FGOD Error + Poly Bad Sanses (ANGST)
I got this idea in the middle of class and everyone suffers as a result! >:3 Thank some Discord peoples who encouraged me to unleash angst upon you all.
Happy cups of tears!
Bad Sanses/Poly: Lust, Nightmare, Killer, Cross, Fell, SF Red (I call him Black but idk), SF Purple (I call him Razz but idk). (Feat Error!)
Error yawns as the cuddling begins. Lust has started it by pulling Cross, Fell, Black, and Razz into a fort of pillows, finding and dragging Killer and his kittens in as well. Finally Lust taps his foot in front of Error, silently waiting.
"Wh4t?" (What?)
"I know you want cuddles."
"D0 y0u n0w?" (Do you now?)
"Mhm. You act like this big tough untouchable guy, but you're just scared. Scared of touch, and scared of rejection."
"Y0u r3411y think y0u kn0w m3?" (You really think you know me?)
"H3h. I'm th3 D35tr0y3r 0f w0r1d5, p30p13 5cr34m 4nd f133 wh3n I 4pp34r, 4nd th3y whi5p3r my n4m3 in hu5h3d t0n35 f0r f34r 0f 5umm0ning m3." (Heh. I'm the Destroyer of worlds, people scream and flee when I appear, and they whisper my name in hushed tones for fear of summoning me.)
"You're also a wonderful chef, an empathetic being, and soft when it comes to people you care about. You wake up each night with nightmares about your actions. You are afraid of rejection and thus push everyone away to protect yourself from pain." Lust smirks as Error looks at him.
"H0w-?" (How-?)
"There's more to you than just the 'Destroyer of Worlds', just as there is more to me than a 'sex-addict'. It just takes good people to see beyond the role you publicly play." Error huffs, looking away from Lust.
"I won't make you join the cuddle fort, since I gotta find Nightmare anyways, but I'd recommend you join. You don't have to physically cuddle as long as you let us know what your limit is and what you're okay with." Lust then wanders off to find Nightmare, with Error slowly looking towards the fort.
"I'11 0n1y 5t4y 4 m0m3nt, 533 h0w 'c0mf0rt4b13' it i5." Error mutters to himself, getting to his feet. He walks into the fort, blinking. (I'll only stay a moment, see how 'comfortable' it is.)
The space is massive compared to what Error was expecting. There is more than enough space to ensure nobody gets too close if they don't want to. On top of that, the TV is playing Undernovella, there is a mini-fridge full of chocolate which is currently open thanks to Cross. There's tons of pillows and blankets covering the floor and walls, making the entire thing look super comfy. Razz, Black, Fell, and Killer are already laying in front of the TV, with Cross, as previously mentioned, taking chocolate out of mini-fridge.
"Hey Error. Come to join the cuddle pile? That's unlike you." Killer gazes at the others, grinning in a teasingly cocky manner.
"I'm n0t! I'm ju5t...533ing if it'5 4ctu411y 'c0mf0rt4b13' 0r n0t!" (I'm not! I'm just...seeing if it's actually 'comfortable' or not!)
"Yeah, sure. Feel free to test out the comfortableness, Error." Cross states rather flatly, with a slight hint of teasing in his tone.
"Don't be a fckin pussy, Error." Fell states abrasively, watching Undernovella.
"The pillows and blankets won't bite. But we might." Razz says, flirtation evident in his voice. He has gotten comfy curled up against Black and Fell, relaxed and looking very comfortable.
"If you don't lay down, I'll personally cuddle you to the floor-" Black is cut off by a warm voice.
"Don't threaten Error. We're here to have a snuggle cuddle party. Some people don't find comfort in touch, and that is okay." Error turns, meeting the single cyan eyelight of Nightmare and the soft lavender eyelights of Lust. Nightmare walks past Error, smiling slightly.
"Little Tsundere." Error is about to snap at Nightmare, but Lust walks by, smiling softly.
"We don't threaten people into doing anything, because they might not find comfort in snuggling, cuddling, and such. Or perhaps there are other fears standing in their way." Black mumbles under his breath, Lust getting to the pile and getting comfy. Killer moves closer to the pack, just under Lust who is beside Razz. Nightmare gently smacks Cross, dragging the chocolate hoarder over to the pile, placing Cross below Razz and sitting above Fell, getting comfortable and using his tentacles to wrap around everyone.
"Error." The mentioned skeleton looks down, closing his eye sockets.
"Are you okay?" Error trembles, before turning and walking out. Error goes up to his room, hugging himself, gasping softly as a slimy tentacle grabs his arm.
"Error...hey?" Error sniffles, trying to wipe his eye sockets before he turns around.
"G0 b4ck. C134r1y y0u 1ik3 cudd1ing th3m 50 much." Error tries to have a forceful and cold tone, but the waver in his voice gives away his internal struggle. (Go back. Clearly you like cuddling them so much.)
"Error. It's not fun unless you're there too. We're watching your favorite show. We've got your favorite food. And later, we'll turn the fort into a live feed of your favorite cliff."
"Y0u guy5 1ik3 th4t t00." Nightmare begins gently tugging Error back to the living room. (You guys like that too.)
"Maybe so, but you love it. In a way we don't. And I can feel your fear. You're scared, but I'm not sure why. Is it cause you're scared of touch? Or cause you're scared of rejection? We can't help you be comfortable if we don't know what's causing you discomfort...you gotta tell us." Error looks down as Nightmare leads him into the fort.
"Guess who I caught up with?" Nightmare announces, still gently pulling Error along with. Nightmare releases Error, getting comfy again.
"You've still got a space here." Nightmare gestures to a comfy bean bag pillow sitting a little away from the group. Error slowly walks over to the pillow, getting comfy, a tentacle resting just on the edge of the pillow, like an olive branch, a way to seek physical comfort whenever he wants without retracting the offer. Error smiles, gently grabbing a hold of the tentacle.
Error pants softly as he stands in the middle of the empty AU, driven to his limits. His stamina to dodge is nearly exhausted, his magical reserves are tapped dry, and he is on his last few HP.
A portal opens behind him, Nightmare's presence driving Dream away, but Ink is relatively unharmed. The others all come flying out, kicking good Sanses away and forming a protective barrier around him. Ink is the only one who doesn't move, keeping the smaller battle box around him and Error, keeping others from interfering. Lust places his hand on the FIGHT.
"Error." Error pants, turning to look at Lust and Nightmare, knowing the others are listening.
"Th4nk y0u...f0r 3v3rything. F0r 533ing th3 p3r50n b3hind th3 D35tr0y3r...F0r und3r5t4nding 4nd r35p3cting my b0und4ri35, but 5ti11 inc1uding m3 wh3n it w0u1d h4v3 b33n 345i3r t0 134v3 m3 410n3. Th4nk y0u...50 much...r3411y...4nd I'm 50rry." (Thank you...for everything. For seeing the person behind the Destroyer...For understanding and respecting my boundaries, but still including me when it would have been easier to leave me alone. Thank you...so much...really...and I'm sorry.)
Error closes his eye sockets, feel tears build up as Ink brings his paintbrush down on Error's head, knocking the Destroyer prone. Ink continues slamming the paintbrush on Error's head, even as shouts and pleas echo across the battlefield, Nightmare and Lust desperate to save Error.
"I always knew...I wouldn't be saved..." Error mutters softly, Lust and Nightmare somehow hearing it.
"Error...everyone deserves to be saved...please...fight back...." Error releases his final breath as Ink slams the brush down one final time, shattering the black skeleton's skull.
The battlefield stills and falls silent as all the Bad Sanses look at the dusting corpse of their friend and polyamorous lover. Lust is the first to react, dropping to his knees in the empty AU's snow, lavender tears streaming silently down his cheekbones as he mouths something to the dusting corpse, slowly raising his arms to hug himself. Fell is instantly beside Lust, hugging him and whispering softly into the silently crying skeleton, trying to pull him away from the battlefield. Razz instantly dusts the opponent in front of him, smiling eerily.
"Now...it doesn't matter if I kill you all." Razz begins his ferocious attack on originals, easily stabbing and blasting away all of them.
"We're all going to die anyways! So what's a little premature death?!" Razz laughs maniacally, terrifying his foes as he cries purple tears even as he covers himself in dust. Black follows a similar path, but falls dead silent and doesn't cry. He's like a one man army as he begins slaughtering dozens of good Sanses. Killer follows suit, his black tears getting even worse. Color doesn't even try to speak to Killer as Killer carves a path of destruction right to him.
"Color......this is what you wanted...right? You wanted the big bad Destroyer dead because he didn't fit the happy ending, right?" Color opens his mouth, but Killer continues. "Yeah, right. How about I stoop to your level, and kill you because you don't fit my happy ending. That sounds fair to me. So Color. Fight me like your life depends on it. Because guess what?" Killer teleports right behind Color, his knife against Color's neck. "It does." Cross guns for Ink, unchallenged thanks to the destructive paths of Razz, Black, and Killer.
"You killed him! You killed the only thing between us and destruction!" Cross screams as he lunges at Ink, pain tearing through the air between his words. "YOU'RE A HEARTLESS MONSTER!" Ink smiles in this malicious and knowing manner.
"Not far from the truth, Cross."
"I know. Admit it louder for the rest of them. NOW!" Ink sighs.
"If it will make you happy, Cross. Fine. I AM SOULLESS! I AM A SOULLESS CREATOR AND YOU ALL ARE PART OF MY GAME!" The entire battlefield on the Good side falls silent, processing Ink's confession. The Bad Sanses halt their attack to see who will remain on Ink's side and who will leave.
"Thank you. Maybe this will make him happy. Though probably not." Cross has quieted down, his voice full of defeat and sadness as he lunges at Ink again. "He always loved creations, and you. He never hated any of you, and wanted you all to succeed...to beat the big bad Destroyer."
Nightmare takes the longest to react, his mind reeling.
Error's recruitment. His first mission. The first time he showed Nightmare the code. The first home cooked meal by Error. The first moment of weakness, his first mental breakdown. His first Reboot. The explanation about the balances. The transference of power.
Nightmare sees all these events, where Error smiled/felt happy, in the span of time it takes him to react.
If they want to see their destruction so bad...
Nightmare's frown and anger turns into sadistic satisfaction.
"I'll give it to them on a silver platter." Nightmare pulls out a blue string that was slowly dusting, walking to the dust that once was a friend. He plunges his hand and the string into the dust, muttering the words Error told him. Nightmare grins as he feels Error's destructive powers flow into his body.
"You all want your destruction so much? I'll give it to you..." Nightmare laughs. Dream coughs hard, dropping to the floor and going prone, groaning in pain from the overflowing negativity surrounding the Bad Sanses, and Nightmare in particular.
"Sorry gang. Least this way. We'll stop hurting." Something stops Nightmare from moving forward, and he looks to see Lust hugging him.
"I know...you want to kill him so much...end us all. But Error wouldn't want that...he'd want us to live for him."
"I can't imagine us without him. I can't imagine life without him. I'm sorry, Lust. But this way, we'll be united in death." Lust sighs, releasing Nightmare.
"Let's go be with Error." Nightmare nods, teleporting right on top of Classic, grabbing him with tentacles.
"Heya, Classic. Let's end this horrible story, yea?" Classic tries to get free as Nightmare begins filling Classic's body with the Destructive Magic, grinning.
"You'll pop like a balloon and kill us all. I look forward to it." Classic winces, sweat beading up.
"Sorry? You're sorry now that your actions have consequences? Hah. It's too late for sorry. You should have said sorry before Error was dust. A long time ago. Now. It's Karmic Retribution. And it's coming for you."
Classic explodes with destructive magic, the skeleton being dusted so quickly he is de-atomized. In an instant, all the others follow him, the Bad Sanses all looking at each other in their final moments.
"Y0u'r3 fin411y h3r3."
"I wi5h y0u c0u1d h4v3 3nd3d th4t f4r m0r3 p34c3fu1."
"But n0t 3v3ry b4tt13 c4n b3 w0n."
"I gu355 w3 105t th4t 0n3."
"0h w311."
"1345t w3'r3 411 unit3d 4g4in."
"4r3 y0u 411 crying?"
"00f! H-h3y! Y0u'r3 411 4cting 1ik3 I di3d 0r 50m3thin."
"Why th3 54d f4c35?"
"W3'r3 411 h0m3 4ft3r 4 10ng d4y."
"Ink'5 g0nn4 b3 50 m4d."
"But fir5t..."
"I g0t th3 f0rt 53tup whi13 I w45 w4iting f0r y0u guy5."
"Y0u D0 w4nt cudd135, right?"
"H3h h3h"
"0f c0ur53! Und3rn0v3114 4nd ch0c014t3 th3 wh013 w4y!"
"Th4nk y0u..."
(2157 words.
On that note. I'll go back to watching videos/writing when I feel like it, and working on my books too.
To those of you who requested, I promise I'm working on requests (Currently Sub!Assassin!Error x Dom!Mischief!Ink ANGST) it's just slower than anticipated with school. I've got some stressful stuff happening regarding transitioning and getting ready for Uni. I've got another few terms between me and the transfer, but still. *stress intensifies* All I want is to relax for longer than two days, but that's not happening. Anyways.
Hope you enjoyed (or suffered) and have a good day/night/anything in between. <3
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