Avengers Instant Messaging!
All rights go to Marvel Studios. Inspired by @_artisticallymyown_ 's story "The Avengers In A Facebook Chatroom :)".
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Page
Tony has logged in.
Steve has logged in.
Thor has logged in.
Tony: Hey, guys.
Steve: Hi, Tony.
Thor: How is it "shaking", "bacon"?
Tony: ...
Clint has logged in.
Natasha has logged in.
Nick has logged in.
Anna has logged in.
Clint: Herro.
Natasha: Fury, who is Anna? Is she a new angent?
Nick: Anna is one of our Avengers in training.
Anna: Hai! I'm Anna Grey.
Natasha: Nice to meet you, Anna. So what makes you an Avenger?
Anna: I have the ability to control the element of ice and snow.
Loki has logged in.
Loki: Does that mean I have a threat... I highly doubt you can surpass my intellect and illusions, mortal.
Anna: I didn't say I could, bro.
Loki: Why must everybody insist on adressing me as their brother or... "bro"?
Natasha: Speaking of threat, Anna, this is Loki. One of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most-
Loki: Powerful-
Natasha: Hated foes.
Anna: I was aware of his status to S.H.I.E.L.D. But technically, I'm not officially apart of either The Avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D. so I need not hate him.
Loki: Where are you from, mortal?
Anna: London...
Loki: Interesting.
Natasha: Anyway...
Nick: Now that it's Summer, I've decided to give you guys a break.
Tony: Well, I'm heading back home. Me and Pepper need some alone time. *wink*
Natasha: Oh God.
Steve: Well maybe, Natasha, w-we could spend some time together?
Natasha: Excuse me?
Steve: Not like that! I meant... shwarma.
Thor: As splendid as shwarma was, nothing compares to the Midgardian popped-tarts.
Loki: Oh just shut up about the stupid mortal food!
Anna: Someone woke up on the wrong side of his throne...
Thor: Hah, brother has no throne. It belongs to our father.
Loki: Well...
Thor: What...
Loki: I get the feeling you don't know.
Thor: What do I not know?
Loki: You see, you know how I told you I survived that stabbing?
Thor: Yes, you said you woke up in a hospital.
Loki: Well, the thing is... IfakedthewholethingandkilledOdinandI'mactuallysittinginthethronerightnow.
Thor: WHAT!? Father, no! *cries*
Loki: Yes. I know, I know. *awkwardly comforts*
Anna: I finally become a hero and this is what we do.
Nick: I'm sorry.
Anna: Oh, no, it's fine. It's like I'm watching a bloody soap opera over instant messages!
Natasha: Okay... Well, I'm planning on just relaxing this Summer. I've been on more missions this year than any other.
Steve: How about we all go to the beach?
Thor: Oh, I don't know why, but I've always loved the idea of summer, and sun, and all things hot!
Anna: I just hate Summer. The sun is so hot... and that's about it.
Tony: Well that's too bad, we're going! Get yo bikinis and trunks and suit up!
Anna: *sigh*.
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