chapter 1 | Candy
Monday, November 9, 2020.
9:05 am.
"Has everyone understood?" the teacher's voice echoes through the room, all the eyes directed towards him. Everyone, except a few of us, answers with the same words, and he focuses on his laptop for a minute.
After only a short minute spent without complaining in my head, I already yawn and feel like this day is going to feel long, very long. Not only because I don't want to work but also because of the partner that I have.
Every morning, she sits down, takes all her pink stuff out of her school bag to lay it all over the desk, and force me to have it in sight. This stings my eyes, but this isn't the only bothering side of it. All the things she owns or wears are from an expensive brand, and I'm damn jealous because I'm poor and cannot afford all that.
"Sang y/n!" the teacher scolds her. "You sit down properly and stop sleeping during my lesson!" he huffs and brings all the attention to her. "I'm not sleeping, Mister Lee..." she straightens up but lies to him in a little voice. I saw her face sliding down her arm the more she was dozing off this whole time.
"Do not lie to me!" he slaps his desk with the ruler he has in his hand, glaring at her while she's keeping her eyes down. I peek at her from the corner of my eye, wishing I could have the same Rolex as the one she has around her wrist. The teacher goes back to his lesson, but y/n bends over and sticks the top of her pencil in her mouth.
Her eyes meet mine, making me glance away with no second thought. I cannot look at this girl, or I might pull on one of her space buns and strangle her for all the things she does to me every day.
"Hey," she kicks my feet in a gentle manner to grasp my attention, but I ignore her. I write down what the teacher says and leave her with nothing but silence coming from me. I already got detention because of her, so this won't happen again.
"Make sure to all study for tomorrow because what we learned today might be included in the test," the teacher comes to an end, sitting down on his chair to let us write what he left on the whiteboard in our school diary.
"Can you not tell us which part of the lesson is the most important, please?" one of the students desperately attempts to get more information, and he looks up at him. "The last exercises are very important," he kindly tells us what we will see in our test tomorrow, so I make sure to write that as well.
"Thank you, Mister," a girl uses her soft tone to address him, but he doesn't react to it, he just closes his bag. He stands up from his chair, and the bell rings at the same moment. I close my diary and stretch my body, releasing all the tension in my limbs. The first hour is finally over.
"Study well, guys. See you tomorrow," he grabs his jacket and bows to us. Everyone answers him, and he goes out of the room. This is the moment I fear the most, the little, deadly minutes during which the girl next to me could piss me off.
I yawn but fly my hand to my nose, clenching it into a fist. The guy, who is the closest to y/n, personally, leaves his seat and comes up to us, but I take my phone out and check my texts like y/n must be doing by my side now that she turned towards me to lean onto the wall.
"Hun'," the guy bends over the desk to get close to her, but she just answers with a humming sound. "Were you sleeping?"
"Maybe..." her answer gets me to raise my eyebrows. "Are you tired? You told me you slept well this morning," he lays his forearms on the flat surface, worrying about this brat who only annoys other people, and me in particular. "I slept well, but not enough..." she crosses her legs, her large baby-pink hoodie sliding up her thighs and revealing her white skirt. "Didn't you tell me that..." he doesn't end his sentence, so I glance up at him with curiosity, willing to know what made him cut his sentence short. "...Hyesung stayed home all day long yesterday?"
"Hmm..." she puts her phone down on the desk. "Yeah..." her word leaves in a whisper, causing me to frown at the hidden meaning of this. "But only for a day."
"Ah, all right," he straightens up. "I'll probably go shopping today, do you wanna come with me?"
"Yes," she replies in no time. Of course, she accepts, she's damn loaded, she can buy everything she wants for sure. "Will your personal driver be there, or I'll have to call my mom to bring us there?"
"He'll be there, don't worry," she reassures him, and they both talk about this as if this was normal. She's seventeen, and she has a personal driver? Why the hell is she even in a simple school? This spoiled kid, I can't believe it.
"Okay, I can't wait to be there," he smiles and feels enthusiastic at the thought of it but leaves her. A personal driver...unbelievable.
As my mind is still making it hard for me to swallow this, y/n suddenly moves and elbows her way to sit down on my thighs, getting comfy without any permission. "Uh. Excuse me—"
"Your handwriting is ugly," she interrupts me while looking down at my stuff and touching it, her butt pressing down on my sensitive crotch of teenager. "Get the hell away from me, I don't believe I allowed you to get on me like that," I keep my hands off of her body.
"You didn't," she sends back at me. "Why didn't you wake me up? You knew I would get caught by this old and annoying man," she asks as if this wasn't obvious I would do anything to get her to be told off. "I wanted the teacher to see you at the first second you fell asleep."
"Little shit," she curses but turns to the side to look at me. She chews on her gum, my veins burning as I'm fighting against myself to stay calm. "Can you tell me what you're doing on my lap right now?"
"It's more comfortable than my chair," she speaks, casually. This girl has no manners. "I'm not your chair, so get your butt back on your damn seat before I throw you on the floor."
"You wouldn't dare," she blows to make a bubble, staring at me from very close and not giving a damn about what I tell her. "Yes, I would. I already—" the bubble pops at my face, and she continues to chew on it, slowly irritating me. "I already grabbed you by your hair. I won't hesitate to do it again."
She smiles at me but doesn't care. She goes back in her previous position and leans over the desk to play with my stuff. I can feel her thighs pressing onto mine, I hate this little, bratty girl, but a female body is a female body and knowing her panties are against my thigh is too much for me.
My hormones are going wild lately, but I just sigh and punch her, worsening my state by creating some frictions. Since I don't want to fight with her and get into trouble, I take this opportunity to ask some questions. "How the hell can you have a personal driver at seventeen, girl?"
"That's none of your business," she refuses to tell me. "You're just a rich kid, aren't you?"
"Hm, maybe," this vague answer only provokes a sigh full of frustration to escape my mouth. "You can't come to school in Gucci's clothes, with a Rolex, a Gucci bag, and all sorts of expensive stuff if you're not a spoiled kid."
"Why are you so interested in my life?" she manages to shoot the questions back at me with her attitude. I'm facing her back, but I can perceive and picture her smug smile without having it within sight. "I'm not interested. I just hate arrogant people."
"Since when am I arrogant?" she moves onto me to have her eyes on mine, rubbing her butt on my private parts nonstop. "If I was arrogant I would brag about it, but I don't. You're just jealous and bitter about it, my boy."
"I'm not jealous," I chuckle and let this untruth out. It's not jealousy, just envy. "I never talked about my money or what I have, so why do you have to bring it up that way if you're not jealous?"
"Because that's the purpose of a question," I shoot back the best possible to not let her have the upper hand on this argument. "It's meant to get the answer to something you don't understand or know."
"I know what a question is, I'm not dumb like you," she scoffs with cockiness. "Do you wanna know how rich I am?" she comes closer and rests her body on mine, acting like she's my girlfriend, at ease. "I own something that I know, no one in this whole school has."
"And what is that?" I spur her to tell me.
The teacher suddenly comes in, making her rush back to her seat and not give me the answer. This teacher is strict with some of us, so I prefer to wait for the break to ask her again.
She pops her bubble gum but gazes at the teacher, this one who attracts all the girl's eyes and attention. She chews in a quiet manner and pulls on the strings of her hoodie, but I glance down at my diary.
Goddammit. What the hell did this brat do?
I glare at her and throw my foot in her calves, before grabbing my diary and pointing out what she wrote with a marker. A little moan of pain escaped her, and she rubs the spot I kicked while looking daggers at me. "What the fuck is that, little shit?" I keep my voice as low as possible, putting into her sight the 'Im a dickhead' she left on my diary with a marker.
She chuckles, proudly. "Jeon Jungkook," the teacher mentions me, so I look at him and drop my diary down. "Focus," he remarks, when y/n is the one who caused this but, of course, he's not going to say anything to her since she's one of her pets.
I wouldn't be surprised to know he screwed some of the girls in here.
12 pm.
I get my last item in my bag and place my chair under the desk to focus on y/n. "What was that thing that only you in this school have?" I put it forth again after keeping my mouth shut for fifty minutes. She rolls her eyes and puts her earpods in. "It's too late to know now," she doesn't act kind for once. She wraps the straps of her bag around her shoulders and grips them to walk away.
"Tell me!" I slap her arm and do not give up, hating this type of thing. She continues her way out of the room and put the hood of her oversized hoodie on, telling me to leave her alone, indirectly. I punch her arm again and pull on her hood. "I won't drop it!"
"Shut up," she breathes out sharply, remaining calm while I cannot handle this secret she keeps to herself. "You're the one who brought it up, fucking dammit," I curse and push her away, making her bump into a guy. "Just go! I don't care anyway," I pretend to not give a damn about it and just wait on my spot for my friends to come.
"Fuck you, dickhead," she pitches at my face and giggles before running away. I'm going to kill her. "Bro! I'm so exhausted right now," Taeyeong bends his head back and lets his mouth open, expressing all his fatigue. "Who did you have this morning?" I ask the two guys but as soon as they look at me, I guess who it is. "The fucking bitch, Miss Kim. She got on my nerves so badly today, I wanted to throw her out the window," Hajoon answers me.
"Seriously?" I laugh but move towards the stairs, thinking about the fact that I'm going to have a lesson with her today. "Yes, seriously. She told me to go to the whiteboard, but I didn't want to, so I find an excuse and told her I broke my ankle the other day and all, but this bitch said 'I saw you run in the hallways because you were late again, so get to the whiteboard'," he mimics her and provokes a burst of laughter to leave me. "I don't want to have Biology now dammit..."
"Who did you have though? Have you passed your test?" he brushes his blond hair back, but I shake my head. "Not yet. I had Math and English classes, but no one can be worse than y/n anyway...and this little bitch wrote 'dickhead' with a marker on my damn diary. I can't even erase it!"
They both cackle as always, finding it funny when they know y/n teases me or pisses me off. "I love this girl so much," Hajoon speaks, making me want to vomit. This girl is hateful, nothing else. "We were together for French class the other day, and she kept on making me laugh my ass off, I never had that much fun during a lesson. You're lucky to have her next to you every day."
"Excuse the fuck out of me? She's the worst table mate ever! And this girl is crazy," I state the facts that they probably don't know about. "She talks to herself all the time next to me, she plays with a sort of tiny Pikachu all the time. She has a problem in her head."
"And what if this thing means something to her?" he never shows some empathy for me, but sides her. "I don't care. She annoys me," I shrug and glance away. My own friends don't even support me.
20 minutes later...
I eat my rice while listening to my friends talking, the four of us staying at a table in the cafeteria. I have y/n within sight, at some feet away from us, eating with the boy she always spends her time with. From this point of view, she might look like a cute, soft, little girl who is the most adorable baby in the world, but I know the type of evil she can be when she's with me, so I do not get fooled by this face.
"Guys," I straighten my back on my chair, chewing on my food but speaking up. "You won't ever imagine what I heard earlier."
"What?" Taeyeong gives me his attention, so I put my spoon down and tell them all. "Y/n has a personal driver. Like— this girl is seventeen, and she has a damn personal driver," the bitterness that still does not want to go down my throat forces me to talk about it. "A personal driver?" Hajoon gapes at me, reacting the same way I did. "How is that even possible?"
"She owns expensive stuff though, I'm kinda not that surprised," Taeyeong says and shoves some food in his mouth. "I agree...she's made of Gucci..." the other boy chuckles. "When you're rich like that, what the fuck are you doing in a public school?"
"I don't know, if my parents were rich I would ask to be in a private school," he thinks as I do, both not understanding this. "Maybe she just wants to brag about it and show everyone how rich she is..." I raise my eyebrows, chewing with some frustration. "I don't think she is..." Hajoon expresses the opposite. "She's kinda silent and does not talk to a lot of people, so I don't think she's that type of arrogant and princess-like girl. All the times I was with her, she never bragged about her money or what she has."
"I still don't like her..." I mumble and do not agree with them. "We understood," they laugh in an insolent way. "Good you did—"
"Hajoon," the horrible little, female voice gets my eyes to dart up. The anger kicks in right away. "Yes?" he looks up at her with a little smile upon his face, and she bends over our table, resting her forearms on it. "Here is the pen you wanted," she hands it to him. "I didn't know which color to pick, so I just took this black one with golden designs on it. Is that all right?"
"Yes, thank you so much," he enthusiastically grabs it. "Is that a Fountain pen?" he gawks in front of it, touching it as if it was the most precious thing on earth while Taeyeong next to him is taking a close look at it. "Yes. Do you like it?"
"I love it so much, thank you for this, but how much did you pay? Fountain pens are expensive as hell," he asks her, laying his eyes on her. She straightens up but keeps her hands on the table, receiving all types of compliments and joy just because of a pen. "I can't remember, I bought it in a store where I always buy my school supply. We don't care about the price," she smiles at him.
Fountain pens...aren't those things at least two-hundred dollars? Just by saying that she bought it in the store where she gets her own stuff makes it obvious it costs more than all my belongings gathered together.
"Thank you so much, you deserve a hug," he beams and puts the pen down to stand up, he walks up to her and takes her in an embrace. Gross.
"I'm so happy, but at the same time, I'm scared to use it and maybe break it," he titters ridiculously but goes back to his seat to admire his precious pen. "Well, you can sell it if you want. I don't mind," she shrugs. "What's the name of it?" he keeps it in his hold.
"The name?" she raises her eyebrows to express some astonishment. "I don't know," a chortle escapes her, but she tucks her hands in the front pocket of her hoodie. "I just know you could earn at least three-hundred with this pen, so—" she stops right when I choke on my rice. I must have misheard. "So," she sends me a disrespectful glance before looking back at him. "Do what you want with it. I had to buy you a new one because I broke yours, so now that belongs to you."
"Holy shit, I'm going to be rich!" he doesn't let go of it anymore. What type of human spends three-hundred of dollars in a pen?
She smiles but bends over the table again, she almost climbs onto it to lie down on her flat, but her sneaky hand grabs my strawberry milk in a quick move. "Thank you, papi," she giggles and runs away with it. I'm burning from the inside, but I swear, one day, she will regret all of this.
"Cutie," Hajoon laughs, not having any idea how mad I am right now. This was the last carton of flavored milk left, goddammit.
And why the hell did she call me papi?
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