Only a Remorse.
Bryce smiled as he held the CD in his hand, looking over the classic horror movie he used to love watching as a kid. It was old now but he still couldn't get over the fact that some people still had the same opinion as him. He sat it back in his place for it was the last copy in this store then went to join Ryan who was looking at a poster. He was t really sure what kind of poster but it was splattered with all sorts of paint then in the middle was three black figures, bringing out the colors. Like the man beside him he stared up at the poster with a dazed expression.
"I'm not a big fan of art," Ryan stated flatly as he fixed his stance. "This one just caught my eye.."
Bryce nodded at that as he tore his blue eyes from the painting to the man who stood tall. He smiled faintly at him but the older man stared up at the painting with a blank expression.
Bryce could tell he was thinking of something. "What'cha thinking about Ohm?" Ryan only furrowed his brow in response as he pulled himself from the painting to lock eyes with the blonde. It was silent for a brief moment as they stared at one another then Ryan looked away. "Bryce why are you still with him?" That question took him off guard and he found himself lost in an invasion of thoughts as to why he still was with the man who hurt him so much. He shrugged, "Guess I just care about him a lot..?"
Ryan chuckled at that, "You don't seem too sure yourself.." He turned away from the blonde who only made a face. "I don't really know Ryan. Honestly I convinced myself for the longest I loved him but now after years I'm slowly starting to wake up.." The older male looked down at the blonde who only stared blankly at the painting.
"Do you though?"
"I don't know.."
"You shouldn't."
"My heart does but my brain doesn't.." Bryce turned to face Ryan. "My heart is so wrapped up with the thorns it has become hard to see. It's hard to see ya know?"
Ryan raised a brow as the blonde stared up at him with a certain look that made his heart bleed. "If you could describe it then do it." His words were whispers now as his throat became dry.
"It's like being in a beautiful garden but I'm stuck trying to deal with this one little vine that keeps growing around a rose. Now? Tch, I feel like I've plucked myself on a thorn and am too busy trying to get my wound to stop bleeding to even see the destruction Jonathan is doing to my garden..."
Ryan smiled faintly at those words. "Maybe you need someone to stop the bleeding." His voice made the blonde blink twice in confusion. "Well maybe but-" before he could finish the man cupped his cheek and pulled him in for a kiss. The feeling of his lips pressed against the blondes made his heart twist but what made it flutter was the fact that Bryce kissed him back.
As they parted Ryan pressed his forehead to the blondes, "Bryce I don't know why but..over knowing you for just a few..I think I love you.."
•Jonathan's Home...
Bryce threw his phone on the coffee table with a small grin plastered on his face as he tried to hide the fact that he was grinning from really no one. He couldn't believe he was melting over a man who wanted him though he had a man who was with him. He was confused dearly..
"You're pretty happy.." The voice made him jump a little as he turned around to see his boyfriend standing there holding a box of food. "I got us food since you wasn't here.." Bryce's smile faded as he watched his boyfriend set the food down and make his way to him. "Where have you been?"
"Out with a friend." His answer was simply and blank. "Went to get coffee then we stopped by the store beside it."
Jonathan slightly nodded as he pointed to the room, "Got you a new book too." He smiled at the blonde who only returned the smile with a thanks. "I'm gonna go log into my classes okay?" Jon nodded as he began to unload the food.
Bryce went to the office and closed the door behind him, feeling as if something was off. He sat at the computer and clicked Skype only to see his boyfriend was logged out. In a panic he tried to log in only to freak.
It was an Error..
Suddenly he heard the door open and as soon as he looked up his phone was sat one the table. Bryce looked at the screen to see the message Ryan had sent not even seconds ago with a guy dropping feeling. The words in the screen were the ones that only Jonathan should say.
Bryce looked up to his boyfriend who only crossed his arms in response. "Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you I changed my computer passcode." He snickered. "Did you really think I didn't know Bryce? I saw him kiss you..but you know what really broke my heart? Seeing you kiss him back. I love you Bryce and I wasn't kidding." Jonathan grasped his chin violently and smiled, "You're mine Bryce. Remember that.."
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