⁉️It Was You?⁉️
Human AU
Poppy Kendrick was just your ordinary teen. She had her little friend group, hated homework, and life revolves around her phone- next to singing and dancing. She was known for her optimistic behavior at school, and was that "popular girl".
Her best friend was Branch Timberlake. They had know each other since second grade when they were put as partners for an art project. Though, through their first year of high school, they changed...
Branch was the smartest boy in the grade. He always has honor roll, and he liked to volunteer to tutor in middle and elementary school.
The two were excited to learn that they were going to the same high school. They had a few of the same classes and always sat next to each other during their lunch break.
The two are best friends and always have been. Nothing more. They weren't interested in each other in that way. Although, their friends disagreed.
They always teased them, shipping them and always said, "Ooh~" whenever they were alone. True story btw. My friends always teased my and my crush because they shipped us ಠ_ಠ.
Whenever this happened, the two just sighed. One day, though, Suki said, "Poppy, y'know, it's about time you get together with someone. You can't stay alone forever."
Poppy said, "Oh my gosh, Suki, what, are you hinting that Branch and I should start dating? He's my best friend. Nothing more!"
Suki paused. She put on a guilty grin. She definitely was trying to get the two together.
Poppy said, "If you want to know anything about my relationship status, I'm just gonna say I've been talking to someone over social media. He seems nice. But Branch and I will remain best friends."
Suki looked a bit puzzled. She talked to people over social media? She didn't think she was the type of person to do that.
But it was true. Omigosh Perfect For Me came on 😭. Poppy did talk to someone who seemed pretty sweet. @p0pBaby10, the person she talked to, never showed his face in pictures, so we don't know what he looks like. Fortunately, based off his profile, he appears to be a decent person. He liked to listen to music a lot, and said he was interested in writing and poetry. There were more great attributes to him, and Poppy found herself kinda liking him.
"Anyways, gotta get to class," Poppy said. "Okay," Suki said. "See ya later."
@p0pBaby10 had just came home from school. He smiled liking at the time. @pipskweek101, his online friend that he had started talking to often, will be texting him any minute now. They had agreed to message each other at four o'clock each day.
Pipskweek, whoever she was, appeared to be shy on the internet, so she never really posted anything about what she looks like. Only some beautiful art and singing. He thought the voice sounded familiar, but there was no chance he knew this girl.
But, to be honest, Popbaby had started developing some feelings for this person. She seemed really sweet. But, they don't even know each other well, so dating wasn't an option.
Bing! Popbaby smiled. He knew it was pipskweek. He happily replied, Hey, howya doin? She took a second to answer. What she said next surprised him.
I'm fine, I hope you're well. Look, there's something I really want to know. I was wondering.... If you would go on a date or something with me? I know you'll probably say no...
Mysterious girl? On a date? With POPBABY? Of course I would want to! How about Rosa's Cafe at 7? I hope you're in the mood for Mexican food! ;) Aye, it's an actual restaurant near me and I love Mexican food. And I had tacos for dinner. 🌮
He was super excited. He was going to meet pipskweek for the first time. Branch couldn't wait.
Poppy looked at her phone and got a sweet surprise. Popbaby actually agreed to go an a little dinner date with her! She would just have to wait four hours...
~ At Rosa's ~
oppy walked in the doors, accidentally bumping into someone. "Oh, Branch, sorry! I wasn't looking." Branch just smiled. "No worries. I'm just waiting for someone to arrive. I'm a little early."
Please said, "Wow, coincidence. I'm early for a little da- meeting too." She was about to say "date", but she didn't want to let Branch know yet.
Soon, the two started talking. "So, who are you meeting up with?" Poppy asked. Branch said, "Actually, someone I've been friends with online for a bit. You?"
Trying not to give away to many details, she said, "Also someone I met online. We've been friends for about a month now."
Branch thought, me too. They kept asking more questions. Both of them starting to get a theory.
"Do you know those interests?"
Describes them.
Sounds kinda like who I'm meeting.
"What do they look like?"
Doesn't show the face.
Neither does my friend.
Soon, they just couldn't take it anymore. They were absolutely sure. At the same time, they asked the other,
"@p0pBaby10? / @pipskweek101?"
They both gasped then burst out into laughter. "So I've been crushing on my best friend this whole time?" Poppy asked, still a bit giggly.
Branch said, "Wait, you like me? I thought it was the other way around!" Poppy exclaimed, "You like me too?" Branch just hugged her. They smiled up at the other when they broke apart.
"At least our friends won't bother us anymore," Branch joked. Poppy laughed. They sat there for a while thinking the whole time, "it was you?"
"Can we still eat?"
I hope you liked it! Oh, and I know this was inspired by something, but for all that is trolly I can't remember what. This is also kinda lazy at some points; I tried to finish it as soon as possible. And how the heck do I make my oneshots so short?
Have a good day! ~Rain 💙
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