Your mouth was wide open as you stared at Dean in shock. Without saying a word, you strode over to him, grabbing the bottle out of his hand, taking a long sip.
He watched curiously, waiting for you to turn and run. But he had another thing coming for him. You were done with this game, tired of something happening to cause the two of you to tip toe around each other. So much had happened, but even with the stupid curse, things had gotten better.
"You're a jerk, you know that right?" You said, seeing his eyes widen in surprise.
"What?" He asked.
Pushing a finger into his chest, you continued on, exhaustion and annoyance fueling you. "I can't believe you. You take something like that, and turn it into another chance to prove why we shouldn't be together. Well, I have news for you, that nightmare didn't mean shit."
He grabbed your hand, stopping your finger from creating a bruise in his chest. "I've never said we can't be together. But I was the one to see your terror, your hatred and utter fear of me. How can I live with myself, knowing I caused you to feel that way. And that you still feel that way." He explained.
Stomping your foot, you took another swig of whiskey, using it as liquid courage. "Why don't you see, it's not you I'm terrified of. It was Demon Dean! And the stupid Djinn fed off of it!"
Dean shrugged. "What's the difference?"
"There's a huge difference!" You huffed. "Demon Dean is a separate entity. He's not you. You would never do those things to me!"
"Well I don't see it that way." He said calmly, taking a sip of his whiskey, and you wanted to scream.
Well, I'm sorry for that. Because things were going great again, not just because of that freaking curse, but because we were comfortable around each other again. And I'm sorry you can't see how good a person you are. Because Mark, or no Mark, you are still one of the best people I know. But I can't do this right now. I'm tired, exhausted. I feel as if I could fall over with the slightest push. Please tell me things will be better in the morning." You told him, making your way on wobbly legs to your bedroom, not sure Dean would want to share his tonight.
You had almost made it to the steps, when your legs buckled, too tired to hold you up anymore, and you started to fall. Bracing yourself for the sudden, jarring impact, you were surprised when strong arms wrapped around you, keeping you from hurting yourself. Tilting your head up, you saw Dean peering down at you, an unreadable expression on his face.
"Thank you." You told him quietly, but he didn't speak. He picked you up, bridal style, carrying you down the hallway, past your room, to his.
Pushing on the door with his shoulder, he carefully placed you on the bed, before turning and grabbing one of his t-shirts. He handed it to you, then turned to leave the room again.
"Dean?" You called after him, but he just left, shutting the door behind him. Huffing, you undressed, your movements sloppy due to your exhaustion, but soon you were dressed in his t-shirt. Crawling up the bed, you slid under the covers.
But no matter how exhausted you were, you couldn't fall asleep. You tossed and turned, getting tangled in the sheets, your mind still too worked up over the nightmare, and your conversation with Dean. You wished that you had been quicker, had gotten away from the Djinn before he had laid a hand on you. It was all because of that stupid nightmare. Now Dean was probably hating himself all over again for it, remembering all his past nightmares, and your relationship was back on a rocky ledge.
Sighing, you felt stupid tears start to gather in your eyes at how useless everything seemed. No matter how hard you fought, or what you went through, there was always something else in the way. Your relationship with Dean had never been easy, but you were both hunters and you expected that. But what you didn't expect was for him to give up this easily.
You were about ready to climb out of bed and talk to him again, but you decided, maybe both of you needed a night to yourself, to calm down, and remember that you were a team, and that nothing should be able to come between the two of you.
So instead, you cuddled against his pillow, letting his familiar scent comfort you, and you finally fell asleep, hoping that tomorrow you could once again work things out with Dean.
You were cold. That's what you first realized when you woke up, your normal body heater not in bed with you. Feeling over to the side, you knew he had never made it to bed, at least not this bed. Rubbing your hand across your face, you wondered if you even wanted to get out of bed today, if you were ready for the argument that was surely to happen once you met up with Dean again.
But you weren't going to take the easy way out. Grabbing your jeans, you slipped them on. Leaving Dean's t-shirt on, you slipped out of the room, down to the kitchen, where Sam was sitting at the table. Dean was standing at the oven, a towel thrown over his shoulder as he fixed pancakes.
"Morning Y/N, how are you feeling?" Sam asked you, setting the newspaper down.
"Okay." You mumbled, getting a cup of coffee.
"Good, I was worried the whole thing with the Djinn might have worn you out." He replied before picking up the paper again.
You took a deep breath and then walked over to Dean, setting your cup down before taking a chance and sliding behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing you cheek to his back. "Good morning Dean." You whispered.
You considered it a win when he didn't flinch or pull away from you. Instead he slowly turned, so he was facing you, and your cheek was now pressed against his chest.
"Y/N." He said, and you hummed a response, too caught up in the feel of having Dean in your arms.
He took a finger, and tilted your chin up, so you were gazing into his forest green eyes. "I just wanted to apologize for last night. You were right, I was being a dick. It's just your nightmare hit me a little harder than I thought it would, and I had a hard time dealing with it."
"Its okay." You told him, as he leaned down and lightly pressed his lips to your forehead.
"Do you guys know what this means?" Sam asked from behind you.
You didn't turn to look at him, instead you nestled closer to his chest. "What Sammy?" Dean answered as he wrapped his arms around you.
"Well, I know for a fact you slept out in the library last night Dean. If the curse was still active, you wouldn't have been able to do that. So somehow, having to go into Y/N's dreams cured you of the curse."
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