Chapter Nine
Cutting of her immediately, my bodily peace was finally restore and could finally concentrate back onto the road. I simply cannot bare to hear her talk any longer; her voice just slowly grows annoying the more it persists to linger.
Plus, I cannot stand recalling of what had happened last night. Something that.. Never mind. I think I've done enough damage to her.
Focusing back onto the road, the distinct smell of asphalt came into senses, this was the reason so as there were road construction somewhere.
Oddly enough.. It was off to North. Remembering it correctly, there was no town that the Adventure Bay is working closely with at that direction. Most roads were bound to East, and even so, the town is quite independent and grows its products locally.
"Focus Marshall." I tell myself again, as I glued my gazes upon the road. Not full-heartedly, but attempting.
Buildings from the busy town had slowly crossfaded into a fine array of natural ones — the kind of building that's quite eco-friendly and is creature-friendly.
Peaceful nevertheless were the society of columned trees stood, it wasn't powerful enough to drown the other thoughts that I've managed to come up with. Those words that constantly reverb within these walls still persist to be stronger than I've thought.
"Is that it?" Suddenly the husky queries, as he shot his eyes up and saw the familiar structure rolling in the scenery.
The obvious purity of the white hue stood proudly, yet humbly with its glorified self, bathing within the morning star.
A beat of silence passed. He wasnt quite sure what to say next; it's as if his capability to articulate his own thoughts had evaporated into vapor. Basically down to infant-era.
Brows scrunched, lips pursued into a sour line.. The horrid memory that haunts him today.. Something he wants so badly to erase it from existence in his memories.. Was resurrected from the depths of the unknown.
With a heavy heart.. He punched the button to the gears to shut. Looked up at the building one last time..
"Yes.. Yes it is."
Entering the establishment with the injured penguin, people that worked there took notice of their presence immediately and rushed over.
One of the nurses there had instructed to take the penguin away someplace elsewhere so that the veterinarian could properly assess the poor creature and give its needed and proper care and procedure.
"What happened to the poor little guy?" Questions the confused professional nurse, who was attempting to connect the dots with the use of pieces of information provided by the two canines.
"The penguin had gotten lost along with its buddies and wandered off the warm area." A faint noise of lead being rubbed against the mesh of white fiber was occurring as the caretaker had taken note of his words that may aid them in the process of ameliorating the penguin's status.
As the nurse had excused her presence away from the two of them, another one had taken notice of them and stroke another conversation immediately, more specifically, to the familiar one.
"Marshall! How have you been?" Which the dally responded with a nonchalant reply that we were doing better than those of previous days.
"Oh, how is the rest of the PAW Patrol? I heard that—"
Words constructed from vocal cords and the capability to utter had soon faded into useless nothings of the wind, and came to Marshall as alien vocables. Every ticking minute just itches him to leave this area as the gibberish just morphs itself into a piqued babble.
"Apologies Miss.. But we are desperately needed by our leader. If you excuse us.." Everest as ever politely pulls them out of the situation, soon they found themselves at the parking lot of the said building.
A breath of relief had escaped the system within Marshall, and soon that weight that's ghostly pressing itself into him had disappeared, thanks to the switch of scenery for once.
Taking his time to reboot himself with a different location, he took notice that those old white painted walls were no longer standing tall before him, instead, were they replaced with oddly comforting trees that towered amongst them, and a cool breeze had decided to make a quick brush by them.
"Sorry if you had to see that. The nurse was just checking in with me, since the last night they saw me was back when we were brutally manipulated by some Terrier."
A wounded nostalgic grin had appeared on the lonesome dally as he recalls of those previous moments that he has yet to forget. "It's all good now though; amends were made. Although it was one of my darkest days.. "
Caught up in the moment, the Dalmatian had surprised himself with an unexpected blow and took notice at how he suddenly had decided to story-tell the Husky his past.
"One of them?" Everest queries out of her control, spitting out words as if they were instincts that have been built into her nature.
Clearly embarrassed, he passed his gaze away from the canine beside him and attempted to utter words that would hopefully do the trick to signal that it was the end of discussion. "Forget about it, I was caught up in the moment."
"Why are you ashamed of it? Nothing's wrong in venting one's feelings to someone every so and then." Was what Everest confidently told the dally, until he shot her a glare of fury telling her to drop it.
"I-i'm sorry.. I forgot we aren't close enough to be talking about deep stuff.." She quickly tried to cover up her mistake, though her muscle to utter words had twisted itself somehow, making her appear into some sort of infant that's only learning to talk.
Though unbeknownst to her, her aura had seeped out from her and made herself visible and an easy book to read for Marshall. Sparing the somewhat hostile act, he simply released the air from his lungs and sighed exasperatingly, though contradicts what he ought to show with a small grin.
"It's alright.. I guess you're just looking after me, as a fellow canine of course.."
For some reason, he caught Everest's pelagic eyes; it wasn't completely looking directly at him, and instead, its attention was towards something else. Within his observation, along with those patent blue eyes of hers known to be lively, a sense of loneliness and troubled mentality had surfaced despite those glistening eyes she puts out into the front.
Reason? It was currently an unsure conclusion, but he's aware that he's another variable that makes the Husky's life and job here at the PAW Patrol miserable, and had caught on that lately, he's been mattering his emotions lately and hadn't considered anyone else's.
He admits it was crude of him doing so anyway, and that he hadn't meant to be that way. Making one last glance at her eyes, he motioned forth his firetruck — which Everest knew it was time to leave — and punched the button that made the gears rotate to life with a lively roar that very much contradicts with the current somber overtone.
As the truck revs up to life, with the dally facing his back onto the husky's front, he had requested that she had to stop being nice to him — she'll just end up hurting herself more if she persists.
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