(Y/n) pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to fight off the headache that was beginning to grow behind her eyes. She wasn't sure how long she had actually been in the room with the clown, but at this moment in time, it felt like hours. She had had to deal with clients that had been accused of murder before. Had to listen to them give their reasons either for why they had done it, or them pleading their innocence. But this, this was a whole new kettle of fish. It wasn't that Fleck hadn't answered all her questions. On the contrary, he had been very forthcoming with information. It was more that he had kept going off on tangents. Kept skipping to things that he wanted to say. Things that sometimes appeared to make no sense. And she had spent a lot of time trying to get him back on track. Trying to bring him back to that moment. Tried to get him to talk about his life as Arthur. About what had happened before and during his killing spree. But one thing that she would give him, was that not once had he tried to claim that he was innocent of the charges laid against him. Not once had he said that he really hadn't killed those three men on the train, despite his claims on the Franklin show. Not once had he claimed not to have killed his co-worker, or his mother. In fact, he seemed to be quite happy with being guilty of all his crimes. And (Y/n) couldn't decided whether that was going to make her job easier or harder.
"Okay. I think that that will be it for the day. I have enough here to keep me going for the time being." (Y/n) said, as she finally closed the little notebook on the table in front of her. A notebook that was now full of her frantic scribblings. Full of information that she was sure, would take at least two glasses of wine to work through.
"So, you think that you can stop me from having to do the sit down dance in old sparky?" Joker enquired, as he pulled yet another cigarette from the pack. (Y/n) praying that he wouldn't light it up. The attorney sure that the air in the room was already thick enough with his smoke as it was.
"Well..........to be brutally honest yet again. We have to face the fact that you are as guilty as a puppy sat next to a steaming pile of shit. You were seen killing Randall by your other co-worker, Gary. And seen killing Murray Franklin by not only the other guests in the studio, but also the studio and viewing audiences. There is absolutely no disputing that. But..............."
"But what?" Joker enquired, placing his cigarette down and leaning across the table.
"But.........I think that our best course is to make a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. Its not perfect but................."
"So, you think I'm crazy then..............................?" Joker half smiled, as he looked into his beautiful attorney's eyes. His smile growing a little wider as he heard a sudden, almost indiscernible gasp come from her, as he placed his hand over hers.
"Look.........." (Y/n) began, as she pulled her hand away. Doing her best to fight back the blush that was threatening to creep up onto her cheeks.
"I don't claim to be a shrink. I just know the law. A not guilty by reason of insanity would allow us to claim that you were so mentally disturbed or incapacitated at the time of the offense that you didn't have the required intention to commit the crime and therefore are not guilty. It's a plea where we essentially freely admit that you committed the crimes yet denying responsibility because you lacked the capacity to act with criminal intent at the time. Admittedly it you will probably end up spending the rest of you days in places like this. But at the moment, I believe that it is the best option. According to your medical records you have a number of diagnosed, and previously undiagnosed mental health conditions. Many of which I could argue meant that you didn't have the mens rea, or required mental state, when committing the crimes. That your mental capacity at the time of the crimes was diminished, and that you didn't commit them intentionally. And if you didn't commit them intentionally, then you could be deemed as not guilty. It is what we call and excuse defense. The principle behind this defense is that the behaviour of a defendant who is not acting as a free moral agent is not worthy of social condemnation through the institution of punishment. And to prove legal insanity, we would put forth expert testimony involving your psychological evaluations. Your history. That you were in therapy. The head injury you received as a child at the hands of your mother's boyfriend............"
"No........." Joker interrupted, as he picked back up his cigarette and lit it. (Y/n) finding herself growing angry as she looked at him.
"What do you mean, no? It is the best defense that you have. Admittedly the prosecution will probably argue that you knew exactly what you were doing when you took a gun to the studios to shoot Franklin. But by then, you were already so far down the rabbit hole that............."
"No............" Joker simply interrupted again, as he took a large draw from his cigarette.
"Fine. Then fuck you, Arthur, Joker, or whoever the hell you are. You can fry as far as I am concerned. If you can't be bothered to look at every avenue that you have open to you, then maybe you deserve to get a spark up your ass. You killed all those people in cold blood, and despite the fact that I am sure that each and every one of them was an asshole and deserved it, you still killed them. Which is illegal. I was sent here to help. Sent here to not win this case, but at least to ensure that you don't get fifteen hundred volts of electricity coursing through your body. But if you can't be bothered to fight. Then neither can I. But I must admit that I am disappointed. I thought that the great Joker wouldn't want to go out that way. That he would want to continue fighting. To kick and scream, instead of rolling over and accepting his fate like a pussy. Yet it appears that I was wrong. That under all that makeup, green hair and fancy red suit, you are still Arthur Fleck. Still societies doormat." (Y/n) hissed, as she got to her feet and glared at the chain smoking man across from her. The attorney suddenly finding the table in front of her being turned over. Suddenly finding herself pinned up against the wall by the killer clown's body. His hand firmly grasping her throat, as he stared deep into her eyes.
"What do you know? You are just like every other over privileged asshole in this city. You know nothing of the real world. Nothing of what it is to live in this city. You know nothing about me. You don't care. No one ever cared......." Joker growled angrily in reply. (Y/n) feeling his hand tighten around her throat.
"You..........you're right." (Y/n) croaked, as she tried to get out the words. Her nails digging into the clown's fingers as she fought for breath. The attorney suddenly finding herself in a heap on the floor, as the clown released his grasp.
"I was born into a good family. But it doesn't mean that I like it though. It doesn't mean that I don't know what goes on out there. That I am blind to the crime and poverty that is rife in Gotham. And you are also right that I don't know you. That I only know what I have read in your file. But you could change that. You could let me get to know you. You could show me the real man that hides behind the mask. Whether its Arthur Fleck or Joker. And I admit that I am doing this partially for selfish reasons. That I don't want you to fry so that I can prove to everyone that I am just as good, if not better than my father is or ever will be. But you are wrong when you say that I don't care. You see, I can sort of understand why you did what you did. I don't condone it, but I can understand. To be abused for as long as you have been. To be allowed to be beaten and not protected by someone that you thought loved you, is unimaginable. So, let me use that. Let me help Joker to continue to thumb his nose at the great and good of this rotten city. To continue to fight. But I can't do this on my own, Joker. I need the clown. I need Arthur. I need you to help me fight." (Y/n) explained. Her voice raspy and low. Her fingers rubbing gently at her reddened flesh.
"Let's do it." Joker smiled, as he offered (Y/n) his hand. The woman looking between the appendage and the man's face before taking hold and allowing him to pull her to her feet.
"I just wanted to make sure that you were really on my side." Joker chuckled, as he picked up the table and retook his seat.
"Has anyone ever told you that you are an asshole?" (Y/n) enquired, as she retook her own seat.
"Yep. But I get the feeling that I am just your kind of asshole." Joker replied, as he picked up his lighter and cigarette packet from the floor. Placing them back into his pocket, as the door to the room flew open. Guards surrounding and cuffing him before they dragged him out of the room.
"See ya soon, (Y/n)." A laughing voice came from down the long corridor. (Y/n) finding herself smiling as the sound disappeared into the distance. Smiling at the fact that he was right. That he really was her kind of asshole.
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