Pillow fight
Nickels pov
It's one of those nights again. I stare at the ceiling, the always dark grey ceiling, and I try to fight my mind to sleep. I've tried like, 5 different positions to sleep, including putting my pillow at the foot of my bed and sleeping the other way around. But just as I thought, I'm not dreaming yet.
"Can't sleep too, huh?" a high pitched voice says from behind me. The one and only high pitched voice that I have fallen for.
"Yeah, it's getting on my nerves at this point" I groan.
"Must be too occupied knowing that you can't run as fast as I can, huh?"
"What am I, five?" I reply.
"Five cents, for sure" he says back, smirking.
"Oh shut up" I say, throwing my pillow at him.
Balloons Pov
I laugh at the little joke I made when nickels pillow hits me in the face.
"OWW HEYY" I shout.
"Tch, my bad" he replies.
I take his pillow off my face and look at it for a bit. An idea strikes my head. Nickel was busy doing something on his phone, so I sneak up to his bed and pull the most IMPRESSIVE PILLOW SWING KNOWN TO OBJECTS and hit nickel in the back of the head (pull a chromebook charger, if you know what I mean). He then ✨very gracefully✨ falls off the bed on his face.
"MHFFHFFMH" He attempts to scream. But well, he's face flat. I help him up laughing hysterically.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He yells.
"Shhh, not so loud, people are sleeping" I say.
"Well tell me why you just did that"
"First, to get you back, and second..." I bow down and start talking in a more formal way.
"Care to join me for a..." I look up at him from the bow, smiling.
"Pillow fight?"
I watch as his eyes light up as his previously angry scowl turns into a playful grin.
He picks his pillow off the ground as I rush to get mine.
"First on the ground loses!" He declares.
I agree and quickly dodge a swing from him. He blocks a hit from me as I run to the other side of the room behind him. It takes him a second to realise where I was but all too late, I hit him. He spins on one foot extremely fast but manages to stop himself from falling.
"Ugh, gimme a sec" he says, trying to push away the dizziness. I quickly think of ways I could win this. Another idea strikes. If he doesn't have his pillow, he won't be able to hit or defend! While he's recovering from that deadly fast spin, I snatch his pillow and throw it on his bed, which is currently the farthest bed from him.
"Hey!" He says, before attempting to run to get it back. Unfortunately for him, he was standing in the corner. So obviously, I corner him. I swing the pillow around in circles in my right hand and step forward as he steps back. I smirk as his back hits the wall. His eyes look around, frantically finding a way to escape.
"Whatcha looking for?" I ask, raising both my eyebrow and the pillow. I get closer but he can't move back.
"Can't leave" I say. He looks at me, scowling playfully.
"How are you going to knock me to the ground if my back is touching the wall?" He wittily replies. At this point our faces were almost touching as we kept smirking at each other.
"I can hit you away to the side, remember?" I say back.
"Will you do it before i-" nickel suddenly ducks down and slides from under my feet. It takes me a second to realise what he did, and I turn around. He's standing on his bed with his pillow, smiling maliciously.
"Escape?" He finishes, as he runs onto my bed and jumps way above me with his pillow ready to swing. I try to protect myself with my own pillow, which worked. But the force of his hit caught me off guard, and just like I was avoiding, I ended up... on the ground.
He walked over to my exhausted self, and as I tried catching my breath, he looked down at me.
"How can someone so short look like they are towering over me right now" I say.
"Was that supposed to insult me or you?" He asks, laughing. He watches me sit up and looks me in the eye.
"I win" he smiles proudly.
"I guess you do, nicks" I say, getting up fully.
"Don't call me that"
"Aww, you don't like it?" I say, booping his nose again. His eyes widen and he blushes. I giggle and blush as well. Where did all this confidence come from?
We sit down on his bed and talk about nonsense while laughing so much we couldn't breathe. And everytime we try to catch back out breaths we would end up laughing again. Eventually the grasp of sleep caught us and the last thing I remember was trying to check the clock for the time.
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