*Last time, on Dragon Ball Doujinshi Z Kai...*
We've seen everyone surpass their own limitations in the past parts, first the "New" Son Family...
The Briefs Family...
And, even the "Ultimate Namek", Piccolo.
But, what happened with the Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu and Android 18...?
*Megaville City: Desert Area (10:30 a.m)
*Music: Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 - Escape to Freedom.
We can see a big Desert, in which we can hear many fist bumping sounds.
We'll point ourselves to a certain point of this desert, where we can see our favorite bald martial artist and Turtle Hermit apprentice...
Krillin, along with the other Turtle Hermit apprentice and adventurer...
Yamcha with the Martial Artist that resigned the Crane School and joined the Turtle School...
Tien Shin Han, with his best friend, who also joined the Turtle School, by rejecting the Crane School...
And, surprisingly, a fifth member...
A woman who was created by the sole purpose of killing Son Goku, but after meeting and falling in love with the bald martial artist, Krillin, she had a change of heart and joined Earth's Special Forces...
But, while being human, she's also part cyborg, due to Dr.Gero...
This was none other than...
Lazuli (A.K.A Android 18).
We can see them training with everything they've got, while separated in groups:
Group 1: Krillin and Android 18.
Group 2: Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu.
We go to Krillin and 18. The couple was having a pretty even match.
"Not bad, honey!" Krillin said, while exchanging fists with his girlfriend.
"Neither you, darling!" 18 said, while exchanging fists with her boyfriend.
Now we go to where Chiaotzu, Yamcha and Tien were.
We can see them playing some kind of training game.
*A/N: The training game that the martial artists are playing is the same they played at King Kai's world, but the difference is that Chiaotzu is the one that Yamcha and Tien were chasing down with the hammer and the hammer is made of rock.
*Music ends.
After many hours of training, Krillin felt a little ashamed, because he realized he became stronger, but not as strong as Goku, or Gohan, his brother, Goten, The Powerpuffs, Vegeta, nor both Trunks'.
Yamcha and the other Earthlings noticed the shame that the bald martial artist felt and they realized that they too, except of 18, were stronger, but nearly as strong as the Saiyans, nor the Powerpuffs.
But, that changed when 18 spoke up with a nice and comforting smile.
"Don't feel bad, guys." The android started, while showing that smile.
Krillin, Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu paid close attention to what 18 was saying.
"You guys might think you might not be of much help and I understand, 'cause I also feel that way..." 18 continued, while the others were surprised at how emotional an android can be.
"But..." The android continued, catching the attention of the surprised Earthlings.
"Sometimes, we just have to do what we can, even if the fact of not helping hurts, we have to move on..." Lazuli said, while confusing the Earthlings.
" 'Cause if there's something we can do, then that's protect the Earth, while they're gone." Lazuli finished, while Krillin and the others realized that using that strength for that task is the better option.
Krillin, Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu just smiled for 18, leaving her proud that they can use their strength for other purposes, besides fighting alien freaks.
And so, the next days were spent training, but not to fight alien species, but to, at the very least, protect the Earth, while the Saiyans, the Powerpuffs and Piccolo were gone.
At one point of their training, Krillin managed to add the power increase that the Namek Elder, Guru gave him to his own fighting prowess, gaining a considerable power boost.
Yamcha managed to get a little more skilled in hand to hand combat and, while meditating, he also gained a considerable power boost.
Tien improved on his techniques, such as multi-clones, the Tri Beam and, also managing to learn a technique that Mercenary Tao just used in the 23rd "Tenkaichi Budokai": the Super Dodon Wave.
Chiaotzu made his own telekinesis a lot more effective, and thanks to having Tien as his inspiration, his power increased considerably.
And finally, Android 18 trained and learned more techniques from her boyfriend, as well as improving on their teamwork, just like when she was doing paired teamwork with her twin brother: Android 17.
On the last day, it seemed like they would be the only they would be the ones the guard the Earth...
But, then...
An unexpected guest appeared.
*Music: F-Zero GX - Hurrah for the Champion (Winning Run)
"Hey there." A voice said, which 18 recognized immediately.
18 couldn't believe her eyes. there, in front of her was the guy that she once considered, was and still is her one sibling, that person that she managed to travel around the Earth's surface...
That person that she wanted to be with as his near equal, his sibling, his sister.
That person that decided to be carefree and toy around when the chance was presented to him.
That person that fought the past "Super Namek", Piccolo.
18's eyes crystallized with tears rolling down her beautiful cheeks, as she got to see that person, no.
That "Android's" face.
"17!" Lazuli finally said that person's android name.
Krillin couldn't believe his eyes, he was looking at his, supposed, "brother".
But, then he remembered that all those that were killed by Cell, were brought back to life, so he sighed in relief, realizing that the wish was a success.
18 didn't waste any more time and went towards her brother to give him a hug...
But he disappeared and 18 was looking for him...
But, then...
"Peek-a-boo!" 17's voice said behind 18, while the female android felt someone hug her.
When she looked behind her, she smiled.
(Permission to the owner to use the image, thank you very much. -_-)
The siblings just laughed at having the chance to see each other again and were happy to see each other once again.
After that heartwarming moment, 18 took 17 to meet the Z-Fighters and they were talking about how the Android's life was looking good in a Monster Island, where he's actually a Ranger that protects the wild life, but after hearing that Earth was being threatened and his sister was involved, he left the Island under the protection of a bunch of Cell Juniors he found in the Island and went to see if he can help.
After hearing this, 18 and the others smiled happily, knowing they have a new Z-Fighter on their side to protect the Earth.
Lazuli proceeded to explain her brother what was going on with the Earth and how Goku, the guy they were supposed to kill, his friends and family are going on a meeting in the Justice League's Watchtower to solve this problem.
17 was amazed at how much his sister and her new friends have gone through the past years, so he volunteered himself to help protect the Earth, while the Saiyans are gone, which 18 accepted happily.
They still had a couple of hours to get the last bits of strength they could get, before the meeting in the Lookout, so they trained with Lapis (That's 17's human name) for the last hours.
*Power Scaling Time!
-Krillin (Base Power): 750.000
-Krillin (Potential Power Up): 1.500.000
-Yamcha: 14.000.000
-Tien: 16.600.000
-Chiaotzu: 11.100.000
-Android 18: 44.400.000.000
-Android 17: 44.450.000.000
*Music ends.
*Chapter ends.
*Next Episode Preview Time!
Dragon Ball Doujinshi Z Kai!
"Hey there, It's me, Gohan! After the first five days, we now head to Kami's Lookout to have access to the Time Chamber."
"What?! 17's joining our group?! I never expected that."
"Gohan. Are you sure we'll make it?"
"Don't worry, Bloss. You'll get used in no time."
"Next time on Dragon Ball Doujinsi Z Kai...
"The Training Intensifies. The Mystery of the Room of Spirit and Time."
"See ya guys there!" ^^
*Preview ends.
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