Mascara hugs my eyelashes, making my blue eyes bright and round. My eyelashes flutter like a feather against my cheeks, which are tinted in pink while my cheekbones are sprinkled with a rose-gold, metallic contour. A smirk sneaks on my deep purple lips.
My eyes roam with a spark of approval at my curled hair and tight black top. My soft, but close-fit, pants are cut in triangle designs, showing off my legs. It has been too long since I have dressed up for a party. It brings memories of late nights, tall drinks, and drunk Emma.
The only time I got waisted at a party was after I had broken it off with Andrew, but Emma had no problem with overindulging.
But watching my own glowing form in the mirror, I can almost see Andrew standing behind me, also getting ready for the party. I can picture Andrew holding my hand, walking me into the dorm, dancing with me until everyone else falls asleep.
The idea of feeling Andrew close to me again brings a brighter light in my eyes.
We can work. Headmaster Glinda will see this whole situation my way. She can't argue against me or Andrew having another fair shot at the Test.
Though something tugs at me in the darkest part of my mind. Andrew has been in the Outercity Training Facility for almost two weeks. Just thinking about what he might have seen or done in the Outercity makes the pit in my stomach a little colder.
But it's only two weeks of training. It has to be nothing more than factory work or something like that. Perhaps he hasn't had a chance to be exposed to the Outercity. Maybe I can still save him from entering.
My eyes turn hard, and I clinch my jaw.
"You look stunning! Ready to go?" Jennifer invades my mirror with her white dressed form.
I shiver off thoughts about Andrew and nod. I can't save him this second, all I can do is wait for Headmaster Glinda. Patience is key.
Jennifer and I walk a few floors down to some other girl's dorm. While I was being held hostage by Ida's games, Emma has been making many, many friends. Which I was proud of, no matter how uncomfortable it was to enter the dorm with curious stares all over me. Apparently, some people made note of my absence these last weeks.
What was odder was during the party. I never had any problems with talking or connecting with people. I shouldn't, my mother has taught me all the tricks of the trade. But it seems like no one at this party is interested in looking at me, much less talking to me.
My earlier excitement is now twisted into me sitting on someone's bed while twirling a mysterious concoction in an unmarked cup. Emma is cornered by an unrecognizable boy, but she didn't seem to mind. Though Daniel, who has been watching Emma all night, seems to mind a great deal.
I'll have to ask Emma about that story. And every other story.
So much has gone on over the last two weeks. So many names are being thrown around, and I'm too embarrassed to ask who or what happened because on some level, I feel like I should already know.
If Ida wasn't a freak, I wouldn't be sitting alone.
"Hey, Cassandra! We are about to play a game, wanna play?" Jennifer asks.
I decide Jennifer is now my new favorite.
"Yeah sure! Let me just run to the restroom real quick, and I'll be right there!" I put down my concoction and slip out the dorm.
Hopefully the game won't like I-Have-Never. I don't know if I can get through another one of those. Then again, we could be mud wrestling, and I wouldn't complain.
The hallway isn't empty, but also not crowded. Even being on another floor, it is a mirror image of my hallway. Walking in these similar hallways and classrooms makes me dizzy. I'd heard stories in secondary school of students going stir crazy by being stuck on campus.
I dry my hands in the restroom, barely drying them before throwing the napkin away and bolting out the door. My steps quicken towards the dorm, thinking about the game. Patting the rest of the water on my pants, I can only hope it didn't start without me.
"Are you Cassandra Goodwill?" A chipper voice asks.
I stop at the sound of my name, though my body leans toward the room. I search the hallway until I see a guy in his ITF uniform. He stands with his bulky shoulders and his huge hands clasped in front of him. His slicked back, black hair shines under the florescent lights.
"It is you! My parents have told me all about your family." He crosses the space between us, and before I can think about his hasty approach, he already has my hand clasped in both of his.
My eyes pass across his uniform before meeting his eyes.
Why would someone want to be in uniform on a weekend?
A smile twitches on my face, looking over his shoulder to the dorm party, "It's nice to meet you, but now isn't—"
"I actually have a few questions for you." His hand squeezes, "My mother is a journalist, and she'd kill me if she knew that I met Cassandra Goodwill and didn't try to talk to her."
"Listen, I'm not my mother. Whatever questions you have would be useless on me." He still hasn't let go of my hand. The air around us is thin, making it hard to breath. I look back at the dorm, only a few steps away. "But I really have to go."
I slide my hand out of his, my legs tense as if to run. I will myself to calm down, it's not like I'm in danger. I go for the dorm, but before I can reach get inside, someone cups me on the shoulder.
I bat the hand off me and turn to see a girl in her ITF uniform. Her eyes are bright, and her smile is as tight as her ponytail.
"What do you want?" I ask, my patience slipping.
The girl is about a foot taller than me with big shoulders. Though her strong jaw and cheekbones would intimate most people, it doesn't bother me.
"I couldn't help but over hear your conversation. I think talking to him is a good idea." She says.
"And like I told him, my answer is no." I whirl back around and smack into something solid.
"I have to insist." The guy says, grabbing my forearms.
"What are you doing?" I struggle against him, but his iron grip refuses to budge. It isn't so much the grip that caused panic to run up my spine, but the fact that his eyes give away nothing, like he is unconcerned about his hands locking me in place. "Let go of me!"
"Come with us, Cassandra," The girl says, pushing my back in the direction to the elevator.
I dig my feet into the floor as the guy pulls me towards the elevator. My arms tremble against his hands. I twist to slip away from the duo, but the girl's hand keeps me in place, her strength also unrelenting. My chest rises in rapid breathes, thinking about escape. But my feet only trip over themselves as I get shuffled towards the elevator.
I try again to whip my head around, only to find an almost empty hallway. The only other students left are a couple who are locked at the lip and waist.
"Help—" I squeak before the girl slaps her chapped hand over my mouth.
Something snaps inside me, and my panic overcomes me, waterfalling into my limbs. I start to thrash against the duo, twisting, kicking, bunking, but my feeble attempts are only met with cold stares and un-relinquishing strength. Finally, the boy lets go of one of my arms. I wrench my forearm away only to bring my elbow back to hit the girl in the gut. Before my elbow connects, I am pushed inside the elevator.
The guy catches me before I fall onto the tiled floor.
"You better let me go. When my mother hears about this, you both will be sent straight to the Outercity!" My words whip through my strained breaths.
"Sorry, can't do that," the girl says as the elevator door closes. She turns with her back towards me and pushes the button to the first floor.
Their glazed over eyes and squared jaws sends my muscles fear filled spasms.
"My family has money. The will pay for my safety. If you let me go now, I can get you as much money as you want." The elevator descends, jolting me.
"We don't work for your money," the girl says.
"Then whose money do you work for?" I ask.
The elevator stops before the couple can answer me. I flatten my back against the other side of the elevator, grabbing the holding bar. The duo doesn't make a move to grab me again, instead, they stare at the open elevator.
I follow their stares and find Headmaster Glinda staring down at me with a sorrowful frown.
"I'm sorry, Cassandra," she says before the duo grabs me.
Each take me under the arm, picking me off the floor. Headmaster Glinda swivels on her feet and struts in front of us. Her bun bobs with every step she takes, while I'm left speechless.
"This way," Her voice echoes around the first floor. My eyes widen as I realize we are the only ones on the first floor. There is no one around to help me if I cry out. No one to stop them. "Wh—what—" I try to say, but my tongue is paralyzed, like the rest of me.
"I apologize, Cassandra but there isn't much time to explain. You are already here illegally." She throws me a sympathetic look over her shoulder, though there is something hard in her eyes. "I looked into your scores, like had you asked. Turns out someone tapered with them. For some reason, they were switched with someone named Andrew Caper." We exist the front room and end up in a slim hallway. The walls speed past me as we move, and I can't focus on anything, though I try piece together what the headmaster is saying.
Once her words hit me, my eyes squeeze shut, and I try to make my mouth work, "Andrew—I know about that. That's why I told you to check it out." My words tumble out of me, no time to think about being coy because where ever they are taking me seems to be coming closer and closer.
Headmaster Glinda pauses and looks at me straight in the face with utter confusion plastered on her face. "Why would you want us to know someone tampered with your Test?" The headmaster lets out a nervous laugh, "Great City," she curses, "Cassandra, you had everything."
Like androids, the couple holding stops, letting me dangle in front of the headmaster. Headmaster Glinda's expression feeds me confidence. Maybe I can stop this, whatever this is. "I wanted us to take Retakes and be placed into the Innercity. Neither of us deserve to be in the Outercity. Please, Headmaster Glinda, you have to understand."
"Did you tell anyone else about what you found out? Any of your friends?" Headmaster Glinda whispers, leaning in, her eyes desperately searching mine.
Giving me a way out.
"No! Of course not!" I say, sagging against my captures,knowing she will let me go.
She's a reasonable woman, I remind myself.
Headmaster Glinda's smile strains against her crows feet, not meeting her eyes "I'm sorry," she says and pulls out a small card. She turns and slides it across the wall. I holographic key board pulls up, and she types.
"What are you doing?" I ask, my stomach sinking.
My abductors' hands burn against my skin, not letting up. My chest tightens when the headmaster doesn't answer my question.
"My mother will come for me. If you don't let me go now, I'll make your life a living hell!" I scream, knowing Headmaster Glinda is now beyond reason. She had made her decision about me when she hired these thugs.
A hidden door opens, and cool air stabs me with tiny needles. Hands tighten around my arms, making a different kind of bite. The captures push me through the door after Headmaster Glinda. I kick while fighting hysterical tears.
Headmaster Glinda stops in front of a small bus glider. The glider's once metallic shimmer is now rustic, hiding the once coat of red paint. "The ITF and TC will investigate your Test scores." Her breathe is white against the dark sky. "Cassandra, you must understand how dangerous this situation is. If anyone else learns about what happened, your mother's job, the Test, and maybe even the whole Great City could be in jeopardy." The bus glider's doors squeal open.
"Until we find out what happened, we have to have your silence." Headmaster continues.
"What's that supposed to mean?" My voice cracked, tears almost spilling.
"You will be transferred to the Outercity Training Facility for now, and Andrew Caper will remain in the Outercity."
"I'm being transferred? You can't do that! It's not fair!" I scream, not caring if I draw attention. I struggle against my captures, finally letting the tears go.
Telling the headmaster was a terrible, terrible decision.
Now I can't save Andrew or myself.
Headmaster Glinda walks forward and wipes a tear off my cheek. I flinch. The Headmaster pulls away with genuine hurt in her eyes. "I know this is hard, but once we figure this all out, I will work something out. It's not forever, Cassandra."
I never heard of anyone ever coming back from the Outercity, and after being dragged by two giants from the ITF, how can I trust the headmaster?
I look away from Headmaster Glinda, trying uselessly to hide my face from her. I have to hold it together. Have to be strong, to at least hold up my reputation and family name.
But something whispers to me, Does it matter now?
The duo yanks me forward and pulls me on the bus glider. They drop me into a sit next to pock-a-dotted suitcases. I reach over to the luggage, my luggage.
They went into my dorm and packed for me.
Real. This is too real.
I feel the bus glider hum under me. I shoot up from my seat and run to the windows. The ITF glistens under the moonlight. The middle tower of the ITF is alight with parties and activity that I'm now excluded from.
I look down and lock eyes with Headmaster Glinda. Anger and defeat bottle up inside of me and is released as I bang my fists against the bus glider's windows. Screaming, crying, cursing the ITF, the Test.
But I am helpless while I watch the ITF grow smaller and smaller. Then disappear.
Hey! Thanks for reading! There is a lot more to come, but I wanted to know your thoughts about everything that has happened so far!
How do you feel about Andrew and Cassandra? Do you think they will be reunited?
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