part 4 of "not your fault" (h2oVanoss)
Luke's pov
I found myself shaking. Trembling for no reason. I watched from the back as jonathan would send random glances at me. I would fake smile at him but he saw right thru that lie.
"We're here!" Evan said. I sigh in relief and got outside the car as quickly as I could. My wobbly legs could hardly keep me up but I managed. Jonathan stands right besides evan and holds his hand while he looks at me.
He smiles at me and tugs on Evan's hands. "Ev, can you go tell them to get us a table for 3?" Jonathan asked. Evan was a little hesitant but did as he was told.
"Love, what's wrong?"
"N-nothing, I'm just a little lost in though.....-"
"Don't lie to me"
Jonathan comes closer to me and my breathe hitched. "What's wrong? Your shaking...." He whispered. He takes a hold of my hand and looks directly into my dark brown eyes.
I pant slightly and closed my eyes. "I might be moving..."
Jonathan flinched and holds my hand tighter. I opened my eyes and his beautiful blue eyes were now accumulating tears. "Don't say that....tell me your lying-"
"I can't lie to you" I told him. "Im sorry, Jay...."
He pulls me in for a hug and I squeak a tiny bit from my jumpy attitude. He graves a fist full of my hair and rubs circles in my back. I hug back feeling his smaller frame shake a bit.
"I'll do my best to stay by your side, okay? I won't leave you...I wouldn't dream of it"
He hugs me tighter and I sigh. "Don't be scared-"
"I need you...."
My head hurts, I'm spinning and I feel really weak. I'm pushing my body to the limits. I pat him on the back and he let's go. "Come on, evan must be waiting"
He sniffs and cleans his eyes but he wasn't alright. His mood was dark and gloomy. I think I might of messed up.
We entered and evan was already sitting down with his phone in hand. Jonathan sits next to evan and I sit directly infront of them. My hands where shaking violently and evan noticed.
"Your hands....there- Umm are you okay?" He asked. I smiled softly at evan and nod. "I'll be fine..."
10 minutes past and I was now sitting next to jonathan. I was still shaking and it was so difficult for me to eat anything. My head and eyes hurt but jonathan was there to rub my back and tell me it was okay.
Half way into eating I get a text message from my dad.
Dad: I was hoping I wouldn't have no problems with you. Your a disaster, your just like the rest them. I wanted you to be better but I guess I was wrong. I was wrong for believing in my one and only son. Thanks for being the fuck up of the family. Maybe my sister has better luck with her child.
Is that what he thinks of me? Did I really fuck up that bad?
I turned of my phone and I sniffed twice. I felt Jonathan quickly turn his head to me and he gasped.
"Hey, luke....your....your crying" Evan said to me. I looked down and saw a tear falls from my eyelash and into my shaking hand.
Evan cups my face with one of his hands and brings it up. Jonathan was already working on cleaning my face by the time I noticed. Evan rubs circles on my cheek and he gets up from his sit and walks towards me. He bends over slightly and rubs my tigh. I shutter at the unfamiliar touch and jonathan does the same.
What are they doing?
Jonathan leans in and softly kisses my cheek. I froze and evan kisses my hand.
"We're here for you" they said at the same time.
No stop it...
"Thanks guys....Um can we finish the food? I need to do some stuff home"
The table goes quiet and evan sighs. He stops rubbing my leg and pats it twice before he gets up and walks towards his own sit. "Sure thing man" Jonathan whispered.
We ended up going to Walmart for a while and jonathan wouldn't leave my side.
He leans into me and whispered in my ear, "didn't I tell you I was gonna kiss you~"
I push him away and looked away to cover my flushed face. "Have some self control will ya?"
He laughs and evan gasped. Look at all of this-...."
The audio cuts for me. My mind travels into memories and gets stuck there. I saw them stop and I stop too but only to turn and continue walking.
I never notice I was pushing my way towards a giant ball pit.
It makes a noise and it snapped me out of my mind and I gasp in horror.
Jonathan and Evan look at me worried out of there minds and I tried to breath in and out. "Jesus...." I whispered.
"Luke?-" Before Jonathan can tell me something I cut him off. "Take me home, please...."
They take me home and leave. I'm alone in my house and I go directly to bed and sleep.
Just as I thought I was gonna get a brake from all of this madness, I was wrong. Everything was just getting started.
A week later evan just appeared in my house. I was confused on how he got in but that was one of my least problems. He was crying hard to say the least.
He gave me this broken look that broke my heart into pieces. "We broke up...."
My eyes widen and I just stand there. "B-but....everything-"
"Everything was going just fine! Yesterday he told me he loved me and today he was like, okay it's over!" He paused and screamed. I gasped and covered my ears. "That's not right!" He shouts.
"Stop! Evan!" I yelled. He looks at me and takes a fist full of my shirt and brings me closer to his face.
He leans in to me and tried to kiss me but I shoved him away. "Hey! What the fuck is your problem!" I yelled.
He pushes me and I stumbled back and fall into the wooden table.
My back hitting the corner of the wooden table. I gasped and let out a scream of pain. Evan dragged me and I kick and shout for him to stop but nothing. He gets in top of me and starts trailing kisses on my neck.
I never wanted this. I don't see him like that. I never had a liking to him, I don't even know if I roll like that.
"W-why?" I asked in between sobs.
He stops moving and just cries. Cries and cries non stop.
He was in so much pain and I could say I was in the same state as him.
My back hurts so bad. I might fucked myself.
"Im so sorry" he mumbles into my skin.
I pat him on the back and he tried to pick me up but I scream. I pant violently and grind my teeth together to hold in my screams of pain.
"Oh my God, luke, I'm calling the police or something-"
"Don't....just....just let me stay on the floor....and tell me what was the cause of your sudden burst"
"Evan, tell me what the hell was all that about"
Silence. I already knew what he wanted. He wanted to feel the love in his broken heart. He wanted the pain to end. He needs love.
"I just feel lonely...." He whispered.
He cried and cried I tried to tell him it wasn't his fault, but his tired of hearing the same thing from me. I tried to tell him to move on but he just shakes his head and cried more. I got him to meditate a little and that calmed him down. For the most part it helped. I caught a red mark going thru the side of my spine and into my left part of my body.
Luckily it didn't stave me in the spine directly but it still kinda fucked me. Evan was able to pick me up bridal style and he takes me to bed. He refused to leave me alone so he was taking care of me for a while. Putting Ice on my back to prevent it from getting swollen. Rubbing my back and just watching me. Once Jessica was home evan left. He said sorry to me once again and left. Jessica questioned what happened to me but I just told her I fell.
I wasn't gonna scar the poor girl with that, she would of passed out if I did.
5 days passed by and I felt better. I could actually move on my own without Jessica dragging me around.
But like I said. This wasn't the end of it, it got worse right when I opened my door.
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