Bad Blood Part 1
Hey guys! This was requested by ZellaMagconYouNow and she requested to be in this short! She is actually the girl in the pic up top! Isn't she pretty? Please go follow her and show some love! With that said, let's get on with the short!
Devan Key: 18 years old
Zella Hemmings: 18 years old
Collins Key: 20 years old
Setting: Devan and Zella's School, Key Bro Household
Zella and Devan have always been good friends. It all started when those two were in elementary school, when the little Key boy was getting picked on by the big kids. He was helpless, he couldn't do anything to stop the bullies alone..but then she came by his side.
"Hey! If you hurt him, you'll be sorry!" Zella yelled, holding her hands in front of Devan to protect him. The older kids saw they shouldn't continue their slaying and scampered away frightfully from them. The young key saw this and couldn't speak, he was in deep shock. The girl spun around and smiled comfortingly, "It's okay, they're gone.. You can go back to playing with your friends." Devan stayed in his spot, unable to move; friends? Zella frowned in realization, "Oh...," she then gleamed and grabbed his hand, "then you can stick with me. We'll be the best of friends!" She pointed to herself, "My names Zella with a Z. What's yours?"
"Devan.." Zella brightened so much so that the other one saw a shimmer in her eyes, "I like your name! Come on, let's go on the swings!" With that, the little kids ran over to the swing set and soon played together. Devan began to become more and more comfortable with Zella and grinned. He knew this girl would be in his life for a long time.
So throughout those eight years, Zella and Devan grew such a great friendship. It was as if she were a sister to him, he could say or do anything and she wouldn't care. Collins had become attached to Zella as well and they all did everything together. They went to the park, to the movies, to the rides and even to Disneyland! Nothing could keep those three apart; especially Devan and Zella until one thing—Senior year.
"Hey so for that chem assignment, did you take the mass of Iron and multiply it by it by the volume of chlorine?" Devan asked as he and his best friend walked down the hall to reach their next class. Zella shrugged, "That's what I did, I don't know if it's right though." The teenager moaned and massaged his forehead from stress, "We are so going to fail this course...," but then his expression brightened, "Oh, don't forget we have those Star Wars Convention Passes in a month." Z nodded in remembrance, "How could I forget? You mention it every five hours!" Her and Devan laughed a little, "I know, I just want to make sure we do that together." Zella bumped Dev in the arm, "Awe! You wanna do something special for me? How thoughtful!"
Devan rolled his eyes, "I could always invite Collins instead..he is the closest thing I have." The girl scowled and crossed her arms, "Oh really? Am I just rubbish to you now?" The boy laughed and said with sincerity, "Far from it." They both gave a warm smile and suddenly a door from a classroom opened in front of them, stopping them in their tracks. Stepping out was a young man whom had wavy blonde hair, a elegant frame and light caramel eyes. Zella's heart began to pound and she blushed when she made eye contact with the classmate. She waved geeky with a smile giggle, "Oh, h-hey Jake!"
That made Devan roll his eyes. Z has had a major crush on Jake Parrow for a while and when she sees him, she goes crazy and can never stop blabbering about how gorgeous he is. In his opinion, Jake couldn't be trusted. He just got a weird vibe whenever he saw him...
"Hey what's up Zee! Will ya meet me afterschool by the bike racks?" Jake asked showing off a smile. The hopeless lover nodded happily, "Sure! I'll see you then!" He soon gave her a wink and walked off. Zella watched longingly at him as he left the scene. She sighed, clasping her hands together, "Isn't he just perfect?" Devan crossed his arms with a annoyed expression on his face, "Why does he want to talk with you afterschool? I thought you were coming over to hang out." Zella realized and frown, "Uh..but I always go to her house. And this is Jake Parrow, the hottest guy at school," she pleaded to her best friend, "Can we take a reign check on that?" He just watched her and the begging whimper that came from her lower lip. In defeat, he agrees, "Fine. We'll postpone for your girly ambitions." Devan said this jokingly but couldn't help feeling disappointed. Zella grinned, "Thank you, Dev!" She hugs him quickly and they continue down the hall, "So about the homework assignment.."
So it turns out that Jake wanted to ask Zella to be his girlfriend and she immediately accepted, almost feeling light headed. And who is the first person she tells? Devan. His response; "Oh, wow...that's amazing Z. I'm happy for you." But inside he was already dreading it because he knew what would happen.
{Two Weeks later}
As Devan expected, Zella was now spending a lot of her time with her new boyfriend. No matter if it were at school or going to Jake's football games, they were together...and the teen felt cast away. Whatever their friendship was for all those years felt as if it meant nothing to Z. It hurt Devan to think about. At least they would have the Star Wars Convention to go to together...
"But oh my gosh! He just swept me into his arms and spun me around!" Zella explained as she laid on Devan's bed casually. She had on a pink dress, high heeled boots, and bright red lipstick. This was a surprise since she never liked dressing like a "girly-girl". But, Jake enjoyed those minds of outfits, so she changed her appearence to make him happy. That was another thing Devan was upset about.
Although he listened to her rambling, but wasn't fully there because it was all about her evening with Jake again.., "Mmhmm." The girl sighed and continued, "Yeah and now he's going to take me as his date to a big party on Friday night!"
That got Devan's attention rather quickly, "Wait, not this Friday night, right?" Zella acted dumbfounded, "Uh..yes. Why?" She sat up to find her friend stare at her, "Because that's when we were supposed to go to the Star Wars Convention. Does that ring a bell?" Z remembered and felt awful, "Oh, I totally forgot about that..," she looked down, "Do you mind if I go to the party instead?"
Wait, she didn't want to spend time with him? Devan was hurt, "What?" Zella stood up now, walking over to her friend, "I'm sorry but Jake invited me, Jake Parrow! The hottest and most popular guy at school. Don't you understand this is a big deal for me?" She saw Dev clamp his fists to his sides, "Ah, so spending time with your best friend is such a pain?"
"We've had these plans for months and you're just gonna throw them all away for some high maintenance wannabe??" Zella backed off slightly and grew angry along with Devan, "I can't believe you're acting like this! You can't talk about my boyfriend that way!"
"Well if you can't take it then maybe you should just leave!" Devan realized what he shouted and immediately regretted it. He didn't want her to go. Zella held a firm stance, boiling up in fury, "Fine, I will," she began to walk towards the door then slowly turned around to say, "And along with that, maybe I should go find a new best friend!" After that, she slammed the bedroom door in his face, stomped out the door to her car. Devan shut his eyes tightly, forcing back his emotions. His heart pleaded, please don't go..
Hey guys so sorry I haven't been posting that often. I've been hitting a crossroad of having ides to write about but not having the aspiration to. But I hope to update "Chapters Part 2" soon!
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this part 1 and lemme know if you enjoyed it or not! Sorry if this doesn't seem very in depth. I tried! There will be a part two to this I promiseee!! Please vote and comment your thoughts cause I love hearing from you guys! Love you all!
If anyone has any short story ideas, please let me know anything you think of either in the comments or a simple dm and I'll try making your ideas into a reality! 😄💕💕
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