Step in the Right Direction
His eyes looked conflicted as he said those four words. He looked relieved but another emotion hid behind it. "I'm also sorry..." I shifted my eyes from his. "What?" He sounded confused. "I said I'm sorry. I looked at your texts with Natsu when you left your phone here... It was out of place of me and I get if you are mad, it was an invasion of your privacy..." I looked down at my feet as I rambled on, expecting him to be mad. He slightly laughed, "It's fine, I don't really care that you did. No need to look so upset."
We moved to the couch. The heavy feeling in my chest had lifted and I felt a lot more comfortable around him again. I sat with my legs crossed, back against the arm of the couch, sitting facing Gray. We were talking about magic; it was mostly me asking him questions about what it's like. "Do you know how it works?" I asked him, amazed by his abilities. He shook his head, "Not entirely, I was just trained from a young age by another Mage." We talked like this, back and forth until I ran out of questions to be answered. I glanced over at the clock and noticed the time. "It's late, I should start on dinner." I got up and stretched. "I guess I will get going then." Gray said as he got up from his spot too. "You can stay if you want, I have enough for an other person..." I blurted out and started to trail off once I realized what I said.
Gray leaned up against the counter as he opened a beer from the pack he brought over, "So I take it you can cook?" He asked. I could tell he was was joking, and I decided to play along. "I guess I picked up a few things here and there." I said and smiled at him. "What about you, can you cook?" I turned and turned to the stove, filling the steamer with the side dish. He laughed and took a sip of his drink, "Absolutely not." I slightly laughed to his bluntness. "Well, this will be done in about 5 minutes." I said as poured myself a glass of wine. "Did you learn from your mom?" I tensed up at the question. "No." It came out colder than I intended. "My mom wasn't around much." I left it at that.
We sat across from each other at the table, the conversation was quiet. I never cook for anyone and his lack of feed back made me nervous. I pushed my food around a bit and then took another sip of wine. "This is really good." Gray broke the silence that had fallen upon us. I looked at him, "I'm glad you like it." I smiled. The rest of dinner was filled with small talk and and the the sound of eating.
I got up and grabbed both of our plates and headed back to the kitchen. Gray followed and leaned up against the counter as I set the dishes in the sink. "Here, let me help you clean up." He started grabbing the things off the stove to wash as I put away the left overs. After I finished, I walked over and started to put away the dishes he had washed. I turned to put up a plate as Gray turned to say something. I bumped into his chest and dropped the plate. I jumped at the sound of the glass breaking. I felt Gray wrap his arm around my waist as I placed both my hands on his chest for balance. I looked up at him, not moving.
Time felt like it was frozen, my mind was spinning from the closeness of our faces. I'm not sure what made me, but I stood up a little taller on the tips of my toes. Gray seem to pick up on it and closed the distance. It felt...right. I melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. Fireworks exploded in my stomach.
We pulled away after what felt like eternities. My face was flushed and my breathing was heavier than usual. He leaned his forehead against mine and we just stood there in silence. I took my arms from around his neck and looked away, cheeks flushed. "I guess I should clean up that glass..." I said as I looked at the shards of the plate that was scattered around us.
We said our 'good byes' for the night and I closed the door behind him. I felt giddy as I touched my still tingling lips. A smile made its way on my face as I was left to my thoughts.
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