Chapter 3: Just Trust Me
Your POV
"Finally what took you so long. I've been waiting for almost 20 god damn minutes. I already went and ordered us some food- you owe me $8.97 by the way. Come on, I got some major news!"
(YC/N) grabs me by the wrist and flings me towards the doors. "Our table's over there."
She points to a table at the far back of the diner, it's rather excluded so we should have some privacy there. I haven't been to this diner in what seems like ages. I look around, and see it really hasn't changed much since the last time I was here. It's an old 50's style diner.. famous for their burgers of course. The seats are made to look like backseats of old cars, and there's jukeboxes all over the place. 'I haven't been here in almost 10 years. Me and Dad would come here every Sunday for breakfast, then he got sick...'
"HELLO, EARTH TO (Y/N) Are you even paying attention!?" I look at (YC/N) as if I have no idea what she's talking about. "What?" She stuffs her face with a few fries. "Well, nice of you to join us back on Planet Earth. You zoned out for a second. What I was saying is, I'm not gonna tell you ever details because I don't know them all to well myself, but if by the sounds of it Arin and his friends have a lot of really cool stuff planned out for the next few weeks and we're more then welcome to join them but, we have to leave like tomorrow." I nearly coughed out a lung from choking on my burger. "Wait what, leave tomorrow? We haven't even planned anything. I'm not packed, we have no car, no idea how to get there... how the hell do you expect us to be able to leave by tomorrow!?"
She grabbed her tray, stood up and walked a few feet to the garbage can. She then proceed to jump out her trash and placed her tray on the top. "In this day and age it's easy. Tonight you can go home and pack, as will I. I already asked my mom if I can barrow the second car for our trip and got the go ahead so the car isn't an issue. As for how to get there-- hello we both have smart phones. There's maps, and GPS's... it's really not as difficult as you think. Come on, do something spontaneous for once!"
(YC/N) then proceeded to to exit, leaving me sitting at the table. I chased her out the door leaving my tray and the remainder of the meal on the table."Look, you know it isn't a good time right now. For fuck sake's, you can't really spring this on me and expect me to be fine with this. We just decided last night we'd do LA and now you expect me to be okay with leaving on such short notice."
I watched as she unlocked the doors to her mother's car and opened the door. I followed and jumped in "Can you please just trust me. We talked about this since we were in middle school-- this may be the only chance for us to do this. Everything just en-lined so perfectly. Free room and board, mom's letting me use her car and to top it off I don't want you sitting at home all depressed on your birthday. Regardless if you want to or not, you're coming with me, even if I have to tie you up, ball gag you and through you in the trunk. You're more then a cousin to me, we're like sisters, I won't have it!" I reached beside me to grab my seat belt. " Well, I guess you're right. I don't know when I'd ever get a chance to go to Hollywood aga...." She bluntly interrupts me. "Exactly. Besides, I'm sure there are just tons of smoking hot guys roaming around just begging for a pretty girl to come their way." she winks a few times and nudges me. "Nah. I don't wanna fall in love. Hell, I don't wanna fall in 'like' not while I'm there anyway. It'll just suck to come home."
Before I knew it, we were already in front of my house. We just spent the rest of the way just giggling, and listening to music. I really am so grateful to have her. She's not only my cousin- but we really are like sisters. She's my absolute best friend. I quickly take off my seat beat, reach around and give her a hug. "Okay, so as soon as I get inside I'm gonna talk to mom, and then start packing. I'll send you a text when I get home. Thanks again!!" I jump out of the car, and slam the door. I can hear her muffled screams "Hey... HEY..." I turn around, and open the door again. "You still owe me $8.97" I just start laughing because she sounded so serious when she said that .Surely she meant it as a joke. I unzipped my purse, and dove into the side pocket of my purse. I usually stuff lose change in there when I cant bother to put it in my wallet. I managed to find $10 "If you're gonna take me to LA against my will the least you can do is pay for my damn lunch!" I throw the $10 at her in a playful way. "There, you wanna be like that, now you owe me $1.03" I slam the car door, wave her goodbye and rush into the house.
Upon arriving home, Mom was in the kitchen and called to me to come in.
"What was so urgent you had to meet with (YC/N) immediately?"
I sat down at the kitchen table, and picked a few grapes from the bowl of fruit laying on the table.
"Well, I'm almost 19 years old now and I haven't done anything exciting. All other girls my age are living it up, having the time of their life-- and I feel like I'm becoming a hermit. (YC/N) and I made a pat in 6th grade that after we both graduate high school we'd take a road trip. Well, we decided we're going to go to California. She has some friends in LA...and they offered to put us up while we're there. It's the perfect time for us to go. I'm done with school, took a few weeks off of work and have enough money in the bank to handle a few weeks on the road. It doesn't matter what you say Mama, I'm an adult and this is my decision. I want to go. Dad would want me to be happy, I feel like this would make me happy." she sits down across the table from me, sets down her tea and gives me the this 'look.' "I'm not gonna stop you from going baby, it'll be good for you. You don't have to convince me to let you go. You're an adult, and I trust you. You remind me so much of your Father, he was just as strong headed as you..." hearing that only made me light up. "Well I guess I should get packing. We leave tomorrow."
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