03 | thunder and lightning
[ graphic: @apeollo tumblr ]
a jar of secrets
03 | thunder and lightning
I see my phone buzzing on the kitchen counter and so I shut the curtains before running over to check it. It's only three words, nine letters but it does the job of making me petrified.
It's from Ash.
A clatter of metal sounds outside and I realise with a start that someone must have knocked over the bin like the cat had done earlier. I freeze as I see a flash of light on the other side of the windows, trying to see inside but thanks to the curtains I don't think it works.
But just in case I quickly go down on all fours and press my back up against the cupboard, shoving my phone into my back pocket with shaky hands.
Another loud bang is heard but this time near the front of the house, and then something like jingling. It doesn't seem to be working however as another bang follows and I hear something like creaking.
Someone's trying to break in.
My eyes widen at the realisation but before I even have time to think, I let out a scream as the window above my head smashes into a million pieces, shards of glass flying everywhere.
By this stage my brain has fully given up on me, my hands clammy and I can feel sweat dripping down my neck.
Do I make a run for it? or do I stay here and hope they don't see me?
"She's in here!" A loud voice shouts above me and I scream again as a long hairy arm reaches through the smashed window to make a grab for me.
Well there goes that plan.
"No I'm not!" I cry out crawling on my butt to get away from the outstretched hand.
When I am far enough away I stand up, turn around and start running aiming for the front door. I'm nearly there when that too smashes into pieces in front of me and I come to a sudden halt.
Gulping I look up to see two bulky men wearing dark grey coats with hoods, covering most of their faces and both are holding a sword each.
"Well hello there cutie!" The guy on the left says smirking.
"We're not here to hurt you," the second one tries to tell me calmly like I was the one causing all this. "We're just here to take you back to-"
"I'm not going anywhere with you's!" I yell at him but even that sounds weak to my ears.
"Come on fellas, we don't have time for this crap." I turn to where the third voice comes from, it is the man with the hairy arms and he is blocking the back exit through the kitchen.
Think Seph, think.
The stairs are right behind me, I could try and run up them before these guys got me and hide somewhere until Ash and Pat got here but it might be too late by then.
I take a step back until the heel of my foot is pressed up against the first step, my hand moving to rest upon the rail.
"You're coming with us." The third guy continues looking over at me, it wasn't a question.
"Uh I think I'll pass, thanks though." I cry quickly turning around and running as fast as I possibly could up the fifteen steps.
"What are you waiting for? Get her you fools!" Hairy arm guy yells below me and I can hear the other two give chase behind.
My foot catches the last step and I feel myself falling but thankfully I catch myself just in time and make it up. I hear the two guys close behind me and when I look, I notice they're already half way up the stairs.
I run over to one of the small pot plants we have in the hallway, it isn't very big but it will do the job. Picking it up, the soil runs out from the bottom all over the carpet and my pyjama bottoms but I wasn't worried about that right now.
"Take this!" I scream using all my might to throw the poor plant down after them. I watch as it flies through the air, biting my lips.
Please stop them, hit at least one of them in the head please.
The guy in front looks up just in time before it hits him, and lifts his hands out towards it.
Open mouth, I watch on in disbelief as the plant that I had thrown suddenly comes to a dead holt in the air two inches from the mans face.
What the hell is this guy on? How did he do that? has he got superpowers or something? cause if so, not fair - I want some too.
"Pretty cool trick huh," he says looking up at me, an evil glint in his eyes.
I didn't know what to do, they are blocking all the exists and jumping out the window would probably break a bone or two although that sounds a lot better right now then going with these guys.
I close my eyes and take another deep breath, my best bet was to hide. I turn on my tail and run along the hallway, the wood under my feet creaking as I go to the far end door.
"You can run but you can't hide forever girly!"
"We'll see about that.." I mumble under my breath as I slip in through the slightly ajar door and close it behind me. If I listen closely enough I can hear the doors near the stairs being opened.
Panicking, I glance around the room which happened to be Patrick's spare room for all his junk. Well at least I didn't go to mine cause that's where they would probably expect me to go.
But as I look around the small room, the little bit of hope I once had vanishes as I realise there's nowhere to hide except the closet.
You know, the closet where people in horror movies hide and they end up dying because the hiding spot is overused so much, yeah that closet.
But with no where else to hide, I open the closet and get down on my knees to crawl to the far end of one side and sit bringing my knees close to my chest trying to make myself as small as possible.
I can hear them searching around in the room over, I hear a lot of smashing and wonder why they're going around breaking things.
After a while my legs begin to cramp from the way I'm sitting but I don't dare move in case they hear me. I hear the door to the room open and I try breathing in and out but the air won't enter my lungs.
My hands are sweating so much but I'm too afraid to move so I could wipe them on my pyjama bottoms. Starving for fresh air, my heart races at tremendous speeds and I begin to wonder if it's possible for your heart to jump out of your chest.
I can hear them out there throwing things around the room loudly and talking in hushed voices.
My eyes widen as the hairs on the back of neck stand up, goosebumps making their way down my clammy skin as slow and deliberately, the door handle turns.
Well it was nice knowing me I guess.
I close my eyes as tightly as I can to block out the sight that I know I'm not going to like.
"Well lookie here, think you could hide from us huh?" it's the guy with the hairy arms again, I can tell even before I open my eyes.
He's leaning down towards me, reaching out his hand to grab me.
I cower back, trying to scoot back as far as I can.
God if you're really out there, please help me now.
I turn my head away from the man as his hand comes closer. I try to scream when he takes a hold of my arm closest to him as he begins to pull me out but nothing comes out, not even a croak.
"How dare you touch her!" A deep cold voice seethes so suddenly in the once silenced room, that the man in front of me lets go of my arm to turn to face whoever it is behind him.
"H-Hades what are you doing here?" I can hear in his voice just how scared he actually is talking to this other guy.
Who is this Hades guy though? He certainly doesn't sound like God to me.
"I came to get what's mine and to return you three to where you belong." It's like the mans voice is made of steel, hard and cold.
"Anatoli! Nadim!" hairy guy yells out but there's no response from either one of his friends.
"If I was you Tatsuya, I would go back before I kill you too." Hade warns the man and I blink as I see hairy guy disappear in front of my very eyes.
I cower against the wall for the third time that night as a tall man takes a few steps over to where I am before sighing as he comes to crouch down before me. I can't see his face because, like the other three men, he is also wearing a hood.
I flinch when he brings his hands up in front of him.
Oh great he killed the other guys so that he can just kill me all for himself.
"I'm not going to hurt you," he tells me calmly like he is talking to a young child and not an eighteen year old grown women.
I watch closely with wide doe like eyes as he lifts his hands up higher and pulls the hood down behind him, exposing his face.
I'm met with a very handsome face and dark brown eyes.
"Hello again.. Persephone."
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