Chapter 15
Lauren was once more in the Potion's classroom, working on now trying to concoct a simple healing salve.
Today marked the last of their daily lessons, now that the Christmas holidays were drawing to an end. By the time the sun would dip below the horizon, the Hogwarts Express would pull up to Hogsmeade Station, bringing with it the returning students that would once more encompass the castle. There would be little to no opportunity from here on out for Lauren to sneak out through the secret passage; not with her fellow Slytherins, who viewed the Common Room as a meeting place of sorts, congregating there until late into the night, either to finish homework or socialize.
With the end of her lessons with Snape in sight came a sense of disheartenment. For the first time in her life Lauren found that not only did she have potential, but her potential was actually being recognized. And with this knowledge came confidence and, in a weird twisted way, a sense of belonging – traits that had been very foreign to her in her old life. She had never felt like any skillsets she possessed were of any value. With Potions, it was the opposite. Knowing how to brew potions was a very valuable skillset to possess in this world.
And Lauren knew that she had Severus to thank for his subtle aid that had guided her to this point of acceptance.
At the thought of her dark Professor, Lauren cast a surreptitious glance at Snape, who was lazily pacing about his classroom, his hands clasped behind his back.
Unsurprisingly, both had chosen to ignore their gift exchange over the Christmas holidays, barely even acknowledging that such an event had occurred. Though, when Lauren had entered his study the day after Christmas, she had spied the quill and bottle of red ink perched upon his desk, patiently waiting to be put to good use – which would, unfortunately, mean that the essays of the poor souls of Hogwarts would soon be shredded with the bright red scathing insults in the coming weeks. Hers included.
It wasn't that Lauren didn't want to thank Severus for his gift. She just didn't know how. And Snape, by the looks of it, didn't know how to express his gratitude either, or maybe was uncomfortable in doing so.
So both were choosing to carry on as normal. Well, normal for them at any rate. Anyone who witnessed their interactions would assume that they despised each other, if their sniping and barely veiled insults were anything to go by. But this was the nature of their 'friendship' – Snape would growl a scathing retort at her, and Lauren would fire back with equal venom. Admittedly, Lauren rather enjoyed these exchanges, and suspected that Snape did as well.
"Careful, Miss Ward, otherwise your salve is going to turn into burnt, lumpy sludge," Snape drawled as he examined one of the bottles of pickled dead things surrounding his classroom, not even looking in her direction. He may have seemed deceptively occupied, but Snape was always aware of his surroundings.
Lauren's gaze shot back to the thickening salve within her cauldron and, seeing that he was right, she quickly added a few drops of lavender oil, giving it a final stir before extinguishing the flame beneath.
Snape made his way over to her table, bending at the waist as he visually examined the salve within her cauldron. Lauren watched as he picked up a silver spoon and scooped up a spoonful of the thick olive-green ointment.
"What can you tell me about Bethany Ward?" Lauren asked, more to fill the silence.
Severus was quiet for a moment, his dark gaze still eyeing the salve that he now held up to eye level.
"What do you want to know?" he murmured.
Lauren paused. What did she really want to know? She didn't have a clue. "When did she die?"
Snape frowned as he sniffed the salve, his concentration absolute. Then he raised his other hand and scooped a small amount onto his index finger, rubbing his thumb and finger together as he tested the consistency.
"Close to twenty-five years ago," he finally replied.
"How did she die?" Lauren asked, bending over her workstation and resting her elbows on the wooden surface, her hands clasped in front on her as she eyed at him with burning curiosity.
"Why don't you just go and look up the information yourself? I'm not your personal encyclopedia," he snapped, straightening to his full height.
"I can't go to the library, remember," she pointed out. "By the way, what's the verdict on my salve?"
Snape met her enquiring gaze with a condescending one of his own. "Exceeds expectations," he drawled out reluctantly, placing the spoon back on the counter.
Lauren grinned widely at him. "Careful...that almost sounded like a compliment."
Snape's lips curled in disdain.
"So how did she die?" she pressed.
Snape crossed his arms in front of him, cradling his elbow in his hand as he tapped his bottom lip with his index finger. "Many expected her to die at her own hands as Bethany Ward was known to test out her antidotes on herself."
Lauren's eyes bulged as the meaning of what he was saying hit her. "What?! She intentionally poisoned herself?"
Lauren shook her head, thinking that her 'ancestor' must have been absolutely bonkers. Brilliant, if Lauren understood a fraction of what had been written in Bethany's book, but bonkers, nonetheless.
"So...?" she finally asked, somewhat hesitantly. Lauren was envisioning a painful demise, especially if poison was involved.
"Bethany Ward died of old age, disappointing as that may be to hear."
Lauren nodded to herself, relieved. "Was she really as exceptional as what everyone makes her out to be?"
"I wouldn't have had her book in my personal collection if she hadn't been extraordinary," Severus pointed out sardonically.
And there it was – the silent acknowledgement that he had given her the book as a gift, but he had phrased in such a way that Lauren could choose to ignore it. Or acknowledge it.
As Lauren peered at him, she noted a stiffness to the way he was holding himself, almost as though he were bracing himself for the uncomfortable thanks that he did not wish for her to give.
Lauren decided it best to settle on a more tactical approach. "Point taken. The book is a riveting read." There, that's a sly way of telling him I like his gift. "Though, some of the theories and potions mentioned in the book are very complex and a bit difficult to understand."
"It would be, especially at your level of education," Snape replied, his posture fractionally relaxing. "As your school years advance and you are introduced to the more intricate portion of potion making, you will be able to grasp Bethany Ward's written text more easily. In time you may even be able to apply some her theories yourself. Incidentally, we will be studying some of her works during your sixth and seventh year classes."
Lauren felt a thrill of excitement at learning this and opened her mouth to ask another question, but Snape cut her off.
"It's time for you to leave."
Lauren felt slightly stung by his abrupt dismissal.
"In an hour's time we shall be plagued with the presence of the dunderheads I have the misfortune of teaching," he elaborated, his tone bitter.
Lauren glanced down at her watch, realizing that Severus was, indeed, correct. She turned to leave, but paused, glancing back over her shoulder at him. "When will our next lesson be, sir?"
Snape regarded her, the seconds ticking by. "I'll let you know," he finally replied, motioning with his long-fingered hand for her to go.
Once in her room Lauren cleaned up and dressed in clean clothes.
And then she waited. Which was not one of her stronger traits.
After a few moments she found herself lying on her bed, perusing the book from Tracey. It contained the simple spells and charms of Wingardium Leviosa, Lumos, and Accio; spells that they were currently working on this year at school. But there were other spells, such as Colloportus (a charm to lock doors), Evanesco (used to vanish objects), or Protego, the Shield Charm, all of which they had still yet to learn. There were other more advanced spells that went beyond her current skill level, but Lauren was determined to learn what she could.
An hour passed and the door to the room Pansy, Millicent and Daphne strode in, chatting animatedly to each other. They were followed shortly after by Tracey, who was her usual quiet self.
Lauren grinned at her little shadow and, completely ignoring the others, she hopped off her bed and went over to her, enveloping Tracey in a hug.
After a moment's hesitation, Tracy hugged her back. It was rare for Lauren to display affection.
Pulling apart, Tracey eyed her speculatively. "You must have been very bored to have missed me this much," she remarked dryly.
Lauren gave a dramatic sigh. "Sadly, yes."
Tracey cracked a smile and deposited her bag on her bed. "Oh, thank you for the necklace. I love it."
Tracey had once offhandedly remarked that her favorite animal was a cat and during her excursion of Diagon Alley, Lauren had come across and a thin silver chained necklace with a pendant of a cat dangling from it. It was the perfect gift for Tracey, Lauren had decided right there and then.
"You're welcome," murmured Lauren. "Your book has been very useful as well. Thank you."
"Out of curiosity, what did you do with the homework planner?"
Lauren glance guiltily up at the ceiling, where the planner was now currently stuck. A dark scorch mark could be seen brandished upon the cover.
Tracey followed her gaze and gawped at the sight. Finally she dragged her eyes away and eyed Lauren with a look that could only be described as a mixture between exasperation and incredulity. "How did you get it stuck up there?"
Lauren shrugged. "No idea. I was using it as target practice and it kinda got stuck on the ceiling."
"Any idea how to get it down?" Tracey asked after a pause.
"Nope. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. I don't want to see that blasted thing again!"
Tracey suddenly grinned and shook her head. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Come on, let's go to dinner. I'm starving!"
They made their way to the Great Hall, Tracey recounting her Christmas to Lauren quite animatedly.
Arriving at the Slytherin table they settled down and loaded their plates with a heaping helping from the mouth-watering dishes laid out on the table. The rest of the seats soon filled up as students arrived for dinner.
"So how was your Christmas?" Tracey asked, cutting up her pork chop into perfect mouth-sized pieces.
Lauren shrugged. "Dumbledore took me to the Ministry. Apparently, I'm the long-lost descendant of Bethany Anne Ward."
A little way down the table Draco raised his head at her proclamation, now giving the conversation between the two oblivious girls his full attention.
"The Bethany Anne Ward?" Tracey asked, awe apparent in her voice.
"Unless you know of another Bethany Anne Ward, then yes," Lauren remarked, eating some mashed potatoes and gravy.
Tracey blinked. "Wow. Do you know how amazing that is? Bethany Ward was –."
"- One of the most accomplished Potion Mistresses of her time. Yeah, I know," Lauren finished.
"Well...yeah." Tracey eyed her, almost as though she were seeing her for the first time. "Though, it does explain a lot, really."
"How do you figure?" Lauren asked.
"You really do have a talent for potion brewing. You must have inherited that from her."
"Maybe." Lauren couldn't very well explain to Tracey that she was not from this world and therefore there was no way in hell that she could possibly be related to this Bethany Anne Ward. It was impossible.
But is it? a sneaky voice inside her head asked.
"Do you know much about her?" Lauren asked Tracey.
Tracey looked thoughtful. "Not really. Maybe we can find some more info in the library."
"Why am I not surprised that the first thing you thought of was the library," Lauren remarked.
Tracey shot her a grin and all further conversation about the mysterious Bethany Anne Ward was soon forgotten as they finished their dinner.
Two weeks passed in the blink of an eye. Lauren barely had time to miss her private lessons with Snape as her other teachers seemed to be of one mind, handing out homework and assignments left, right and center – Snape the forerunner of them all. He was ruthless when it came to homework.
That Saturday Lauren and Tracey decided the head down to the library to do some research on some of their essays, as most of them were due on Monday. As they reached the high arched doors leading to the library, Tracey halted, rummaging in her bag. She let out an exasperated groan.
"I forgot my Transfiguration essay. I'll just go back and get it quickly."
Lauren nodded and entered the Library, noting that there were at least a dozen students seated at the spaced out tables, their eyes glued to the open books before them and their quills scratching on the parchment as they wrote. A few more students were wandering the aisles, searching for the books they required.
Lauren selected an empty table and slung her bookbag over the chair. Glancing at her notes, she proceeded to find the books they would need for their homework. Heading back to their table, Lauren frowned when she noticed that Tracey still was not back.
Movement from outside the open library doors caught her eye and, laying the books on the table, Lauren cautiously made her way to entrance to investigate.
And what she saw made her blood boil.
Three older students - fourth years by the looks of it - had Tracey cornered. The red embellished on their robes gave them away as belonging to Gryffindor.
"Just leave me alone," Tracey murmured, trying to duck around one of the boys, who swiftly stepped sideways to block her way.
"Or what?" another boy jeered. His mousy brown hair was combed neatly to the side and reminded Lauren of a high school jock; arrogant and pretentious. "Nobody's here to protect you. And who would want to defend a snake such as yourself?"
The other two boys sniggered, and Tracey was starting to look very much afraid.
"Please," Tracey whispered, trying once more to step around them. The brown-haired boy shoved her back, almost causing her to trip and fall.
"Oi! Leave her alone!" Lauren bellowed, pushing away from the entranceway and marching towards the gang, her hands clenched tightly into fists.
The boys turned around and guffawed amusedly at the petite little first-year storming towards them.
"Oh look! Another little slithering, slimy snake. What are you going to do? Cry?" jeered a boy with sunlit blonde hair.
"I bet we can make her cry," Brown-haired Jock taunted, stepping forward.
Lauren did not slow her pace as she neared him. His grey eyes were glinting amusedly as he noted her clenched fists at her side.
Lauren closed the distance between them and grabbed the front of his robes. The boy was momentarily confused by this action, and she used that to her advantage. Raising her knee, Lauren swiftly kicked him in the groin.
His loud moan of pain was satisfactory as he crumpled to the floor, clutching his nether regions. His face had turned a blotchy red and was a contorted mask of pain.
The other two boys looked at each other, shocked by what had just happened, and then with an outraged cry, they both charged Lauren.
All three toppled to the stone floor, rolling around in tangled heap of limbs. There was a lot of clawing, scratching, biting, hair pulling and cussing (mostly from Lauren). Rage fueled her, making her almost feral in her attack, and she was dimly aware that Tracey was screaming her name in the background.
Lauren was giving as good as she was getting, this not being the first fight she had ever gotten into. The metallic taste in her mouth told her that she had at least a split lip, amongst other injuries, but judging by the cries of pain ringing out, the boys weren't coming out of this unscathed either.
Suddenly a pair of strong arms snaked around her middle and roughly yanked her away from the boys.
Lauren struggled violently, thrashing against Severus as she tried to get free and resume the fight. She was out for blood.
Her magic flared up like a raging hurricane at their close contact, but Lauren's sights were set on the boys like a rabid animal intent on getting its prey, unable to focus on anything else. The three were now on their feet and slowly backing away; from her or Snape she could not tell.
No, they going to get away scotch free! her mind screamed.
Then in the misty haze of her blinding fury, an idea came to Lauren with crystal clear clarity.
Reaching into her pocket, she swiftly withdrew her wand and, before Snape could cotton on to what she was intending to do, Lauren concentrated on her magic, using it to call Severus' to the surface.
Their magic collided like two waves crashing together and Lauren channeled their combined magic through to her wand. Her eyes were narrowed into slits and she gritted her teeth as she concentrated on harnessing the intense power.
"Stupefy!" she screamed.
The spell surged through her wand, making it vibrate with the sheer force of it, and hit all three boys, sending them flying through the air.
Lauren watched, a feral grin plastered on her face as they hit the opposite wall and crumpled to the floor, unconscious.
"You try and hurt Tracey again and I'll make you sorry, you motherless goats of all motherless goat fu -!"
Her curse was cut short as Lauren found herself suddenly immobilized. Almost as though invisible strings were attached to her, Lauren felt her body being raised up, and slowly she rotated around so that she now faced Snape.
And he was absolutely livid.
There was no other word to describe the pitted fury contorting his pale features.
"You!" he snarled, pointing at a Gryffindor boy who stood amongst the crowd that had gathered to watch the show. The boy's eyes widened with fear at being addressed, and Lauren swore he turned a shade paler. "Find Professor McGonagall and have her deal with them," Snape ordered, nudging his head sharply in the direction of the three fallen boys behind them.
The boy hastily nodded and scampered away, running as fast as his feet could carry him.
Severus turned his attention to his next target. "Miss Farley!" he snapped.
Gemma, the Slytherin prefect, stepped forward with trepidation.
"Take Miss Davis back to her room." Snape didn't wait for a reply and turned sharply to address the rest of the crowd. "As for the rest of you, unless you all wish to personally serve detention with me for the rest of the year, I suggest you leave. Now!"
The crowd instantly scattered.
Snape glanced over his shoulder at Lauren, a baleful glare directed squarely at her. It was a look that did not promise anything good.
Flicking his wand, Lauren suddenly zoomed towards him, almost as though an invisible string was pulling her. Snape turned on his heel and marched down the corridor, Lauren floating immobilized behind him. As they passed the open library doors, Lauren's heart froze at the sight of a bright turban ducking quickly out of sight. Quirrell, she realized with a jolt, had just witnessed everything.
Lauren tried to struggle against the invisible restraints that held her, but it was as though her body had been frozen. She couldn't neither move nor make a sound.
Snape made his way down to the dungeons, any passing students giving them a very wide berth at the thunderous look on the dark Professor's face.
They reached his classroom and Snape headed straight to the door of his study. He gave a sharp flick of his wrist, causing the door to bang open and marched inside, the door slamming behind them with a resounding bang.
Lauren hung suspended in the air in the middle of the room, unable to do anything.
Whirling around, his black robes billowing at the movement, Snape eyed her, his obsidian eyes glinting dangerously. With another sharp flick of his wand, he sent her careening into a chair with such force that it nearly toppled over.
Before Lauren could even so much as blink, Snape was suddenly in front of her, his nose inches away from her own. He was gripping the armrests with such force that his knuckles were turning white.
"What the fuck were you thinking?!" he hissed.
Even without the immobilizing spell, Lauren would have been stunned into silence at hearing Severus swear.
"Do you want to get expelled?" he spat. His body practically thrummed with pent-up fury as he loomed over her.
All Lauren could do was stare at him, her heart pounding in her chest so loudly that surely Snape must have heard it.
Snape glared at her and then suddenly pushed away with such force that he nearly sent her chair, along with her in it, toppling over.
He stepped back and folded his arms in front of him, scowling venomously at her. His nostrils flared as he breathed in deeply, trying to reel in his temper. The seconds ticked by, stretching into minutes. Coming to a decision, Snape withdrew his wand and pointed it at her.
"Speak," he commanded, dropping his hand to his side.
Lauren tried to stand but found that she was now immobilized from the neck down. Her head snapped up and she glared up at Snape.
"Unbind me," she snarled.
"No," he stated, his tone ominous.
Lauren struggled to break free from her invisible restraints, but it was useless.
Snape's eyes narrowed. "What the hell did you think you were doing?"
"I was defending my friend!" she snapped. "Those boys deserved what they got."
"I'm not talking about them. I really couldn't care less how many infuriating Gryffindors you choose to hex."
Lauren paused in her struggle and glanced at him, her eyes widening in surprise at his admission. By the dark glower still being directed at her, though, Lauren knew that she was still in very deep trouble.
"No," he continued, his tone strained and his body taut with tension. "What I care about is that you used my magic against my will."
Lauren knew right there and then she was heading up shit creek without a paddle. Snape was not someone you crossed, at least not without a death wish. And she had definitely crossed the line with him with that little stunt.
Lauren's heart started beating frantically in her chest, righteous anger fast being replaced by curling dread.
"I should..." he growled, drawing out each syllable with painful precision.
Whatever he was about to say was cut off by the loud pounding on his door.
"Severus! Let me in!" a stern Scottish voice commanded from the other side.
Snape clenched his jaw, the frown furrowing his brows deepening. The banging resumed with renewed force and, with an incensed growl, Severus strode to the door and yanked it open forcefully.
Without invitation, Professor McGonagall pushed past him and entered the study. Her features were set in a derisive scowl to rival even Snape's.
"Minerva," Snape greeted through clenched teeth. "What a pleasant surprise."
Her sharp eyes landed on Lauren and she stuttered to a halt at the sight of Lauren and her bruised and battered face. She opened her mouth and then snapped it shut, her lips forming a thin line of disapproval.
"What happened?" she asked, turning to face Snape.
"Three of your lovely Gryffindors is what happened," Snape replied, closing the door. Minerva must have shot him a look because Snape decided to elaborate. "The three boys in question had one of my first-year's cornered and when Miss Ward stepped in, they decided to turn their...attention on her instead."
Minerva glanced back briefly at Lauren. She blinked behind her glasses and turned her attention back to Snape. "She sent all three of them to the Hospital Wing with serious concussions, Severus," she stated.
"Good. I hope they come out of it having learnt a valuable lesson," he snapped back.
"Severus -."
"No, Minerva. It was three against one. I hardly call that a fair fight. They got what they deserved."
The two Professors stood facing each other, defiant stubbornness etched on each of their features.
Finally McGonagall relented. "I agree that what they did was unacceptable, but..."
"But nothing. I am currently dealing with the situation as I see fit. Pray tell, Minerva, what are you planning on doing with your three wayward Gryffindors?"
Her nostrils flared as she glared back at him. Finally McGonagall ground out, "I'll deal with it."
"Good. Now get out," he snapped.
Lauren's eyes widened at the exchange.
Professor McGonagall let out a tired sigh. "I'm sorry this happened to one of your Slytherins, Severus, and I will make sure the boys are appropriately punished."
Severus eyed her for a moment and then gave a stiff nod of his head.
McGonagall cast one last look at Lauren and then squared her shoulders, striding out of the room. Snape shut the door and stood there for a moment, staring at it before finally turning around slowly to face Lauren.
She must have looked like a gaping fish, for Snape remarked dryly, "You look speechless, Miss Ward."
" stood up for me."
The statement, though simple, held a lot of weight behind it.
Snape regarded her thoughtfully for a moment. "Personally, I think you were in the right, Miss Ward."
Lauren looked away from his penetrating gaze. "I've...never had anyone stick up for me before..." she admitted, her words but a whisper.
There was a poignant poise and then she suddenly felt the spell being lifted from her body. Lauren slouched in the chair and rubbed tiredly at her forehead, wincing as she touched a particularly nasty bruise.
Snape glided into her field of vision and stood there regarding her.
"About your punishment..."
Lauren slowly raised her eyes to peer up at him, silently waiting for his verdict.
"Don't ever pull that stunt again," he warned as he glared down at her.
Lauren stared at him, knowing he was referring to her combining their magic. Snape was very much wary of it as she was. Power like that was unpredictable and could easily consume a person without conscious thought, taking control entirely. The casters would be left in nothing but the ashes of the destruction it could wield if not carefully handled.
She gave a single nod of assent.
Snape inhaled deeply through his nose as he came to a decision. "Detention every Friday after class."
Lauren gave another stiff nod. Personally, she had expected nothing less.
Snape was silent for a moment and then he turned abruptly on his heel and strode over to the cupboard that housed his personal supply of potions. He returned with a container and a vial clutched in his hands and held it out for Lauren.
Lauren raised a questioning brow.
"A healing salve and potion," he stated, his gaze pointedly drifting over the plains of her face. "You're going to need them."
Lauren grimaced. "Does it look bad?" she asked, accepting his offerings.
"Yes," he replied truthfully.
"Fantastic," she muttered sarcastically as she rose stiffly to her feet, all the aches and pains from the fight now coming to the forefront, and pocketed the salve and potion.
"If it's any consolation, those boys looked the worse for wear." Was it her imagination or did she glimpse a spark of approval in his eyes? "Where did you learn to fight like that?"
Lauren shrugged, unable to meet his gaze. "I was bullied a lot as a kid and teen. I had to learn to fight dirty."
The silence that followed was thick. Finally Snape spoke up. "I'll escort you back to your dormitory."
The walk back was long and silent. When they reached the door to the Slytherin Common Room, Snape nudged his head, indicating for her to go in. He was still angry, she could tell, and probably would remain so for quite some time. But even angry, he was still trying to help her.
Lauren pressed her lips together and pushed open the door, making sure to close it securely behind her.
She turned around and froze. Almost all the Slytherins had congregated in the Common Room, and they were all staring at her. An awkward dead silence rang out throughout the room, and Lauren had to resist the urge to fling open the door and run away.
"Did you really knock out those three Gryffindors with a Stupefy spell?" Pansy asked, stepping forward.
Lauren eyed her suspiciously, but finally gave a stiff nod of her head.
Pansy whistled softly. "Impressive."
There was a murmur of agreement all around and Lauren blinked in surprise. Not only did her fellow Slytherins approve of her actions but were supportive as well.
Hidden in the throng of students, Draco was studying her meditatively; shrewd cunning glinting in his ice blue eyes.
"Where's Tracey?" Lauren asked once the murmuring had died down. She really needed to check on the other girl and make sure she was alright.
"In our room waiting for you to get back," Daphne supplied, flicking her sleek blonde hair over her shoulder.
Lauren didn't wait for any more questions to be asked and hastily made her way to their dorm room.
She found Tracey sitting on the edge of her bed and at Lauren's entrance, her head snapped up. She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand when she saw the state of Lauren's face.
"Are you okay?" she asked, rising to her feet, her hand dropping down to her side.
"It looks worse than what it actually is," Lauren assured in an offhanded manner.
Remembering the stuff Snape had given her, she reached into her pocket and pulled out the vial of healing potion. She uncorked it and downed the potion in one gulp. Almost immediately the aches and pains subsided substantially.
Lauren made her way over to her bed and sat down heavily.
"Professor Snape...looked so angry," Tracey started, coming to sit down next to Lauren.
Lauren shrugged, reaching for the salve in her pocket. "He was. Still is. I have detention every Friday."
"For how long?"
"Knowing Snape, indefinitely."
"Oh Lauren! I'm so sorry," Tracey exclaimed, looking close to tears.
"Whatever for?"
"If it wasn't for me none of this would have happened."
Lauren rolled her eyes. "Don't be stupid, Tracey. You're starting to sound like a bloody bleeding-heart Gryffindor. No, it's those bullies that are to blame."
Lauren unscrewed the cap of the container; the scent of spearmint permeating her senses.
"I heard that they're now awake and quite shaken up." Lauren remained silent at Tracey's statement. She reached inside the drawer of the bedside table, searching for a mirror.
Tracey took the salve from her hand. "Here, let me," she said matter-of-factly.
Lauren remained still as Tracey applied the thick salve on the bruises and cuts on her face. Already the stinging was subsiding, as well as some of the swelling.
"I've never seen a Stupefy spell do something like...that," Tracey murmured. "How did you do it?"
"No idea," Lauren lied.
Tracey eyed her speculatively, sensing that Lauren wasn't being entirely forthcoming, but let it drop. "Thank you...for standing up for me like that."
"You're my friend," Lauren stated simply. And it was the truth. In a weird way, she had come to view Tracey as something like a little sister, their bond of friendship having now solidified over the course these short few months. Lauren, though ruthless at time, was loyal to a fault. She would fight to protect Tracey. No matter the cost.
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