Barry Allen- Wait (c)
You were sat on the sofa. Movement wasn't overly easy, seen as you were heavily pregnant and were due to have the baby any day now. Barry did his best to not leave you alone, he liked to spend the time with you, however being the Flash did mean he didn't have much of a choice but to fight whichever metahuman was causing hell for Central City on that specific day.
Caitlin had just phoned him to tell him that someone was on a rampage, and the Flash was needed to sort out the issue.
Even though you knew, it was for the greater good, and Barry enjoyed to have control over the situation, you couldn't help feel a bit selfish. You wanted your husband to stay home and just cuddle up on the sofa. Soon, there would be a baby joining your household, and you knew that meant there would be less, or no time for just the two of you.
"I'm sorry Y/N/N, I'll be back in a flash," he said, laughing at the pun.
You rolled your eyes at the bad pun.
He disappeared for a second, before returning. He was no longer wearing the old pair of jogging bottoms he had before, now wearing his Flash costume, without the mask on.
"From what Caitlin said. It should be quick. I don't plan on hanging around Star Labs afterwards, so I shall be back so we have enough time to watch a movie," he smiled.
You could see that he was about to run off.
"Wait," you said quickly.
He paused, raising an eyebrow at you.
"I love you Barry Allen," you smiled.
Barry let out a soft laugh, leaning down to press his lips to yours for a moment, "I love you too Y/N Allen. And I love our baby too."
He kissed two of his fingers, placing them gently against your growing stomach.
Since you had found out you were pregnant, Barry had been overjoyed and was doing everything in his power to make sure you were comfortable and happy. As well as that, he wanted to make sure the baby knew that they were loved even before they were born.
"Please Barry. Please be safe," you whispered softly.
"Aren't I always?" He laughed, "You will never be able to get rid of me that easily."
You frowned at him, "Last time you went out to fight someone, you came back covered in cuts. You were completely battered and bruised."
"I'm sorry. I promise I shall come back in one piece."
With that, he kissed you once more before going to do his job as Central City's superhero.
Written by Charlotte.
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