Chapter Three : Can you believe it?
y/n was walking back to the house she currently lived in with Evers' (Allen's and Edan's last name). It was about in the afternoon when she walked in the door. "Mommy!" She heard a loud child like voice yell. Before she knew it she was in a hug by little Edan. He was sniffling "Hey what's wrong Edan?" y/n said kneeling down to the young boy with a worried tone. "I-I thought m-mommy was g-gone forever" He said hugging her again but this time around her neck. She hugged him back "It's alright Edan I would never leave you or your brother behind no matter what. I promise" y/n said calming the child down. She then heard foot-steps. She looked up and saw Allen with a scared/ Worried expression. "Y/n! Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He asked looking at her. He then saw the cut on her cheek "You got cut" He said looking at here with worry "I'm fine, I promise. Besides I think I finally found a way to get me back home! Can you believe it?" y/n said excited at the end of her sentence. "What? No way...You lying" Allen said sitting her in the chair to fix her up. "Why would I lie about this?! You'll love it there!" y/n said happily as he fixed her up. "Oh yea? What would I love about it?" He said no convinced "There is a whole lot of tools and materials there~" y/n said in a singing voice. That caught his attention "Like....?" He asked "Vibranium" y/n said simply. He stopped trying to fix her up and looked up at her face to see if she is lying. She just had a smile on her face. "No way" He said speechless. "Yes way. My sister so happening to have a whole basement of it" y/n said with a smirk. "Does that mean we are going ?" Edan asked with a smile "Well it's up to your brother..." y/n said giving Allen a side glance. "Oh we're going" He said with a confident voice. y/n giggled "Let's get packing!" y/n said happily.
Alphonse had just woken up on the train after talking to y/n on the other side. He gasped when he woke up. He looked at his big brother sleeping with a book on his face. Al smiled but had a tear running down his face. "We really do miss you y/n" He said to himself as he looked out the window. Ed started to move around in his sleep and then fell on the floor. Al freaked out and picked up a book besides him and pretended to read. "Oww" Ed said on the floor. "You have fallen Nii-san" Al said looking down at his big brother. "Yea I see that" He said sitting up. He sat there thinking for awhile. "Nii-san?" Al asked. "Oh what?" Ed said as he looked at his younger brother. "You where staring out the window, something wrong?" Al asked. "I was....I was just wondering how much y/n has changed" Ed said "She hasn't changed much...." Al mumbled. "Huh?" Ed asked confused "N-nothing!" Al said waving his hands. Ed looked at his brother funny, that is until the train stopped suddenly and sent Ed flying towards Al's seat. He hit his head in the process. "I keep getting hit!" Ed said a bit pissed. Al chuckled as he helped his older brother up. "Come nii-san let's get going" Al said Walking out of the train as Ed followed rubbing his head where he got hit.
y/n was all done packing for her stuff, since she had so little. Allen was packing his tools and Photos. Edan was packing his one toy and books. "Mommy! Mommy! I'm ready to go!" Edan said excited. "Alright do you have all you things? Because remember once we leave we can't come back" y/n said He nodded with a smile. y/n chuckled, she packed all his things for him, but since he wanted to help she let him pack his toys. "Let's get going!" Allen said excited for new items. y/n chuckled "Alright i'll drive" y/n said grabbing her things and heading out the door.
~Time Skip : Ready to go home!~
Y/n and the boys where in the a big area as she was about to finish. She took off one of her gloves and cut her finger just enough for her to bleed. "Get everything in the middle!" y/n said the brothers followed her instructions and did so. y/n stepped inside the circle around the edge. "Be careful it might be a bumpy Ride!" y/n said as she pressed her hands against the circle. It started to glow white. y/n smiled wide as it worked. So enough they where on the other side. When the bright light disappeared y/n and the boys where in a alleyway in central. "I know where we are!" y/n said as she stood from the ground. Allen and Edan looked around. y/n kneeled to the ground and looked at the boys. "Remember Alchemy as a myth?" y/n smirked. They nodded as she clapped her hands together. "That won't work. You tr-" Allen was cut off with y/n making a wagon out of the ground, with lightning coming from the ground of the circle. Allen's mouth was wide open "Welcome to my world!" y/n said standing up with her arms out showing off the wagon, with a smile. He just stared at her while Edan was admiring the wagon. y/n then heard crashes and slamming sounds. "Meet me At the headquater! Just ask anyone and they will tell you!" y/n said running down the alleyway.
Edward's POV
There's were chimeras everywhere! "What happened?!" I yelled as I ran with Al to Mustang. "No idea! They just appeared!" Havoc yelled shooting his gun. I clapped my hands together and make pillars hitting some of the chimeras. Al used some of his alchemy to do the same. I make a spear from the ground and start to attack them. I then hear a clap. A loud one. I look over to see if it was Al, but he was looking at me. 'Where did that come from?!' I yell in my head. I then see a f/c hood pass by and attack some chimeras. The person had a hood on so I couldn't tell who it was, but I knew it was a girl. I then saw her arm, her arm was transmuted into a blade. 'automail...' She went and attack many Chimeras with her blade. She then clapped her hands together to make spears hit many of them. She almost got attacked from behind, but she jumped out of the way in time.
Third POV
Edward was watching the girl carefully to see if he knew her. He saw those move before he just couldn't place it. Not before long all the chimera were taken care of. The girl clapped her hands together again and made her blade disappear. She was about to turn around when she got crush in a hug by Armstrong....Everybody was confused on why he was hugging a strange girl. Her hood was falling. When It did she tried to gasp for air. Armstrong dropped her on the ground, making her land on her but. "Ow.... What the Hell Armstrong?!" the h/c girl yelled at the big guy infornt of her. "Miss l/n!!! I have missed you so much!!!" He said about to squeeze her again but she got up and dodged his hug. "Hug me again and you might kill me!!!" y/n said staying a good a length away from him. Everybody was staring at them. Ed was beyond shocked on what is happening. "It seems The lightning Alchemist has returned" Roy said walking up to the girl "Geez Roy thanks from that welcome" y/n said rolling her eyes playfully with a smile on her face. Next thing she knew she was tackled by her brother. "y/n!!" He said squeezing the life out of her. "Mattew!!! Air!!!" y/n said with between breaths. He let go her and y/n was trying to catch her breath. "What is it today?! Squeeze y/n to death day?!" y/n said with a tick mark on her head. Matt and Armstrong were going to hug her again tell she started to run away from them tell....
What they didn't know was someone followed them to the other side....
Oh~ Cliff hanger~ Hehe I will change up the updates in stories! Also you guys are so awesome! You put so many positive comments and it makes me happy to write then it just being a burden! Tell Next time! Also tell me if I make you laugh in some points in my stories!
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