[C.18] First Day Pt. 2
A/N: Hobi's visuals are no joke
• 𝐀 𝐔 𝐓 𝐇 𝐎 𝐑 ' 𝐒 𝐏. 𝐎. 𝐕 •
Jaws dropped as the four girls entered the classroom.
As the oldest, Jisoo decided to introduce herself first.
"Annyeong everyone, my name is Kim Jisoo, but please call me Jisoo." Chu smiled brightly at them.
Unbeknownst to the others, a boy in their class with broad shoulders and godly visuals raised both of his brows.
"We met again, Jisoo." He whispered to himself, amused.
Next one in line was Jennie.
"Hi everyon-"
She was cut off when they heard someone cough and all heads turned to the handsome boy.
"Oh I'm sorry, please do continue." The boy smirked.
Jennie's famous gummy smile immediately disappeared upon seeing who interrupted her, her face was now masked with an annoyed expression but she hid it well, not wanting to give off a bad first impression.
"Kim freaking Taehyung."
She thought and mentally rolled her eyes before continuing.
"Again, hello guys, the name's Kim Jennie, but Jennie's fine, nice to meet you all." She quickly said before taking a step back, giving the attention to Chaeyoung who stepped forward.
"Annyeonghaseyo, yeorobun, my name is Park Chaeyoung but you can call me Rośe, whichever you want, I hope you treat us well." She smiled cutely causing the students to swoon especially one particular mochi who was smiling too.
"Finally, there you are Rośe." He thought.
And the last one left is Lisa.
"Hello everyone, my name is Lalisa Manoban but call me Lisa, please treat us well." She gave them a small smile, the girl were nervous.
Once again the classroom cooed, these four girls had an effect on them, they just radiated too much positivity already.
But one specific bunny was smiling secretly at the back.
And of course, to make this story clićhe as heck.
"Okay girls now sit in front of Seokjin, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung, boys kindly raise your hands." Heechul said.
Four young men raised their hands.
The girls widened their eyes for a second except Lisa before going to the said seats.
They placed their bags down, listened to the lesson and it was like highschool all over again exept this one was magical.
Thinking about school, they suddenly missed their friends back in the Other World. Everything was going well when suddenly someone kept poking Jennie's back.
Of course the latter knew who was the annoying guy.
"Taehyung stop." She whispered while glaring at him.
He smirked.
"So you remember me huh? Knew it! I bet my handsome face didn't leave your mind since then." He replied cockily while placing his chin on his hands which was placed on the back of Jennie's chair.
Jennie swatted his hands away, "Well duh, the teacher called your name a while ago." She rolled her eyes.
"Oh come on Jennie, you know that's not what I mean." He replied.
"Whatever, blame your annoying ass, that's why I can't forget about you." She replied grumpily.
"So you really didn't forget about me?" He showed his boxy smile.
"Shoot!" She internally panicked.
"Well RV, and TXT, specially Taehyun kept talking about your famous group." She saved herself from embarrassment, emphasizing the word 'famous' sarcastically.
"Wait, you know my brother? How?" He asked confused.
"None of your bussiness." She said before facing the blackboard again.
"Yah! Of course it is! It's my brother!" He whisper yelled.
Meanwhile on the other classroom.
"Achoo! God who's talking about me?" Taehyun said as he rubbed is nose.
"Yow hyun you okay?" Yeonjun whispered for they were sitting side by side. "Yeah I am, and for the umpteenth time, don't call me 'hyun', that's Irene noona's nickname." Taehyun chuckled.
"Psh, whatever you say." Yeonjun rolled his eyes before turning back to the blackboard.
"Class, please turn to page 23 of your book and mark it as an assignment, I'm expecting that tomorrow, class dismissed."
"Finally!" Soobin groaned.
"C'mon guys, let's meet with the noonas." Yeonjun said and the others nodded.
"Yeah, I'm hungry." Beomgyu rubbed his stomach.
"Me too." Kai added.
The five young men walked their way through the hallway, receiving the usual stares from girls.
"I should get used to this by now." Kai said.
"Yeah, their stares make me uncomfortable, but I'm not blaming them, we're too handsome." Yeonjun smirked.
"Whatever hyung." Beomgyu chuckled.
"There they are!" Taehyun pointed towards the group of girls going inside the cafeteria.
They were about to approach them when 7 men blocked their paths.
"Where do you think your going?"
"To the cafeteria to eat, Jin hyung." Kai smiled.
"Yeah we see that, but why aren't you waiting for us?" Jin arched a brow.
"Oh about that hyung, we're eating with the noonas." Yeonjun pointed to Jisoo, Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Lisa talking to RV.
"Wait you know them?" Namjoon asked.
"Apparently yeah, I talked with Jennie earlier." Taehyung shrugged, answering for TXT.
"Wait you know them hyung?" Soobin asked.
"Yeah, and hyungs, remember the girl I told you about?" Taehyung grinned.
"It was her?" Namjoon pointed towards the cat eyed girl.
"Well we're on the same page then." Jin spoke up. "Don't tell me the girl you were talking about is one of them too?" Hoseok said, and Jin just nodded.
"Same here."
Jimin and Jungkook chorused.
"What kind of destiny shit is this?" Yoongi said.
"Uhh, so can we eat hyungs?" Soobin lowly asked.
"Wait you're replacing us with them? The disrespect!" Jin dramatically gasped.
TXT chuckled while the rest of BTS rolled their eyes.
"But seriously though, you'd rather eat with them than with the most popular guys?" Jin arched a brow.
"Uhh RV is popular too hyung, you're friends with them right?" Beomgyu said.
"He's not talking about RV, he's talking about those newbies." Yoongi stated.
"Pathetic choice kids, who are they anyways?" Jin shook his head.
But TXT just smiled.
"If only you knew hyungs, you'll eat your words later on." Yeonjun communicated with the rest of TXT through telepathy, causing the younger boys to chuckle.
"Yah, what are you kids thinking?" Taehyung asked.
"Nothing hyung, so we'll see you later? Bye hyungs!" Taehyun said before going with the rest to go to RV and the girls.
"They're keeping something from us." Jimin said.
"Let's just eat hyungs, I'm hungry." Jungkook rubbed his stomach.
° ° °
"There you are, what took you so long?" Irene asked.
"Yeah, we're dying from hunger here." Chaeyoung said, desperate for some food.
"Sorry noonas, we just talked for a while with our hyungs." Soobin said before talking a seat.
"Ugh if stares could kill the four us would be dead by now." Jennie said while narrowing her eyes at both boy and girl students staring at them at the moment, some glaring, some staring at awe, some having looks of jealousy.
Lisa chuckled, "I agree."
"Just ignore them noona." Soobin smiled.
"Yow I can imagine their reactions when they find out who you girls really are." Yeri laughed.
"Now that would be priceleess." Jisoo grinned.
"It totaly would, but at the moment I'm so hungry." Joy whined.
"Yeah yeah, I'll just get our food." The ever so kind Wendy offered.
"Thanks Wends!" Seulgi said and Wendy nodded before leaving them to get their food.
A few minutes later screams were heard.
"Guys! They're here!"
After that remark from a random student, girl's screams were getting louder and louder at the sight of their oppa's.
"Ugh! Sooo freaking loud!" Jennie rolled her eyes before covering her ears and banging her head on the table.
"Hey, you'll hurt yourself." Seulgi chuckled.
Jennie then looked up, but regretted it as soon as she saw V staring at her with a smirk before looking away and sitting with his group.
While Lisa on the other hand, have been confused since their first class.
Why you may ask?
Well it was because of one particular bunny who's been stealing glances at her the whole day and Lisa noticed it.
And Jungkook almost tripped for not focusing on the way due to staring at Lisa, but he regained his composure fast before sitting down.
Lisa giggled silently because of this.
Jisoo heard it and followed Lisa's line of direction and narrowed her eyes.
"Wait he looks familiar." She narrowed her eyes more.
"But I don't remember where I saw him."
"Who are you talking about unnie?" Lisa asked.
"That Jungkook guy."
"You know him?"
"No, I just heard a fangirl scream his name which scared him out of his wits." Jisoo replied.
"But I think I saw him somewhere else," Jisoo pondered, "Bingo!" The latter exclaimed.
"God, unnie you scared me!" Lisa clutched her chest.
"Yeah, it's him alright." Jisoo smirked, "He's who unnie?" Lisa asked.
"The guy that kept staring at you." Jisoo said and Lisa face palmed.
"Well yeah, he literally did that since this morning." The girl with bangs said.
"No, I mean the guy who kept starring at you in the Dark Forest." Jisoo said with finality, she was sure it was him.
To say that Lisa was shocked was an understatement. . .was an understatement, she didn't expect that he was the guy in the Dark Forest, it was a mystery to her all the time, but not until now.
"Oh." Was all she could say.
She then stared at Jungkook for a while and examined him, his silky hair, perfectly proportioned face, sparkling eyes, defined jawline, and even his cute bunny smile. It was at this moment when Lisa noticed how breathtaking he actually was.
"He might melt Liz."
Lisa was released from her reverie and saw Chaeyoung smirking at her, she then rolled her eyes.
"Says the person that probably was the reason why Park Jimin melted." The younger of the two scoffed.
Chaeyoung's eyes widened.
"Was it obvious?" Rośe looked at Lisa in slight panic.
"Unfortunately it is chipmunk." It was Lisa's turn to smirk.
"Whipped." Lisa whispered.
"What did you say?" Chaeyoung raised a brow.
"Oh nothing."
This made Rośe confused, but what made her even more confused was when Lisa started to bust out some dance moves from the 'Nae Nae' dance.
Even in a sitting position she can still slay the routine.
"Now watch me whip, now watch me nae nae, now watch me whip, whip, watch me nae nae."
The chipmunk was confused a first, but she got the message eventually.
"YAH! I'm not whipped!" She huffed it frustration.
"What?! I said whip, not whipped!" Lisa covered her head as she was catching Chaeyoung's hands.
"I'm not dumb you monkey!" Rośe glared at Lisa, but the younger yet tall girl just chuckled at the pouting Rośe.
"Yah, you two stop it, you're making a mess." Jisoo scolded her kids.
Seulgi and Irene chuckled at the sight, TXT snickered, while Joy and Yeri were just glancing around, hoping that the food would arrive anytime soon.
And to their luck, they saw Wendy coming back.
"Please be a gentleman and help me out!" Wendy exclaimed at TXT who immediately rushed to help her.
"Unnie, how many times do I have to tell you?" Chaeyoung sighed. "It's Chicken, not Chickin" Rośe said fluently in english, not forgetting to nail her usual Australian accent.
Jisoo wasn't that fluent, but she can understand english fully, and she's been improving with the help of Jennie, Rośe, Lisa, and now with Wendy to help them.
"It's still the same food Chaeyoung." Jisoo deadpanned.
The rest of them quietly ate, with random conversations here and there, with the exception of Chaeyoung, Jisoo, Yeri, and Joy who were eating like there's no tomorrow.
"Oh wow." Yeonjun said shocked.
It wasn't even that long when Wendy came with the food, and now it was almost finished.
"Pigs." Jennie muttered quietly.
"That's a bit harsh noona." Soobin chuckled.
"Wait you heard that?" Jennie said with wide eyes.
"Yeah, I think I forgot to mention that one of my powers are enhanced hearing, I can hear any sound or noise even if it's not within range." Soobin explained.
"Wow how many powers do you have?" Lisa asked.
"Three actually, same with the rest of the boys." Soobin added. "What about you guy? What are yours?" Lisa turned to the rest of TXT.
"My other power aside from telepathy and earth manipulation is enhanced vision, I can see things more clearly or even if it's far away, this also includes night vision." Taehyun explained happily.
"Mine's thorns, and by thorns I mean they litteraly sprout out on my shoulders and I can use it to protect myself and also harm opponents." Beomgyu said proudly.
"I can shapeshift to any animal I want but it'd have horns, but my favorite animal to shapeshift into is my signature blue bird, I'd even shapeshift to it when I spy on you noonas." Yeonjun said.
"Wait. . .what?!" Jennie's eyes widened.
"It was my mission noona, I have no choice, besides it's for your safety!" Yeonjun automatically help up his hands to protect himself as soon as he saw Jennie's hand threatingly raise.
Jennie just groaned.
"What about you Kai?" Lisa returned to the previous topic.
"Oh noona remember when we said he's an angel? And you thought it's because of his personality and how he looks? I mean yes but he literally has hidden wings in his back." Taehyun said and the girls looked at Kai in shock and awe.
Kai scratched his nape shyly.
"Yeah it's true noona, but I decide if it appears on my back or not." He stated.
"Daebak! How bout you unnies?" Chaeyoung addressed RV.
"We only have two, lame right?" Seulgi smirked. "But we're still stronger than these kids here."
"Oh don't bring that back noona." Yeonjun whined but Seulgi ignored him.
"One time, we had a duel and even though being outnumbered in powers we still won." Seulgi smirked proudly, while the rest of the girls laughed.
"It's because you have more experience noona! and don't laugh, it's not funny!" Soobin pouted.
"You're right, it's not funny," Joy laughed loudly, "It was fucking hilarious!"
Irene turned serious all of a sudden. "Language, Sooyoung!"
"Psh, whatever grandma." Joy smirked.
They then fell into bursts of laughter again.
"Ugh, maknaes are so immature!" Irene grumbled.
"What do you call Jisoo unnie then?" Lisa snickered causing another burst of laughter to erupt.
Jisoo glared at the younger girl and continuosly smacked her head.
"Oh wow, this is a mess." Yeri suddenly said causing the others to look at her to only find the girl eating the last bit if chicken.
"Wait you consumed the rest? How bout me?!" Jisoo exclaimed.
The four girls were shocked with how fast she ate, but what shocked them more was when 7 figures started to approach their table.
° ° °
8.02k reads?!?! Thank you guys so so muchhhhh! #roadto10k hope we accomplish that together soon!
This past few days, inspiration was barely with me and I dunno why, so please help me motivate myself guys so I can write more often, you can do that by voting, commenting, and following me (still your choice tho) but it would really motivate me guysss
But I mean good things happened this week, me and my bestfriend managed to rebuild our broken relationship due to something very personal that I can't write it here, God about 5 months of ignoring each other hurted like a B but yesterday we made up and hugged each other like there's no tomorrow lol and everything went back to normal
If you spot any grammatical error, well I'm lazy
Luv y'all
Author-nim outtt
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