{3.9} πΌππππππ πΌππππππππππ πΏπππ 1
Door opens, and a woman and man dressed in formal, Janet and Paul Dutton, attire walk in, the man switches on the bedroom light as the woman tosses her purse on the bed.
"That was just a terrible, terrible party." Janet Says
"But there was this one really beautiful woman there." Paul Says
"You should have gone home with her." Janet Says
"I did." Paul Says, They kiss, and he unzips her dress. It falls to the floor.
"I need a few minutes." Janet Says
"Alright, there's a bottle of '89 in the fridge." Paul Says, They kiss again and he walks out the door as she crosses the room and enters the bathroom.
A match is struck on the edge of a box as an incantation is being recited which runs through the rest of the action as a voiceover.
"Echranmuk madan fiΓ©rΓ©, fiahohshee shΓ© morelorn" Amanda Says As The match lights a candle, and as the incantation continues to be spoken.
Janet is removing her diamond necklace in front of the bathroom mirror.
"Marc oh don" Amanda Says
Across the altar Amanda is still reciting her incantation in front of, with various occult objects, including the candle she lit, and bones and symbols drawn on wood.
"Duer kianave kihΓ©r tolic" Amanda Says
Janet opens a brand new toothbrush and removes it.
"Einder bolic" Amanda Says
Amanda opens a cloth on the altar on top of the symbol revealing a used toothbrush inside the cloth.
"Madan fiΓ©rΓ© fiahohshee shΓ© morelorn" Amanda Says
Janet brushes her teeth.
"Marc oh don duer kianave kihΓ©r tolic" Amanda Says
Amanda reaches for a dagger and drags it along her right palm dripping a drop blood on the bristles of the toothbrush that she has unwrapped on the altar.
"Echranmuk madan fiΓ©rΓ© fiahohshee shΓ© morelorn" Amanda Says
Janet reaches for her mouth, and wiggles one of her front teeth which comes loose, and falls out in her hand.
"Marc oh don duer kianave kihΓ©r tolic einder bolic" Amanda Says
"Oh god." Janet Says
Amanda's hand drips blood.
"Madan fiΓ©rΓ©" Amanda Says
Janet turns slowly, feeling around the inside of her mouth with her tongue.
"Fiahohshee shΓ© morelorn" Amanda Says
Another drop of blood lands on the bristles of the toothbrush.
"Marc oh don" Amanda Says
Janet reaches inside her mouth and removes another tooth.
"Duer kianave kihΓ©r tolic einder bolic" Amanda Says
"What the?" Janet Says As She puts both teeth in one hand as the incantation stops momentarily.Paul!"
The incantation continues as more drips of blood land on the toothbrush bristles.
"Fiahohshee shΓ© morelorn" Amanda Says
Paul runs into the bedroom as the incantation pauses again.
"What is it?" Paul Asks
"It's my teeth." Janet Says As Paul sees her he rushes forward, but the bathroom door slams shut and the deadbolt locks into place. Paul pounds on the door.
"Janet!" Paul Says
"Help me!" Janet Says
Incantation continues again through the rest of the action, with the shot showing only Amanda's lips reciting the words.
"Duer kianave" Amanda Says
Paul keeps banging on the door, and Janet has blood dripping down her chin as she chokes and turns to bend over the sink spitting out a tooth and blood. She then spits out another tooth
"KihΓ©r tolic" Amanda Says
Closed fist drips blood.
"Echran" Amanda Says
Janet spits blood and teeth into the sink.
"Muk madan" Amanda Says
Blood drips on the toothbrush bristles.
"FiΓ©rΓ© fiah" Amanda Says
More blood and teeth are spit into the sink. Janet turns away from the sink, holding her hand in front of her mouth, still coughing up blood.
"Ohshee" Amanda Says
Paul bangs on door which shakes but does not unlock
"Einder bolic" Amanda Says As She stabs the blood-covered bristles with the dagger and the incantation stops.
Paul backs up from the bathroom door and goes to kick it down as the deadbolt turns and the door swings slowly open. He stares in horror as the door swings open more, revealing Janet lying on the floor with blood surrounding her mouth motionless.
The sink is splattered with blood and teeth as one tooth rolls toward the drain.
Dean and Elena are questioning Paul about Janet and Sam is searching the bathroom for clues as to what happened.
"She was so scared. I couldn't help; I couldn't do anything to stop it. And I've talked to the police, and I've talked to the medical examiner and no one can explain it." Paul Says
"Well, that's why they put the call in to us Mr. Dutton." Dean Says
"But the CDC, that's disease control, right? What do you think; it's some kind of virus?"
Sam closes the door to the bathroom and looks more thoroughly through things.
"We're not ruling out anything yet. Mr. Dutton did Janet have any enemies?" Dean Asks
"I'm sorry?" Paul Says
"Anyone that might have a reason to hurt her?" Dean Says
"Wait, what are you saying? That somebody poisoned her?" Paul Asks
Sam looks under the sink in the bathroom and finds something. The questioning continues in the bedroom.
"We're just saying we have to cover every base here." Elena Says
"Well, I mean, what kind of poison? You think a person could have done this?" Paul Asks
"Would anyone want to?" Elena Asks
"What?! No, no, there's just no one that could'veβ" Paul Says As Sam opens the bathroom door.
"Mr. Dutton?" Elena Says
"Uh, everyone loved Janet." Paul Says As Sam nods at Dean and Elena so he knows that He's done investigating.
"Okay. Thank you very much; I think we've got everything we need. We'll get out of your way now." Dean Says
It's raining as Sam, Elena and Dean walk out of the house toward the Impala.
"That dude seem a little evasive to you?" Dean Asks
"Eh Maybe" Elena Says
"I don't know I was under a sink, pulling this out." Sam Says As He takes a hex bag out of his pocket and hands it to Dean and they all stop as Dean takes the bag from Sam and opens it.
"Hex bag." Sam Says
"Awww gross." Dean Says
"Yeah, there are bird bones, rabbit's teeth. This cloth is probably cut from something Janet Dutton owned. "Sam Says As Dean looks back at the house for a second and turns back handing the bag to Sam and walking towards the Impala again.
"We're Dealing With A Witch Here" Elena Says
"Yeah?" Dean Says
"Yeah As a witch we possess an awareness of anything magical, as that's why I was able to sense another kind of magic here" Elena Says
"Uh, yeah, and not some new age wicked water douser either. This is Old World black magic Guys, I mean, warts and all." Sam Says
"Just Great" Elena Says as she gets inside the Impala
Dean gets in and turns to Sam.
"I hate witches." Dean Says Then Elena Slaps his head, Ow"
"Hey, I'm A Witch" Elena Says As Sam chuckles, Somethings Funny Sam?"
"What No No I swear" Sam Says
"I'm Sorry not you Lena, But Evil Witches They're always spewing their bodily fluids everywhere." Dean Says
"Pretty much." Sam Says
"It's creepy, you know, it's down right unsanitary." Dean Says
"Okay, I'm Sitting Back here" Elena Says
"Yeah, well someone definitely had it out for Janet Dutton." Sam Says
"Yeah, someone who snuck into that house and planted the bag. So what are we thinking, we're uh, looking for some old craggy Blair bitch in the woods." Dean Says
"No it could be anyone. Neighbor, coworker, man, womanβthat's the problem, Dean, they're human, they're like everyone else." Elena Says
"Great. How do we find 'em?" Dean Asks
"This wasn't random; someone in Janet Dutton's life had an ugly axe to grind. We find the motiveβ" Sam Says
"We find the murderer." Dean Says
"Yeah." Sam Says As Dean starts the Impala and pulls away from the curb, driving off in the rain.
Elizebeth is tending to her garden as Amanda pulls into her driveway and gets out of the car. Elizabeth looks up and tries to get Amanda's attention.
"Amanda." Elizabeth Says As Amanda is distracted and grabs a grocery bag out of the back seat of her car and starts to walk to her door, she has a bandage on her right hand.
"Hey Amanda!" Elizabeth Says
"Oh, Elizabeth hi. Sorry, I've got like a thousand things on my mind." Amanda Says As She keeps walking toward the door to her house.
"Are you okay sweetie? You didn't come to book club last night." Elizabeth Says
"Yeah, sorry I was gonna call, I justβI got busy, you know? But I'm fine, really, I am." Amanda Says As She hurries into her house, waving her hand behind her at Elizabeth.
Amanda walks into the kitchen and sets down the grocery bag on the counter and goes to the oven, opening the door and reaches in to take out a platter with food on it. A buzzing starts in the background and as She sets the platter on the counter, the food can be seen to be rotten. Amanda continues to look at the platter as the buzzing intensifies and the camera closes in on the food, showing flies, maggots and worms crawling all over the rooting food.
Paul is sitting in his car pulled over on the side of the street and reaches over and turns on the radio. Every Rose Has its Thorn by Poison starts to play on the radio as he begins to eat a burger.
Across the altar in Amanda's living room showing various occult objects, including a candle, bones and symbols drawn on wood, the same as before. Now she places the platter of rotten food where Janet's toothbrush was and lifts the same dagger she sliced her hand with previously and looks at it.
Inside Paul's Car, He is chewing the food he has eaten as the song continues. He puts down the burger and goes to check his watch, but his wrist is bare and he looks confused. Amanda begins the incantation.
"Echranmuk madan fiΓ©rΓ© marc oh don" Amanda Says
Amanda places a watch on the platter with the rotten food and continues her incantation.
"Duer kianave kihΓ©r tolic einder bolic marc oh don duer kianave. This dinner was cooked for you Paul Arthur Dutton." Amanda Says As She stabs the dinner with the dagger, Now you're going to eat it."
Paul is chewing and holding his burger as the radio goes static and the song changes to I Put a Spell on You by Screamin' Jay Hawkins. Paul lays down his burger on the passenger seat of his car and maggots fall out onto the wrapper. He reaches and turns off the radio. Picking up his burger again he takes another bite and begins to chew but makes a face and goes to reach in his mouth, lifting his burger and looking down at it. He sees it is covered in maggots.
"Aah, oh!" Paul Says
Paul puts down the burger as I Put a Spell on You comes back on the radio and he leans forward starting to choke. He opens the door of his car, falling out onto the pavement hunched over as Dean, Elena and Sam arrive in the Impala. Dean runs over to Paul and yells at Sam and Elena.
"Check the car!" Dean Says As Sam searches under the dashboard and Elena checks the steering column as Dean tries to help Paul.
"Sam!, Elena!" Dean Says
"Got it!" Elena Says As She gets up removing the hex bag She found as Dean pulls Paul up from the pavement.
"Come on." Dean Says As Elena Set's the hex bag on fire with her hand and drops it to the ground as it glows with blue and green flames.
As she begins to cut her hand with the dagger and continue the ritual, the platter of rotting food bursts into flames.
Paul recovers from choking and leans back against his car.
"You okay?" Dean Asks
"What the hell is happening to me?!" Paul Asks
"Someone murdered your wife and now they're trying to kill you, that's what's happening to you." Dean Says
"That's impossible! There's no wayβ" Paul Says
"If we hadn't have been following you, you'd be a doornail right now. Now who wants you dead?" Dean Asks
"I-uh..." Paul Says
"Come on think." Elena Says
"There's a womanβuhβ" Paul Says
"A woman, okay?" Sam Says
"An affairβa mistake, she was un-balanced, she was blackmailing me and I put an end to it a week ago." Paul Says
"What's her name?" Sam Asks
"WhaβWhat could she have to do withβ?" Paul Says
"Paul! What is her name?" Dean Says
Amanda is frantically flipping through the pages of a book with occult symbols on it and foreign language written around the symbols. A wind blows through her house blowing out the candles on her altar. She stares at them warily, then suddenly screams and holds out her left arm where one cut has already been sliced in her wrist vertically. Two more slice down next to that cut with no visible assailant and blood begins to pour out of the wounds.
"No! No...aah no!" Amanda Says
Three cuts slice into her right wrist vertically, matching those on her left wrist and blood pours out of them despite Amanda's screams in protest. She falls forward, pushing the altar off the table and lands face down on her glass coffee table, blood from her cut wrists pooling around her arms her eyes shut.
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