
"You and your brother look very alike," Heer spoke looking at Maanav then glancing at Kabir.
"People mistook us for twins when we were in school,"
"Wow, you aren't that alike,"
"We were when we were kids. We used get the same haircut, same clothes. Mom loved treating us as twins." His lips hadn't curved upward but Heer could tell that hi seyed were smiling at the fond memory.
"What went wrong?" Heer asked unable to contain her curiosity.
Kabir turned to look at her.
Heer regretted asking it, "Sorry, not my.."
"He didn't come over when Varsha passed away."
"Oh," Heer uttered looking down at her fingers. She knew Varsha was a sensitive topic. She didn't see it coming.
"He came almost a year later on a business trip to pay condolences. I didn't want that pity. We haven't really spoken since then." Kabir sighed.
"You are so close to Misha, you must have been close to him too." Heer spoke glancing at him.
His eyes met hers. "I was, until he shifted to the US and I came to Mumbai. He married Esha, while I married Varsha. Distance physical and emotional tore us apart. But we were happy. With occasional phone calls and video talks. Until he didn't think it was important to come when Varsha..."
Heer placed a hand on his. Kabir's eyes rested on her hand and then his gaze swiped up to her face. She wasn't looking at him. He looked away realizing he had spoken too much. What was happening?
She wasn't Varsha. He shared things with Varsha. Varsha was his best friend and his companion. Why had he started treating Heer like that? Why did he start seeing Heer like he once saw Varsha? No, he didn't like her. No, he didn't accept this marriage from his heart. Yet, he didn't pull away his hand from her hold. Yet, he didn't think twice before hugging her that night when she was drunk. He was confused about his own feelings.
Kabir definitely has a lot going on inside about Heer. Would love to know your thoughts on him!
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