Chapter 1
⚠️*** out cussing⚠️
It was a normal day in town, Owen was over at the park on a walk.
It was summer and Owen didn't have to go back to school, he had just graduated. His mother was at the graduation but his father was not because he was "busy" as always.
He was almost done with his walk when he bumped into something... or rather someone, knocking him to the ground.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention." Owen quickly appoligised before looking up at who he had bumped into.
The man was very muscular, had jet black hair, a sharp jaw, bright blue eyes, and multiple ear pearcings. Overall he was quite handsome.
The man looked down at Owen and saw Owen blush. He then held out a hand to Owen, to help him up.
Owen blushed even more when he took the handsome stranger's hand. He didn't even have to push off from the ground, the man pulled Owen up with ease all on his own.
"Thank you, and sorry about that... again." Owen said as the man let go of his hand.
"Don't worry about it. Things happen." The man said, his voice was deep but soothing at the same time. It sent shivers down Owen's spine.
"O-ok." Owen said, internally cursing himself for stuttering. The man raised an amused brow at Owen along with a small smirk.
"Are you ok?" He asked making Owen blush brighter.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little cold." Owen said, he wasn't fully lying. He was wearing a light weight sweater that gave him sweater paws but also hung off of his shoulders. Along with the sweater, he was wearing some tight-ish sweatpants, black ankle boots, a black choker with a broken heart charm on it, and some rings. His hair was also a bright blue.
The man looked down at Owen and not so subtlety checked him out before undoing the jacket that was around his waist and handing it to him.
"Oh, you don't have to give me your jacket. I'll be fine." Owen said politely, in all honesty he wanted to take the jacket and put it on because he was actually cold but he didn't know this person and also didn't know where the jacket has been.
Just then a strong gust of wind blew twards them causing Owen to involuntarily shiver.
The man sighed before wrapping the jacket over Owen's shoulders and moved so he would be a slight wind barrier for him.
Owen's blush was extremely prominent now thanks to the cold and the man's actions.
Owen held the jacket tighter around himself as another gust of wind came through.
"How about we go into a building, it will be warmer in there." The man suggested making Owen look twars him.
"O-ok, I know a coffee place n-near here." Owen said through chattering teath.
The man nodded and let Owen lead the way.
"What am I doing? He could be a killer for all I know and now he is following me into my friend's coffer shop." Owen thought as he headed twards his friend Elio's coffee shop.
After a few minutes they had reached the coffee shop and got inside quickly as the wind started to pick up again.
Elio looked up from behind the counter to see Owen entering wearing an oversized jacket. He then looked beside Owen and saw a very handsome man that didn't have a jacket on. He was slightly jealous but pushed it down and got to work.
"Owen! What can I get for you?" Elio asked as Owen smiled and walked over to him, waving the man over as well.
"Hey El! Can I get the normal?" Owen asked making Elio nod.
"And what about you sir?" Elio asked while looking over at the man, d*mn he is way more handsome up close.
"I'll take a small coffee, black." The man said, his voice slightly shocking Elio.
"Alright, your orders will be done soon!" Elio chirped before he got started on the orders.
Owen tapped the man on the shoulder to get his attention.
"We can sit down over here." Owen said once the man was looking at him.
He nodded and they moved to sit down in one of the high tables.
"Sooo... what's your name?" Owen asked while resting his head onto one of his sweater paw hands.
"Hoku." The man, now known as Hoku replied simply.
"Thats a cool name! My name is Owen as you could probably tell from Elio yelling when we first came in." Owen said with a smile. He was like a large kid, but a nice kid not one that you low key wanna punch in the face.
Hoku nodded with a small smile at how adorable Owen was. Owen was a cute name for a cute person, it fitted him nicely.
"Here you two go." Elio said while sitting the coffee's down I front of them.
"Thank you!" Owen said as he side hugged Elio making Hoku raise a brow.
"Of course." Elio said while hugging Owen back with a small blush.
When Elio pulled out of the hug he headed back to the counter and waited for the next customer.
"So are you two together?" Hoku asked making Owen blush.
"No, what made you think that?" Owen asked as he glanced over at Elio.
"Well most people don't hug their waiters and also don't blush when they do so." Hoku replied making Owen blush more.
"He is one of my best friends, that's all." Owen said while looking back at Hoku, only to see him already looking twards him.
His peircing blue eyes were beautiful, they had three different shades of blue in them. Dark blue on the outside, light blue on the inside, and light-ish blue almost as spikes going through the other two shades.
Owen was snapped out of his trance by Hoku waving his hand infront of his face with a smirk on his face.
"W- what did you say? Sorry." Owen asked with a dark blush.
"I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go to a movie some time. You can bring your friend too if you feel more comfortable with that." Hoku asked with a small smile.
"Oh, sure! Sounds fun." Owen replied with a smile of his own, his being larger than Hoku's.
"Here is my phone number, text me when you are free." Hoku said before handing Owen a napkin with his number on it. He then got up and left.
"Did he pay?" Elio yelled over to Owen.
Owen looked down at the table to see the money sitting there. "Yeah, he did." Owen replied.
Elio nodded and continued to help the couple he was getting the order from.
Owen stood up, about to pick up the money and pay for his drink as well when he saw that he still had Hoku's jacket on...
1,168 Words! I hope you have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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