You Can Call Me Cheese and Cake, But Never Cakecheese
Please watch the video at the top of you can. Thanks.
Is it disappointing I had to say that to a guy yesterday?
"You Can Call Me Cheese and Cake, But Never Cakecheese."
Ya that's wat I get for hanging out with those band kids.
And telling one guy my name in cheesecake
So if anyone out there knows a kid in band who I think does the percussion and told me he was from Germany, plz tell me cuz I forgot his name
And saw him twice today..
Oh right.. why I'm updating so late.
Oh well.
I did look up pictures for you guys.
You have been forwarded. I am not responsible for any thing past this point.
Okay srry 4 bringing Amy (a crazy lady from kitchen nightmares) into this but...
Yeah I'm not sorry.
Another thing that happened today was me getting into a fight with a stupid kid.
So here was how it went:
Him: lHey cat lady"
Me: (ignores)
Him: Yo feline. Your crazy cuz you like cats. (Best roast of 2016)
Me: (mouths to Jenna to save me but she ignores cuz that bean looked like she was flirting w/ some trash)
Him: Your so stupid cuz you like cats
Me: ( stands up) That's it son! How does my intelligence have anything to do with if I prefer cats over dogs?
Him: uR sTuPiD iF u LiKe CaTs
Me: (argues with him about this for the majority of class after that)
Me: (looks for someone intelligent to back me up)
Me: (Sees James)
Me: James! Your smart! Please tell this idiot that intelligence has nothing to do with whether u like cats or dogs better.
James: Actually it does. Cat people are way smarter than dog people.
Me: (thinks: not the point I was going for but it will work!)
Him: U know cat people are more likely to die alone.
James: How can I be alone if I have my 37 cats living with me.
Me: (smiles)
Me: (good plan bringing James into this.)
(Bell Rings)
End Scene
Welp I'm done being weird with that.
The final thing that happened today in vball was we had to write out our problems with the team, and I thought only coach A was going to read the so I wrote like my entire life story.. but no.
We got in a circle and read them aloud. So I was just like:
"All of you are great wonderful people and i do t have any problems with the team."
I'm such a little lier.
Although my team sees me as a little ray of sunshine so...
They stupe
(But most of them are popular so..)
Alright I'm done now...
Sorry dog people and popular people I love you.
I probably don't.
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