intense battle
Blitz:*smirks slightly while the stranger took out his army.*well,this isn't surprising at the least,tell me something stranger,do you know a saiyan called Taro?
???:Taro?yeah,I know him,I'm his brother,he's training with someone called Luke.
Blitz:the god of destruction? That means he'll most likely get even stronger than he is now.
???:I'm strong as well Blitz,I can tell your holding back some amazing power,I could sense the soldier's energies,but I couldn't sense yours.
Blitz:*laughs slightly.*indeed you can't sense my energy,I have reached the level of god power,I faced a saiyan before and I just about killed him if that Aikon hadn't interrupted us.
???:I think its time to show us your new power blitz.
Blitz:very well.*floats down to the ground and powers up to omni golden chaos.*
???:*steps back slightly.*holy crap..I can't sense his energy at all,it almost feels like he could kill me if I don't step it up.
Blitz:I believe its your turn saiyan.
???:very well,I learned a new form as well,thinks of super saiyan rosé mixed with the legendary tri force power.*closes my eyes and turns into tri-super saiyan rosé.*well,what do you think?
Blitz:this will be fun.*smirks and charges.*
(Ignore everybody else in the video and imagine Vegeta being Aikon)
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