[2] Oh Boy, New Friends
Keith boarded the Red Lion. He slid into the seat, fired up the engine, and got ready for takeoff. As the ship went airborne, Keith lowered his head and closed his eyes. A simper formed upon his face as he recalled the question he was asked earlier.
"If I may ask, what is your name. . .?" asked the girl with her hair swept up in the wind. The conflagration before her feet. The golden lighting which radiated from the flames settled along the lining her figure.
He reclined back in the seat and sighed.
"You may wanna watch where you're going." Keith opened his eyes only to see you looking down at him. "Hi," you giggled.
"GAH!" he screamed, suddenly swerving the Red Lion right. You didn't have time to react to the sudden motion—so out of instinct, you grabbed onto the nearest thing you could reach. The thing was Keith's hair. "OWWW—" he hissed, taking his hands off the control columns. You managed to pull him out of the pilot's space and into the wall. . .on accident, of course.
"Owwwwie," you whimpered. Gravity made it so the right wall was the floor. You endeavored to get up, but this guy was crushing your spine. He made an attempt to try and stand, but the ship must have hit some rubble outside because now the ceiling was the floor.
"Er—I need—I need to get to the controls!" Keith struggled to say. "And how the heck did you even get in here!?"
"I'll explain later, now get your hand out of my FACE—WAH!"
The ship dragged back without warning. All this action was beginning to give you motion sickness.
"Oh, great. Now your stinkin' earrings are tangled in my hair!" Keith mentioned—his voice muffled against the cold steel floor.
"Well, that's none of my business apparently—YEET!" Keith fell forward from another sudden tilt—which pulled you back with him. Finally, you just came to the conclusion that you had to make an effort. Settling that, you took Keith by the arm and flung him toward the control panel.
"Just get back into the cockpit!"
He grabbed onto the rest part of the seat and managed to pull himself up. With one tilt of the control sticks—he returned the Red Lion back to its normal force.
He let out a sigh of relief.
Before he could finish his question, a small muffled voice said, "Keith? Keith? Are you there? Keith?"
Without any vacillation, Keith picked his helmet back up and replied, "Yeah, Shiro. I'm here. Sorry, just some turbulence."
"Phew, we thought you crashed or something," Shiro responded with gladness.
"Yeah! You sounded like a screaming girl for a second!"
Keith groaned. "Shut up, Lance."
"We're returning back to the Castle. I think we cleared out most of the offenders," Shiro noted.
"Okay, though there is something I have to do first." Keith dove the Red Lion down, heading in the opposite direction of the Castle.
"Are we getting a Big Mac?" you asked.
"No, we're returning you back to that rescue ship. I can't have them know a girl sneaked into my ship."
You silently gasped. "Uh, woman!" you crossed your arms and scoffed. "And I am NOT going back to that rescue ship!"
"And why not?" he wondered, barely taking you seriously.
"Because. . ." You hesitated for a few seconds—but then you got a bright idea. You had to bend the truth a little though. "Because—I don't have a family or anyone to look after me. . ."
"What? How old are you?" he asked, sounding a little confused.
You knew that if you confirmed your real age—he'd assume that you'd be able to take care of yourself. And even you knew that was ludicrous. Also, he was hot so you wanted to hang around with him for a little more time. "Sixteen," you answered with no shame.
"What about those earrings? You mentioned that they were a gift from your mother."
"After she gave them to me, she abandoned me, so then I had to stay with my loser boyfriend for a while. Last I heard, my mother got Ebola and so I never heard from her again. And before you know it, my boyfriend dumped me at the Walmart in this town." After saying that all in one breath, you came to the conclusion that perhaps you were laying it on a little too thick.
". . .Fine. Look, I'll take you back to the Castle and we'll sort it out from there, okay?"
Either this guy simply doesn't care, or he's just doing whatever it takes to get you out of his face—because there's no way he genuinely believed that. "Yeah, okay. By the way, my name is (Y/N)."
"Alright, (Y/N)."
After flying for a few more minutes, Keith returned the Red Lion back to the Castle. You peered out the window to see this large base floating in the sky. That's the one he was flying toward. He cautiously landed in one of the hangars. You were dying to get out.
Keith shuffled through the scattered buttons on the control panel in order to turn everything off. "we're here, but don't just going running in there with your arms up, screaming—"
However, you ignored him. You just ran out of the Red Lion and ducked behind one of the walls. You looked around before screaming, "HIT OR MISS!!!" You put your hand up to your ear and heard an echo from afar shout back.
Keith face-palmed. "What did I just say!?"
"I dunno, I wasn't really paying attention."
". . ." Keith blinked.
That's when a figure off in the distance appeared. You squinted your eyes to get a better view. For now, it was hard to make out.
"Hey, guys! Keith is back!" the voice said again. It sounded like a guy—but his light voice gave off the vibe that he was playful.
Keith acknowledged him while crossing his arms. "Lance."
"Keith, there you are," another male entered the room. He was taller and more muscular than the rest. He also looked older. "I was beginning to get worried."
"I can take care of myself. Don't worry," he assured. Keith expelled his helmet and jerked his head—causing the loose strands of his sable hair to fly out of his vision.
You then grew bored of remaining silent.
"Hi," is all you said.
"GAH!!" Lance screeched and hopped up on top of Shiro. "WHO—"
"Guys, this is (Y/N). She somehow got into my ship and it's a long story so don't ask or I'll hurt you."
". . ." Lance and Shiro exchanged looks.
Lance broke the silence. "So, (Y/N)," he said with a flirtatious grin.
"I'm eighteen so no," you told him with a sassy leer.
"Hold the phone, you said you were sixteen!" Keith brought up. An awkward aura filled the air.
"I lied."
". . ." Keith looked at you with no expression. "Now look here you little—"
"Okay!" Shiro got between you two. You just had your arms crossed along with your eyes closed. Keith was irked about your lies and attitude. "Look, why don't we just let (Y/N) stay here for a bit? And then she can go back to her family."
"She doesn't have one," Keith informed before Shiro got too much further into the construct of his plan.
"Actually, I do," you confessed. "But I would barely even call them one."
"Why did you follow me then!? You were perfectly okay and safe being in that rescue ship!" Keith interrogated. He slid past Shiro and got in your face.
"Because that family makes me want to rip my hair out," you responded with a huff. You tilted your head in the opposite direction of where Keith stood. "Also, the rescue ships make me want to puke."
"Everyone has family problems. Seems like you're just a spoiled brat."
That tears it. You yanked your head in his direction and glowered. He showed no submission whatsoever. He didn't even blink at your sudden movement. Edginess level was at ten thousand right now.
"Please, save your breath. You'll probably need it to blow up your next date," you countered.
"Then do you have plans on Friday?" he asked, completely unaware of the awkwardness that he set up. After a few seconds, he realized how it sounded. "I'M NOT ASKING YOU OUT, THAT WAS A COMEBACK SO EVERYONE STOP THINKING ABOUT IT IN THAT WAY—"
"Hello?" you heard a soft feminine voice interrupt. There was a hint of a British accent within it. "I heard shouting and—huh? Who is this?" A few seconds later, a silhouette descended from the hall path. It was a woman with ivory hair, dark skin, and colorful markings beneath her eyes. She came into the light and looked at you with a sweet smile. "Welcome. My name is Allura."
Lance leaned over and whispered, "she's a princess!"
"Of what? This group's remaining sanity?"
"Altea," she responded, looking up thoughtfully. "You must be hungry, you shall tell us more about yourself at lunch. Come." She then headed off. You shrugged and followed behind her.
After the narrated tour to the dining room, Allura called out a name. "Coran! We have a guest, get her something to eat please."
"Will do, Princess!" he replied in a quirky manner. You went over and sat down at the dining table. Right now, you were just trying to take in all the technology of the ship and the sleek aesthetic.
Keith then sat beside you. "I personally think you'll love the food here."
"Really. . .?" You rested your arms on the table and supported your chin with your hands.
"Yeaaaaaah," he smirked, facing in the opposite direction.
Coran jumped up and beamed, "food's up! I hope you enjoy!" He peppily bounced to the table and slid a dish full of green goo across the table. Keith smoothly stopped it with his finger and slowly thrusted it in front of you.
You inspected it for any toxic-looking waste. "It. . .It looks like something my dog would cough up—"
"It's actually delicious!" a new, unfamiliar voice praised. You peeked across Keith's head to see a guy who seemed heftier than the rest. His color scheme consisted mainly of yellows. "Hi! I'm Hunk. Who are you?"
"Hunk, (Y/N). (Y/N), Hunk," Keith introduced at the talking speed of an auctioneer.
Lance smiled. "Now that everyone is introdu—"
"Hey, guys," a NEW voice said. Lance was beginning to go insane from all of the repetitive greetings. You only face-palmed.
"PIDGE THIS IS (Y/N). (Y/N), THIS IS PIDGE," Lance screamed.
Pidge began, "oh, where did—"
You twirled your hair out of nervousness. "Well, thank you all for taking me in. I would have died inside twice if it weren't for you."
Everyone smiled. Except for Keith. He remained suspicious until then.
"Yeah. . .you're welcome," he simply responded.
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