Chapter 20
"Lion! You're okay!" Queen Jagaur exclaims, running over to her daughter. She nuzzles Gold on the head and smiles at her. Gold smiles back up at her and me and Bree walk into the bathroom so they can talk for a minute.
Bree quietly opens the door before walking in and closing it behind us. We listen for a minute as the queen fishes over Gold before I turn around and see the disgusting state of the bathroom.
"Ew," I whisper softly. There are open bottles of soap scattered everywhere and towels set on the floor that look as if they've never been washed before. I step back, closer to where the door is and I hear Bree laugh quietly.
"They really need to get this cleaned," I whisper in her ear. She nods and we wait a few more minutes until I can't stand being in the dirty bathroom a second longer. I open the door and walk out, seeming to startle the queen.
"Who are you two?" She asks us. I look over at Bree and see that she's shaking slightly so I grab her hand and squeeze it reassuringly. The queen looks down at our intertwined hands and sees the bracelets on our wrists.
"You two were the ones that brought Lion home?" She asks us. We nod and she sits down on a chair and asks us for the full story. We sit down on our bed and tell her the story, from when I found Gold in the alleyway to a few minutes ago when we were in the bathrooms.
at the point where I talk about the lizards kidnapping us, she runs over to Gold and make a sure that she's okay before sitting back down on her chair and letting us all finish our story. I play with the strings of the bag as we finish the story and sit in silence.
"I can't believe that they would put you in the dirtiest room. I shall have to have a talk with them," she says, finally breaking the silence. I snort and Bree looks over at me with a smile on her face. The queen gets up off her chair and looks at us.
"Let's go walk around. I need to introduce my daughter and the two humans who saved her to the kingdom!" She exclaims. We follow her out of the room and down the stairs, back near the door we came in through.
She taps one of the wolves working and tells them about our room situation, telling them that we need the princesses room set up for her to live in. The wolf looks at us amazed before nodding and running back to do as the queen told them.
"I shall take you to meet Queen Pitbull. She will be delighted to meet you!" The queen says, walking towards a set of huge double doors. She waves her hand and the guards open the doors and let us through the a huge room.
" Queen Jaguar what have I told you about interupptin-" Queen Pitbull starts but then stops as she catches sight of us. She gets off her throne and walks past all the other cats and dogs sitting at the table, is presumably walking in during the middle of a meeting.
She stops in front of Gold and gives her a toothy smile. She looks over at us confused before seeing the bracelets on our wrists and beaming at us. She turns back to the cats and dogs in the meeting and barks loudly, the sound echoing around the room.
"The princess and her saviors are back!" She exclaims. They all state in shock for a minute before someone starts clapping and others join in. I glance over at Bree and see that's she's smiling and waving and the cats and dogs in the courtroom.
"Do they even know our names?" I lean down and whisper into Gold's ear. She tells me that her mom does but that Queen Pitbull most likely does not. I nod and step back, waving at some of the cats and dogs in the room.
We are escorted out of the room and into a smaller one where Queen Pitbull and Jaguar come up to me and Bree. They bow their heads towards us and we bow back, not exactly knowing what to do. They smile at us and look over at Gold.
"Thank you for bringing Lion home. You may go back to yours now. Your bracelets are able to bring u back whenever you want, " Queen Jaguar says to us. I nod and look over at where Gold is standing, looking down at the ground.
"We'll be back, I promise," I tell her softly. She looks up at me with watery eyes and nods, nudging my hand lightly with her nose. I hug her and bury my face into her fur, not wanting to let her go just yet.
"You sure you're going to be okay?" I ask her as I pull back. She nods at me and smiles, thanking me and Bree for helping her. I grab Bree's hand and smiles back at her. The two queens then walk up to us and put two pieces of metal into one of the beads in each of our bracelets.
"Thank you Bree and Cloud for helping my daughter. Please come visit sometime, I promise that bathroom won't be so bad," Queen Jaguar says to us. I smile and thank her before looking over at Bree. She nods and we wave to Gold and the queens as a bright yellow light engulfs us.
And then we are back in the shed, sitting on the floor where we used to hang out with Gold. I take my phone out of my pocket and see a few missed texts from my mom. I quickly stand up off the floor of the shed and walk to the door.
"I have to go home. I'll text you okay love?" I say to Bree. She nods and stands up, walking over to me and kissing me softly. I pull away and wave as I walk out the door and start towards my house. I get home just as the sun starts to set and knock on the door, waiting for my mom to come and open it.
"Did you forget your keys again?" She asks as she opens the door. I nod, knowing well that I left them on my dresser when we first left to bring Good home. I walk inside and set my shoes down on the rack by the door before walking into the kitchen as my mom pulls salmon out of the oven.
"Go wash up, dinner is ready," she says. I nod and walk upstairs before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind me. I send a quick text to Bree and tell her that I miss her already. I wash my hands and walk back downstairs to eat with my mom.
"Let's play some Uno while we eat," she says, dealing the cards as I sit down. I smile and pick up my cards, glad to be home.
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