Roleplay Day 5
K: UPA managed to stand for a moment only to wince as his leg buckled underneath him, causing him to go back down, landing on his hands. He huffed in frustration, his one wing pulled in close while the one he had landed on was practically limp, his shoulder throbbing in pain. He never liked to admit he needed help, even when he knew he did, he then turned his attention back to Mandara, furrowing his eyebrows.
"You sure you're okay?" He asked again, shifting back into a sitting position, knowing he wasn't going to be able to get up on his own.
M: Mandara sighed when UPA asked that, it was too late to hide his eye now since it had already been seen, so he moved his wing from his face and tried to just ignore it.
"I honestly don't know, I think I pushed myself too hard and tore something in my wing, I can't feel it at all," he said, shakily standing up, his left-wing hanging from his back like dead weight. He looked back to UPA, "How about you, you took the brunt of the fall, are you ok?"
K: UPA watched Mandara get up before letting out a soft sigh "I'll be okay, just gonna be bruised for a while to say the least." He said as he winced, trying to move his wing slightly, pain shooting through his shoulder though he knew it wasn't broken.
"Could you help me up?" He reluctantly asked, knowing there was no point in trying to get back up, it's what he got for leaving his prosthetic back in the building, he could vividly hear Ukraine scolding him by now.
M: "Of course," Mandara said. He walked to the entity and pulled him up, letting him lean on him for extra support, "Where is your prosthetic, did it come off during the fall?" he asked, looking around to see if he could spot it but saw nothing.
K: UPA put his arm around Mandara's shoulders, leaning into him slightly as he moved his good wing for extra balance. "No, I took it off in one of the sitting areas and didn't bother to put it back on when I saw you out here." He explained when he noticed the country looking around.
M: Mandara raised a brow at UPA, "Wow, were you that eager to come fly with me, I didn't know I was that likable."
Mandara looked around again at their surroundings, they were in a small clearing of trees in a forest that surrounded the WATCH building, but he couldn't see the building itself, "We must have flown pretty far, I can't see the WATCH building from here."
K: He let out a soft laugh "well, I was getting uncomfortable and figured I'd be fine, didn't expect this to happen." He said as he looked around, taking in their surroundings.
"Ya, we must have, do you remember what direction we came from?" UPA had more or less lost his bearings during the fall and he didn't want to end up going in the wrong direction.
M: Mandara frowned, "No, I closed my eyes when we were falling, but I have an idea, I just hope we are still in range." With that said, Mandara halfway spread out his good wing behind UPA and started vibrating his feathers. He kept at it for a while before stopping and folded his wing again,
"There, if we're lucky and didn't fly too far away, my brother should have picked up those vibrations and will be heading this way, we'll just have to wait and see if he comes."
K: He nodded and looked up at the sky, closing his eyes for a moment as he let out a deep breath. He then pointed his arm out in a direction before looking that way "One of the axis' is that way the other is the opposite, don't know which is which though." He had an extra sense that many migratory birds possessed, and it was the ability to sense the magnetic fields and where the earth's axis points were, he just couldn't distinguish between the two.
M: Mandara looked at him and closed his eyes too, then nodded after a while, agreeing with his guess. When he opened his eyes a thought came to his mind, "Wait a minute, your wings are still fine, you could fly back and get help, can't you?" he suggested, though as he thought about it more, if UPA could fly he probably would have already.
K: UPA looked at Mandara for a moment, his one wing still against the ground as he let out a sigh. "I'd try but it hurts to move it, it isn't broken, but the weight is too much. I think I'm bruised to the bone." He said as he looked at his one wing, wincing as he tried to pull it up off the ground a bit.
M: Mandara frowned as he watched UPA try to move his wing, "sorry, it's my fault your hurt, I pushed myself too far even though I knew I was at my limit, I'm sorry." Mandara looked away from the entity, certain that he was mad at him.
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