Chapter 86: Just a Knock Away
Nightmare's POV
There's something strange about life. It has so any twist and turns, you may never know where you are gonna go. But soon, it seemed I wasn't blown up and gathered the strength to open my eyes. I find some kind of medical breathing mask on me, the kind you'd find at hospitals. I could feel bandages on my head. I could not move but am just amazed that I'm alive. I smile and glance around. Maybe Dream is reliable. Maybe he helped me out of there and I'm with everyone else. I expected to see someone like Science beside me, especially once I spotted a machine hooked up to the mask on me. But Science wasn't there. Nor was anybody. I frown. My head begins to ache and pound in pain. What the hell happened? Where am I? I don't recognize these surroundings. Then I hear movement. I freeze up. I shut my eyes, trying to rest or pretend to be out still. I failed due to fear and open my eyes again.
"Glad to see you're up."A voice says
I look around but cannot see the owner. I cannot move either so I can't adjust to see them or answer.
"Don't worry, you are safe with me. I don't hurt my friends and any friend of Shino's is my friend."The voice says
I am silent. This is a friend of Shino?
"Oh right! I should introduce myself....or do you want to rest?"It says
I could not respond. I feel tired but feared sleeping.
"Oh, you must be wounded badly. I bandaged you up but you must not have much strength left. Your condition is hardly stable. Don't speak or move. I'll figure out a way for us to communicate. Rest and regain your strength."The voice tells me
I do not move or rest. I stare at the only thing I could. The ceiling. I get an idea. I get some of my strength and shakily move my arm. I point it in the direction of the voice.
"Huh, you are stronger already. What are you pointing at me for? Want me to introduce myself?"The voice asks
I move my arm up and down like a head would nod.
"Oh, of course. My name is Radier. Now you should really rest. You need it."The voice says
I drop my arm and let out a sigh. Just moving my arm felt like a big task. I shut my eyes and rest.
For a while, I would wake up and rest, hardly able to do much else. Radier would come and go, keeping info to himself and not really saying much about the situation. Then again, I couldn't exactly speak to ask of anything. He did talk to me of a lot of things, seeming kind and just happy to help someone. He'd speak of so many topics while I was awake, though I never could move to see him. The closest thing I saw was two tentacle-like arms with hands reaching out and changing my bandages to new ones. I still don't know where I am or how I got here or really anything, but I know a lot about Radier, who claims to be Shino's friend.
But soon, I got enough strength back for Radier to remove the mask. I smile and try to move. I succeed and joy fills me. I move my arm and with a little struggle, sit up. I find bandages all over me, including one around my hand. I find myself under a blanket too. I guess he thought my marks were wounds cause he covered those too, I could not see now. Radier sounded like he had left by now to who knows where. But just to double check, I call out.
"Hello? Radier?"I call out
No response.
I shrug and lift the bandages from over my eyes. I look around curiously. I look around and find myself in some kind of building. Like a home or house. It seems cozy. But I am unsure if I should stay here. I get the blanket off me. I climb out of bed but fall face forward to the floor the second I took a step off the bed. I check and find that my legs were wounded as well. I sigh, but then get an idea. I grow my tentacles and use them as guides, support. I walk with one holding me up from the floor and the other holding me from the wall. It is new and weird, but it worked. I find a door and assume it's the front door. My ticket out of here. I was gonna go......until I smelled something. I go to investigate and find a fire burning in a fireplace. Odd.
But then I see someone sitting on the couch against the wall. They look at me and gesture for me to come over.
I am hesitant.
"Don't worry, I will not hurt you. Come on over. Surely you have questions."They say
I recognize the voice.
"Radier?"I say
"That's me."He says
I feel secure and a little more trusting, knowing it's him. I come over and he gestures for me to sit in a chair across from him. To be honest, I can see how he's Shino's friend. He is just another kid. Who, has been kind and helpful. And those tentacle-like arms? Those are his. They are two tentacles extending from behind him and currently resting on the couch. I sit in the chair.
"So, I can already guess some of your questions. I met Shino before she got reunited with her brothers. We were both looking for our families and she was there for me when I found that my family was.....less fortunate than hers. Those stupid jerks that your friends are dealing with killed them! Still, I kept her here in the Mid-Void, the space between all voids and worlds where we are safe and undetected. I helped her track hers down and told her if she needed anything else, I'd be happy to help. One day, I get a call from her saying there is trouble. She said there may be intruders and danger and I told her I will come as soon as I could. I came and find some robots counting down. I knew they were gonna blow and search around for anyone. I find you laying on the ground, wounded badly. I assumed you were one of her friends and got the heck out of there. I brought you here and have been caring for you. You can go wherever, just don't leave this house. The rest of this place is not safe for someone in your condition."He explains
"Where.....Where are they? Are...Are they okay?"I ask
"Yep. Every last one of them. The only one missing is you. But they know you are ok. They know you are here with me, at least whoever believes Shino does. They made a new hideaway place and are there now. Don't worry, it's all ok."He says, winking at me
"Ok...."I say
"Who are you anyway?"He asks
"Nightmare."I reply
His eyes widen.
"I'll....go...I know I'm not the best to be around."I say
"No, no! Stay! Please! I just....Didn't know you were involved. Please, I want to keep you safe."He says
"O-Ok.."I say
Something starts dinging.
"Oh! That's my cue! I gotta go but I'll be back soon!"He says, teleporting away
Now...What the heck do I do?
I wander around, exploring the house. It's so big that I guess it took me some days to explore it. I can't tell time here but I know through the cycle of sleep some time must have passed. After some time, I find this one door upstairs that was locked. Except, when I sat against it, someone knocks on it. I jump, not expecting this. The knock repeats, then a voice speaks.
"Knock, knock."It says
It's muffled so I can't recognize it. I assume it's just a Sans mistaking this for the ruins' door.
"Sorry, but this isn't the door to the ruins. I'm not your joke partner, that's somewhere else."I say
"Oh, I'm not looking for the ruins. I'm just surprised someone answered. Hmm...If you're not into knock knock jokes, are you into would you rathers?"The voice tells me
I don't know why I didn't just leave, but I stayed and talked.
"Yes...I am..."I say
"Wanna play?"The voice asks
"Who even are you?"I ask
"I'm just a skeleton looking for someone to play would-you-rather with. And you?"The voice says
"Heh. I'm just someone wandering around. Game on."I say
"Okay, would you rather have 500 hotdogs or 20 plates of Papyrus' spaghetti?"The voice asks
"Hmm...Is Paps watching in this choice?"I ask
"Oh, he is always watching when it comes to spaghetti."The voice chuckles
"Then I'd choose the 25 hotdogs. I'd rather not upset a Papyrus. Especially if it's E!Pap, I don't need Error getting mad for hurting his bro's feelings."I say
"You know E!Pap and Error?"The voice asks
"Yea.....At least one pair from a timeline."I reply
"Are you on good or bad terms with them?"The voice asks
"Well, I'd RATHER be on good terms but neither of them are trying to destroy me so I guess I already am."I tell him
"Heh, alright."The voice says
"Hey, Night! I'm back with lunch!"Radier says
"I gotta go."I say
"Same here. Will you be back tomorrow for another round?"The voice asks
"Will you?"I ask
"Yep."They say
"Then alright. I'll come. Beats doing nothing."I say
And that's what I do. I come every day or what seems like day to the door. I speak and play with him through the door. I haven't seen him or even know his name, but I've gotten to know him. He has a large group of friends, is traveling the multiverse, loves chocolate, hates neon kids whose names start with R, and is missing his friend that used to be his boss for a "job" of his. I opened up a bit and let him know some things about me as well. I was careful with my wording though. Like once he asked what I usually did before the multiverse was threatened and I told him that I was a leader of a bunch of friends that had become my family. When he asked what we did, I jokingly told him not to call the cops. He got it and replied:"As long as you don't call them on me."
After some time, Radier came back with a letter.
"I'm gonna check your head wounds. See how you're healing. This is a letter for you, you can read it while I work. I got it from a friend who gave it to Shino wishing for it to reach you. Take it."He says
I nod and he hands me the letter. As he unravels the bandages, I take it out of the envelope. I unfold it and recognize the handwriting quickly. I smile. This is from Killer. I feel my face warm already. But then I actually notice the words, ya know, what he actually wrote.
I read it in amazement. There were two parts but one was new. Killer is taking a similar approach like Cross. My soul slightly beat faster.
Hey! Haven't seen you in a long while now. I hope you are doing well. I know what that Dirty, Rude, Annoying, Egotistic, Mean brother of yours did. Everyone does. Everyone is hoping you are healing well. I can't wait to see you again when you're fully healed. Also, I found this note in a punching bag saying CTK. What does that mean? Anyways, hope to see you soon! ♥ you!
Shoot, he found that note! Thank Asgoro he doesn't know what it means and I abbreviated it! But hey, it's good to hear from him!
It's a real joy that filled me. I feel my face warm and keep rereading the letter. I then look up when I hear Radier making thinking sounds.
"It seems your skull healed but your other wounds are a different story. Do you still need to use your tentacles to walk?"He says
I shake my head no.
"Hmm, then I think we can go and join the others soon. Like a few days or....tomorrow."He says
"Ok!"I say
He leaves to give Shino this update. I excitedly go to the door, waiting for the other guy on the other side to come. I knock when I hear someone side against the door, causing it to creak.
"Knock, knock!"I say, full of excitement
"Someone's excited today."The voice says teasingly
"Sorry, I just got some good news told."I say
"Shall we begin?"The voice asks
"Sure."I say
"Would you rather reveal a secret to your closest friend or be stuck in another world for a day?"The voice asks
"Umm....I can't really say because I already have revealed a secret to my closest friend."I say
"Oh really? Do go on. How'd they react?"The voice asks
"Well....I had this other....appearance let's call it that I never showed him. One day I did and his reaction was pressing me against a wall and threatening to kill me. But, once he learned that it's me....He called it cute."I explain
"And you're still friends with this idiot?"The voice asks
"Yes. And he's no idiot. He's the nicest, most loyal and protective friend I know. He's always been there for me. I had it coming anyway, he is a killer dude. But I wouldn't want anyone different as my greatest friend. I love him and would not want anything bad to happen to him."I say
"How come this is the first I'm hearing about this dude? You've told me about your other friends. Also, you sound quite.....affectionate toward this friend."The voice says with a hint of annoyance
"You never asked that much about my friends. Why do you sound upset?"I tell him
"I was just reminded of some memories. Memories of that friend I miss."The voice says
"How? What's that friend like exactly?"I ask
"Well, he is very intelligent, tough, marvelous, amazing, resilient, energetic, and very nice. He acts tough but is really one of the best and nicest person to know. He's really just someone who doesn't want to be taken advantage of. One day, he came in a different form. I didn't know it was him so....I tried to kill him. But then he proved that it's him and I....found him cute.That's how I was reminded. I love him very much...And when he comes back....I'm gonna....I'm gonna.....aah...."The voice explains, sounding like he was daydreaming towards the end
So many things in that statement matched up. Too many coincedences. I look at the letter and see how things line up.
"You're gonna what?"I ask
"That's for him to find out.~"The voice says
"You wouldn't have happened to have sent a letter to him would you?"I ask
"Yes...Why?"The voice replies
"Because I got one today and it matched up with some things you said. I'm starting to get a feeling that I know you."I say
"Is that why you're so excited?"the voice asks
"Partly, yes."I say
"Can I see it?"It asks
"Yea..."I tell him, sliding the letter under the door
It slips out of my sight, meaning the dude on the other side took it. I feel my soul pound. Killer could be on the other side of that door! Meaning, I possibly just told him how I feel! About him! Crap! I lean against the door nervously. I hear a double knock.
"Hm?"I say
The letter slides back under the door. I take it and notice below the signature something was added. It said:Hello, Nightmare.~😘
My face warms up. I was right. My soul races.
"K-Killer?!"I exclaim
"Hey, Nightmare. How are you?"He asks
"I'm g-good."I say
"So...who's the lucky guy?"He asks
"You've got to be kidding...."I say
"I'm serious. It's got to be someone. You can tell me, I know how lucky they must be to have that sort of attention from you..."He says, seeming to have a sound of defeat in his voice
"W-What makes you think it's n-not you?"I ask
"You call me an idiot. I'm your idiot. And you say the dude is not an idiot. Also, what is CTK?"He says
My soul is pounding. How the heck did that turn out? I gather some courage and speak.
"CTK stands for Confess To Killer."I tell him
"What do you have to confess to me? And why do you need to talk to Error about it?"He asks
"Umm, well....Oh! I hear my name getting called! Gotta go!"I lie, getting up
Nobody was calling for me.
"Same time tomorrow?"Killer asks
"Maybe, maybe not."I tell him
"How come?"He asks
"Because I might be leaving the Mid-Void tomorrow with Radier."I tell him
"Who's Radier?!"Killer asks, jealousy being clear in his voice
"He is Shino's friend. He's the one who has been helping me recover. He's just a kid."I tell him
"Oh, okay then. I hope to see you soon."He says
"And what will you do?"I ask
"You'll see.~"He says
I feel my soul pound even faster and face burn.
"That's not an answer!"I snap
"Yes it is. It's a mysterious one. Heh, cya then, Nightmare.~"He says
"N-Not your Nightmare?"I ask with my voice shaking a bit
"No, not if your soul belongs to someone else."He says
I want to tell him so badly. But I'm scared a bit. Okay, more than a bit. Very much. What if, somehow, for some reason, he doesn't love me the same way? Then I'd feel like the biggest idiot ever. I open my mouth to speak but then I actually get my name called.
"Nightmare! Come here!"Radier calls
"O-Ok!"I say, then I get up and go
I come to Radier.
"I would say oack your things but you don't have much to pack. We're going tomorrow. So enjoy your rest tonight. There's fresh clothes laid out for you for tomorrow. Rest now and enjoy yourself."Radier says
I nod and go to bed, sleeping. He wakes me up soon, and tells me to meet him out the doors. I change into the outfit, covering my wounds and bandages. I go and follow him through a door and then through a portal. We walk for a little bit through a dark forest. He stops so I do the same and lean against a tree.
"I forgot something! I'll be right back! Stay here!"Radier says, then runs off
I lean against the tree, gazing around. Everything seems normal. Excitement fills me. Soon, I'll be back with everyone. There's a knock on the other side of the tree.
"Knock, knock."A voice says
Assuming it's Killer, I smile and respond.
"Who's there?"I ask
"Nighty."The voice says
"Nighty who?"I ask, moving around the tree to see the owner of the voice
"Nighty night, Nightmare!"The voice says, then an arm swings, punching me
I didn't even see who it was before I got knocked out.
An hour or two later, with Shino
Geno's phone rings. I quickly answer it, seeing the number. Geno wasn't in the room anyway, he was busy with Reaper and my brothers.
"Hello?"I say
"Hey, Shino. You know that spot we agreed to meet today? I bring Nightmare along to?"Radier asks
"Ya."I reply
"Well...I left him at the spot to go grab something. I come back and find him gone. Is he with you guys? Did one of your friends take him?"Radier asks
"Umm, I don't think so...."I say, going into the hall
Everyone comes out of rooms and shake their heads.
"Nope, not here. Everyone accounted for, too."I say on the phone.
"Shoot. That ain't good."He says
"Want help to come?"I suggest, already knowing who I'll send
"Ya...Wait...Oh heck ya! Get some help to come! I see him! He's getting taken by one of those jerks! I gotta go! Bye, Shino!"Radier says, then hangs up
I go to Killer's room and knock on the door. He opens up.
"What's up, Shino?"He asks
"Killer, we have a problem."I say
"Nightmare?"He asks
I nod.
"Where?"He asks
I explain and he takes off.
A few hours later, Nightmare's POV
"Nightmare. Nightmare. Time to wake up."A voice says
I don't move.
"Come on, you're ok now. You're safe now. I got you."The voice says
I slowly open my eyes, recognizing the voice.
"There we go! Hey, Nightmare!"Killer says
My face burns.
"K-K-Killer?"I stutter
"Hey, there's my cute Nightmare! You okay?"He asks
"Y-Ya. W-What happened?"I respond
"Just those jerks being stupid."He tells me
"O-Ok.."I say
"Can you promise me something?"He asks
"W-What is it?"I inquire
"Promise you'll stop scaring me the ways that you have! I can't lose you, Nightmare!"He tells me, wrapping his arms around me
I nod.
"Y-Yes. I'll stop."I promise
"Can we seal that promise a certain way?~"He asks with a wink and leaning in
My face burns even more. My soul pounds. He is suggesting something. Something new.
"H-How?"I ask
"I think you know, Nightmare. Shall we?"He replies
"K-K-K-Killer, I-I-I-I-!"I stutter
I try to move my hands but they are binded together behind my back. I can't move them. I look at Killer and he leans in, kissing me. My soul began doing cartwheels it's beating so fast. He closes his eyes, one hand on my shoulder to hold me in place with the other sliding onto my cheek. And I....liked it. I feel full of joy. Love too. I begin to close my eyes when suddenly, I get knocked down from behind, falling forward. I land on Killer and open my eyes wide, feeling my soul pound. Whatever was on my wrists broke and I got my arms free. I pull back and look at him. He gazes back at me and smiles.
"That was nice."He says
I feel my face burn.
He wraps his arms around me and then rolls until he is above me. Then shuts his eyes and takes a hit.
"F*** off, jerks!"He snaps
Then, his soul appears. My eye-lights shrink. A bone attack is shot through him, piercing his soul like an arrow through a target. He looks at me, giving me a smile. Then, he falls limply to the side of me, shutting his eyes.
"Nonononono! Killer! Stay with me! Please! Please! I can't lose you! Open those eyes! Look at me! Killer!"I cry, pulling him to me protectively
He opens his eyes and looks at me.
"Heh, whoever won your soul better know how lucky he is t-to h-have y-you. I l-l-love you, N-Nightmare."He says
"I think he does. Cause I'm looking at him. I love you too."I tell him
His face lights up really red.
"M-Me?"He stutters
I nod.
He smiles, his face burning bright. Then it goes pale and he shuts his eyes again. Tears drain from my eyes.
"Killer!"I yell
I hear footsteps behind me. I glance and see it's one of E!Gaster's minions. Pain grew to anger.
"You...."I growl, slowly getting up and turning,"WILL PAY FOR THAT!"
I summon my tentacles and fire them at the minion. The battle doesn't last long. My rage made me move quicker and the loss made me put more force into each attack. I got some scrapes and dropped to one knee, but scared the minion off. I hear footsteps coming to me as I turn back to my passive form. I look and it's Radier.
"Radier. Go to Shino....Now....."I tell him
He looks at me with uncertainty and then sees my expression. He nods and runs off in the opposite direction. I go back over to Killer and lay beside him.
"I did it, Killer. We're safe now."I say
He does not respond. He turns to dust, leaving nothing but the bone attack and his soul that it's in. I pull it out and turn one of my arms into the hostile form. I hold his soul in it and that kept his soul from breaking. I move my hand to try and mend it. While I did that, I got up and run after Radier, approaching this space that looked like just more of a horizon, but was really a wall. Then, I knock on it. A faked image of a distant tree sways to the side like a door. And who do I find in this doorway, staring at me in shock?
His timing for showing up really stinks.
"Oh, hello brother! You're back.....Is everything okay?"He asks with a smile
"I don't have time for your crap right now, Dream."I tell him
"Well I just want to make sure you're ok. I didn't expect you to survive that incident."He says
"Ya I kinda got that when you left me there to die. Bye the way,screw you, Dream! You are the worst at timing!"I snap
Cross comes up from behind Dream and pulls Dream aside. I now have both of my hands morphed to keep Killer's soul from breaking. I glance at it at. He's gonna be ok, he's gonna be okay. Everything is gonna be ok. Cross sees the soul in my hands and quickly gets me inside, unlike Dream.
"Let me guess, he took a hit?"Cross asks
I nod.
"Will he be okay?"He asks
I nod.
"I just gotta do something."I say
"Okay, I'll keep Dream away."Cross says
I nod. I go to a room labeled Killer's and shut the door. I place the soul down, on the bed. I shape it until it looks like it's healed. I do some healing magic and then, I just let it lay there. I sit on a chair beside the bed, waiting. I just sit there and wait. I hope for the best and that it works. If I do anything else, the soul will break. So I just sit there. Wait.
And wait...
And wait.
Two days later
Shino and Dust come in after knocking. I put the book I was reading aside. I glance at the soul. Still nothing different.
"Nightmare, you gotta take a break. Sitting here waiting will just make things harder on you. At least leave the room for a few minutes. It's been two days!"Shino says
"I'm surprised he has survived. Usually the soul breaks by now. I'm sure he will be fine, Nightmare."Dust says
"I guess you're right. Okay."I say
"We'll see you in the main room then!"Shino says, dragging Dust out with her
I glance at the soul. Just then, the soul disappears, replaced by Killer himself. He laid there, unconscious and without a single wound. I look and see nobody was watching. I tuck him into the bed and might've kissed him on the head. Then I get out of the room. I sit with Dust and Shino, chatting with them and getting to know Radier. I force a smile, my mind really still stuck on Killer. But that problem was solved soon enough.
Shino was taking me to my room, or what's she been saving to be my room. I'm walking behind her silently. I feel a hand grab my arm and yank me aside.
"GAH!"I exclaim
I hear a door slam and look. I go to the door but get pulled back. I get tugged closer until I could hear a soul beat. I put a hand to the chest to push back, get some distance and see who it is. I see it's Killer. My soul already beats faster. He leans in and kisses me on my head. My face warms up extremely.
"K-Killer?"I stutter
"I love you, Nightmare!"He says
My face burn brighter. My soul beat faster.
"Are you okay?"I ask
"Yes! I'm better than okay! I'm great! I had the craziest mix of a dream and nightmare! But I'm glad it wasn't reality! It's better to have you then what occurred in that dream!"He says
He thinks it never happened?
"Emm...What happened in it?"I ask
"We got invaded, you got lost but then back together. And...And you told me that you love me, hehe...."He says, nervously looking away
"You 'dream' of that?"I ask
"Y-Yea..."He says, his facing turning redder
"Well, what if I told you that..."I begin
"Hey! Killer! You're awake! But I was just showing Nightmare to his room! I'd like to do that if you do not mind!"Shino says, shoving the door aside
"Oh! Of course!"He says, releasing me
Shino grabs me and drags me away.
"He does know that it wasn't a dream or nightmare right?"She asks
"I was gonna tell him that."I say
"...DANG IT!"She says
"I...I'll tell him later"I say
"Well, ok. Here is your room."She says
I go in and see....purple. Purple everything. But there are plenty of books and stuff, as well as a cozy bed. There are also empty shelves. I go in and smile.
"Worked on it myself! Do you like it?"She asks
I nod.
"Good, now rest."She says
I nod. She shuts the door and I curl up in bed, falling asleep. Little do I know what I'll wake up to. And it's just...a knock away.
Knock, Knock!
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