This isn't a oneshot or another chapter. But, I'm bored. I just wanna write something funny. So! Bloopers. Let's go.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of hitting Remus with a with a frying pan. Hitting Remus with a pansexual.
Chapter One: Who Am I? (Who am I? What're you even saying-)
Keeper reading the lines of the first paragraph: Who am I? Well that's hard to explain. Have you heard of a guy named Thomas Sanders? No? Then why the fuck did you click on this book?
Remy's first appearance
Remy: SUP BIT-
Keeper: AHH! Ohmygod that actually scared me.
How we got 'You're not my dad.' in the script.
Janus(Deceit): Easy now Keeper. Don't get impatient.
Keeper: I'll be impatient if I want! Where is Virgil?
Thomas: That's too long I think.
*( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)*
Janus(Deceit): Easy now Keeper. Don't get impatient.
Keeper: *Slowly puts small mic up to mouth*
Keeper: YoU'rE nOt My DaD.
Joan: MY EARS!
Thomas: KEEPER!
Janus: Don't DO that!
Keeper: *Laughing their ass off*
*( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)*
Janus(Deceit): Easy now Keeper. Don't get impatal- Impartial? Wait-
*( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)*
Actual shot:
Janus(Deceit): Easy now Keeper. Don't get impatient.
Keeper: You're not my dad. Where is Virgil?
Emile Scene:
Emile(Deceit): And right on time, we have no- my eyes!
Keeper: It was Deceit the whole time!
Thomas: If only Emile wasn't asleep right now and could be here!
Chapter Two: The Party
When they're in the kitchen talking about Keeper
Author~Kun: You gotta do the 'babe stop'.
Remus: Babe stop!
Janus: I didn't ask for this.
Keeper: This isn't until chapter nine and it's with me not Remus.
Author~Kun: Oh, yeah, you right.
Hitting Remus with a pan scene.
Keeper: THAT BITCH I'M GONNA GRAB A PAN *Grabs Author~Kun*
Keeper: *Throws Author~Kun at Remus*
Author~Kun and Remus: AHHHHHHH!
*( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*
Keeper: THAT BITCH! *Starts giggling*
Author~Kun: That's totally Roman in the court room scenario.
*( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*
Keeper: That was fun to film.
Remus: I agree!
Janus(Deceit): Why was that scene so fun?
Keeper: I got to hit Remus with a frying pan several times. Including pansexuals
Author~Kun and Pansexual readers: THAT HURT!
Virgil: I think that the real reason Roman and Keeper aren't getting along is because Roman said 'Secret, secrets, are no fun.'
Keeper: Definitely.
Chapter Three: Deceit Not Again!
Keeper is having a whole ass breakdown about- the 'Therefore. Fuck you.' Moment, y'all should know what I mean.
Keeper: No! Therefore. Fuck- fuck! *Giggling*
Roman: Even dads who have people to care for~ and therefore~ fuck you.
*(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞*
Keeper reading: And Author~Chan- nope.
Author~Kun: Oh shit this is before my transition-
*( ˘ ³˘)♥*
Author~Kun: So there you go! That was from the first three chapters! And I came out twice! Yes, you got that right! I'm a Pan Trans. I fuck- *laughing*
*( ˘ ³˘)♥*
Author~Kun: So there you have it! That was from chapters uno, dos, tres, nope-
*( ˘ ³˘)♥*
Keeper: Get it together Zakk!
Author~Kun: Oh well now I came out three times. Wait. That's not coming out that's just my name, who the fuck drugged me?
Remus: He's onto me.
*( ˘ ³˘)♥*
And there you have it! That was from the first three chapters and this little... end thing? I don't what this is. And you got to learn about me! Yes! I'm a Pansexual, Transgender. My name is Zakk, I use he/him and they/them pronouns. I wasn't meaning for this being me coming out. But it happened! Who cares it's Pride Month! Happy Indoor Pride my Demons, Angels, and everyone in and out of between! Have a good day/night.
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