Channel Infinity
Get a T.V -one with analog, for the best experience, and The older....the better-
Get a remote control, -It doesn't have to go with the tv-
Turn on the tv, then set it to a channel that is static, or just a plain black screen if you're using a digital tv,
Leave the room for about 3 hours, Its best to call over a few friends.
During those hours, you should acquire a few items;
-Important To The Least Important-
-Note: None of these are mandatory, but they do help-
*An Item that you hold dear
*2 large mirror's
*Firearm or any kind of weapon
*Favorite Book
*mobile communication device -a phone-
*a key -any type-
*a sledge hammer or a pickaxe
After roughly 3 hours, enter the room,with everyone outside the door.
Close the door.
Stare at the static or the blank screen, or whatever you set the tv to; Untill you start you fell....a sence of disorientation.
When you do, you can call the others into the room.
Give the item that you hold dear to the person
You care about the most in the room.
Then send them back out.
If you did not grab the item that you hold dear; hug that person, amd whisper to them a very dear secret.
Either way, send them back out; and comand them not to come back in, no matter what, until you open the door again.
It will be hard if there are more of them, but note that it will be safer for you, if there are more.
Now hold the mirror's, so that one is facing the television screen into the other, and the second if reflecting you. So it looks as if the television, is behind you.
Stay like this, untill you see a question apear on the screen.
If you did not grab the mirror's, then sit in a chair facing away from the tv, Until you hear a noise.
Now grab that remote.
There will be a question on the screen, press channel up to answer yes,and channel down to answer no.
There will be any where fron 3-26 questions.
The questions will be anywhere fron trivial, to deep, philosophic, personal questions.
Answer truthfully.
But you will not seceded in reaching channel infinity.
After the questions,one of three things will happen.
1) your favorite show of all time will come on, but in the episodes....all of the characters will be killed.
2) a strange, shimmery vortex will surround you. and You'll be pulled somewhere where you've NEVER been to. Now, if you find yourself here, here's what to do: you'll find yourself in a twisted replica of your house you'll need to go to your room, where you'll find you items that you will need for the part. Take them.
Exit your house.
Outside will be a more evil looking version of our world, red sky, grey sun,black/orange plants. An ever present thin ???? Mist.
You must go to the nearest public building; School, mall, gas station ect.
Use the key on that door and enter it, the key will fit the lock.
If you did not get a key, climb through a window.
Upon entering, find a room with only 1 entrance; sit down and beginreading that book.
If you did not get a book, then sit down and be bored or scared.
You wil hear footsteps outside the door; sometime within the next hour.
Don't look up from the book.
After you can no longer hear the footsteps, then count to 250 outloud, every 10 numbers; you'll hear another footstep closer and closer to that door,
Upon 250, you will hear a knock on that door, if there are 3 knocks open it.
If there are 4 say, 'I forbid you' twice....then open the door.
You will see a stone statue of someone you love dearly outside that door, it could be a fsmily member, best friend, romantuc partner or even a fictional character.
Smash it's head to bits,
With that sledge hammer or pickaxe.
If it is a female then also destroy the left hand.
If you did not get the hammer of pickaxe. Do your best...push it over.
Exit the build through the entrance you came in through.
It'll be night-time.
Look at the moon, it'll either be pink, or green. And either full or half.
If it is pink and half, pull out that phone, call your 3 most recent contact.
If it is pink and full, pull out the phone and dial a random number, before they pick up, bite your tounge.
If you didn't Bring your phone, then pretend to do so.
If it is green and half, strip off all og your clothing And run straight back to your house, and don't look behind you, no matter what.
If it is green and full...well...To put it bluntly, you're screwed. You'll be dead within the next half hour.
If it is one of the first 3, you will wake up and in front of the television then you can continue the ritual.
If you see a picture of your least favorite person (Jasmine) or thing EVER.
This is where you use that Firearm or any weapon, Break that tv with the weapon, it'll fix it's self.
This is obviously the easiest of the 3 things.
Now after this, you will have reached channel infinity.
What you do now is up to you, you can go to the guide function, and you will see shows listed such as the meaning of life or how to aquire true love.(AGAIN WHY?!)
Choose 1.
You know that the more people you have outside that door, determine the revelations, that of the shows.
The more people. The better chance you have of seing a show with more life changing results.
If you keep watching the static without going to guide, or break eye contact with the television, you'll see a series of images...well...if deciphered, it'll reveal the answer to your most greatest question.
There are at this point many many to mention here.
Just do what you feel like you must and something will...happen.
The overwhelming majority of things will be good, but some will be bad.
You may leave the room at any point.
However there are two catches....
You may never speak of what you learned, after accessing channel infinity.
And you may only reach channel infinity 4 your life.
Done. This is just a random creepypasta thingy, I heard it on soundcloud by MrCreepypasta.
This is my favorite so far!
Hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading
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