Chapter 10: Evolution 2.0
Two days after Vade Drifter and Scott Wilson made their surprising debuts by aiding Alex, Travis and Chase against the Pinnacle, the feud for the TNT title has been kicked into overdrive. Fans were curious to know if the group led by Alex has a name, but their question will be answered as the five men will address the live crowd on Dynamite.
Also scheduled for Dynamite, MJF and the Pinnacle addresses the events on Raw, Josh and Finn taking on the Dark Order's 5 and 10, and Blood Shepherd addressing Chris Jericho's verbal shot from SmackDown last week.
Meanwhile, the opening match is the WWE United States Champion Geiz Marufuji taking on Kip Sabian as the Sniper of the East looks to send a message to Jake Hager after the MMA fighter made a remark to his mentor, the King of Puroresu Minoru Suzuki.
Geiz made and entrance with a look that Minoru exactly does. Paying homage to his mentor, he walked down the ramp with a black towel draped over his head. The crowd saw the look and immediately clapped to the rhythm of Geiz' theme, the same way Minoru does.
As Geiz got in the ring, he removed the towel and raised his title and got ready for action. As the bell rang, Kip immediately launched right hand punches on the Sniper, but Geiz powered out and pushed him down.
Geiz: come on!
Kip launched again, but Geiz once again powered out. Kip connected with a big right hand to Geiz's face, but the impact of the punch did not register, and only thing the Sniper did is to laugh it off and stick out his tongue, much to the horror of Kip. Geiz grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the turnbuckle and landed some monstrous punches and kicks.
(Fast forward towards the end)
Geiz caught an attempted kick from Kip, and then locked in the Coffin in the middle of the ring, making Kip tap out immediately.
However, Geiz didn't celebrate too long as Jake's theme played, and out came the Inner Circle's muscle. Hager rushed down to the ring and a brawl erupted between Jake and Geiz. The Sniper tried to lock in the Coffin, but Jake fought out of it and continued to connect punches while Geiz does the same thing. Then swarms of referees, security guards and road agents came in to separate the two men.
Jake was escorted out of the ring and went backstage, not taking his sights off of Geiz.
It was time for the tag team match as Josh and Finn takes on Alan "5" Angels and Preston "10" Vance of the Dark Order. The Fallen Warrior looks to clear his mind of Anna and the events from last week.
Finn: lad, if you're worried about Anna, don't worry, Billie will take care of her.
Josh: I hope so
Finn: anyways, did you see Alex's new friends?
Josh: yeah, those two look tough and not to be messed with
Finn: looks like a new Evolution
Josh: hmm... good one, and Alex said they'll reveal the group's name later tonight
Finn: yeah, so ready to fight?
Josh: always partner
The two fist bumped and made their entrance, with Josh all laser focused and not thinking about Anna Jay one little bit.
The bell rang, and the two to start were Finn and Dark Order's Number 5. The Demon King took down 5 with a dropkick followed by Pele kick, making 5 stumble to the corner to tag in the big man, 10. Finn used his speed to avoid any shots from 10. He landed a dropkick on the Dark Order's muscle and then tagged in Josh.
Josh took down 10 with a DDT for an early cover, but 10 managed to kick out at one.
The Bliss Kingdom members had the match at their favor as they double teamed and isolated 10 from their corner. 10 managed to tag in 5 after avoiding an offense move to the turnbuckle by Finn.
(Fast forward towards the end)
10 was neutralized and was sent out of the ring, giving Josh the opportunity to hit the 25th Hour on 5. Then he tagged in Finn and the Demon King hits the Coup de Grace for the 1-2-3. Finn and Josh celebrated and seemingly sent a message to their potential targets, the AEW World Tag Team Champions, Santana and Ortiz.
The celebration was interrupted by Anna's theme. Finn and Josh turned to see the Queenslayer making her way down to the ring while she locks eyes on Josh. Anna didn't went into the ring, instead she helped 5 and 10 to their feet and guides them to the back. She smirked at Josh as she walks with her Dark Order stablemates to the back.
(A few minutes later)
After some commercials, Dynamite came back with Blood Shepherd sitting down for a promo, addressing the remarks made by Chris Jericho on last week's SmackDown.
Shepherd: many years ago, I was a young man with a dream, a dream to become a professional wrestler and make it to the big leagues, and I realize my dream under the tutelage of Y2J himself, Chris Jericho. Jericho took me in because he saw my potential, and he offered me to be his personal protégé. I worked hard to impress one of this industry's greats, I worked hard to get to where I am today. I married the most beautiful woman in my life, Kairi Sane. I know Chris was proud when I won the WWE title from Drew McIntyre at WrestleMania, but now he has the nerve to say that I won't get to his level. Sure, Chris is a 9 time WWE Intercontinental Champion, a record, but he had to lose that 9 times. You said, I will never be you, well Chris, I'm still young, I have a lot left in the tank to prove to you that I belong on the same mountain as you, and I'll prove by beating you in a match for that AEW World Championship
The camera faded back to the ring with Randy Orton's theme playing, the Viper came out to the stage to a cheering crowd. His theme stopped and another theme music played.
The crowd were confused for a second, but cheered as they saw the five men who stood tall on Raw a few days ago: Alex Auditore, Scott Wilson, Vade Drifter, Travis Sharp and Chase Destiny. The fans were still pumped and talking about Vade and Scott's debuts on Raw.
The six men group walked down the ramp and got in the ring full of confidence and serious faces. The Viper grabbed a mic and spoke.
Randy: now all of you are wondering what is happening here, what is going on, but let me tell all of you what. Alex came to me and we talked of forming our own group to combat Maxwell Jacob Friedman and his posse, and I was like, yeah let's do it. Then Alex went to contact Vade and Scott and you all know the rest, what happened on Raw when MJF was scared, and Vade and Scott saw it in their eyes
Scott smirked while he and Vade nodded.
Randy: now all of you want to know what's the name of this group of fine gentlemen, but all of you know, so I'll let Alex take the stage
Randy handed Alex the mic and spoke with confidence.
Alex: in life, everything adapts and changes, everything evolves. What you see in this ring before you is the greatest example of Evolution. Randy Orton, a 14 time world champion, a Viper, a Legend Killer. He has beaten everyone who dared stand in his way, and done it with the three most destructive letters in sports entertainment, R-K-O.
He paused for a second to give his mentor some respect and applause.
Alex: Randy taught me everything, and I took everything to heart along with the bonds I form when Bliss Kingdom came together. Myself, Travis Sharp and Chase Destiny, along with the rest of Bliss Kingdom represent the now, the present of this business
He paused to fist bumped and hugged the American Nightmare and the Limit Breaker.
Alex: but we all learned from science, evolution always continues, it's a never ending process, and you have to look to the future. And I look to you my old friends, Vade Drifter, a man of rage and strength and those who dare provoke him will regret it. And Scott Wilson, just like all of us, he had a dream to make it to WWE, and he did it through hard work and training under our brother Finn Balor and WWE Hall of Famer and Randy's former tag team partner, the Rated-R Superstar Edge. Scott dominated Japan and other promotions and looks to continue that dominance
The Pharaoh fist bumped Vade and Scott. Then he addressed MJF.
Alex: you see MJF, everything happens for a reason, that's the natural process of evolution. You call yourself the fastest, youngest rising wrestler today, but a few days ago, you were behind, you were slow. I know when you woke up the next day after I lay you out with an AKO, you asked yourself what just happened. MJF, the only answer I have is, evolution has just passed you by
Then MJF interrupted them on the screen with the camera shot showing him and the Pinnacle at their luxurious locker room.
MJF: bravo Alex, bravo, I just have to say that is one hell of a speech you just did. But on Raw, you got lucky, that win was a fluke! I was distracted! But, you pinned me and beat me, that's okay, but you can get your title shot on my terms and conditions
Alex: what condition?
MJF: one condition; you have to defeat all of the members of the Pinnacle in a gauntlet match
Alex: fair enough, Friedman
MJF: great, that settles then, we have a mutual agreement. Wait, where is your lovely woman, Alexa? Would you mind if I invite her for a drink?
That lit a fuse in Alex and gestured the New Evolution to follow him, which they immediately nodded and obliged. Alex knew where their locker room was, so he led the way.
MJF and the Pinnacle were laughing and sharing some champagne while they were waiting for their room service.
Spears: you made him so pissed, Max
MJF: all to get under his skin. Gentleman, I arranged for appetizers and massages
The group shared a toast and drank more champagne. Then they heard a knock on the door.
MJF: who is it?
???: room service for a Mr. Maxwell Jacob Friedman
MJF: finally you came
But as MJF opened the door, he was greeted by Alex and the New Evolution.
MJF: oh shit
Then a brawl erupted in the locker room as the New Evolution and the Pinnacle traded punches in the locker room. The groups broke off while they were still fighting.
Travis sent Shawn Spears to the wall and then laid him out with a Sharp Attack. Then he dragged Spears to the open door and slammed it on him.
At the massage area, Vade and Wardlow were trading punches; the Pinnacle's muscle missed a punch and hit the concrete wall, allowing Vade to capitalize and slammed Wardlow through a masseuse table with a uranage slam.
At another area, Chase and Scott were fighting FTR while Orton was holding down Tully Blanchard. Dax Harwood tried to fight off Scott and Chase, but he was taken down by a double superkick onto the ice bath pool. Scott then picked up a chair and hits Cash Wheeler on the head.
Back in the locker room, Alex and MJF were trading punches until the Pharaoh knee him in the gut then threw him to the wall, making the TNT Champion stumble into the bathroom. Alex picked up MJF and brought him to the toilet.
Alex: this is where you belong, you piece of shit!
Alex held him by the head and pushed him down the toilet while the Salt of the Earth tries to fight him off, but can't as Alex shoved his head down the toilet water. He let go, and the TNT Champion breathed while he tried to crawled away; however, he was held by Alex.
Alex: the worst is yet to come
Then the Pharaoh launched MJF to a refrigerator glass door. Then Alex dragged MJF and pushed him down as the members of the New Evolution came in and regrouped with Alex. Then the number one contender to the TNT Championship sent a simple warning.
Alex: adapt or perish
The show ended with a shot of the destroyed Pinnacle locker room with the New Evolution standing over MJF.
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