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A nun is putting Bibles or hymnals in the pews. Candles flicker and there is a sound like wings fluttering. She gets nervous for a moment, then turns around and is startled to see someone appears behind her.
"One more. That's all for tonight, sister. Come on. Let me walk you to your car." Father Gil Says
"Father?" Andy Says As Father Gil looks up to where He's is standing on the balcony
"Andy?" Father Gil Says
"Father, God's not with us. ..Not anymore." Andy Says
"Andy, of course He is. Why would you say that? What's wrong?" Father Gil Asks
"He can't help us. And if He can... He won't." Andy Says As He produces a gun, which he cocks and places under his chin.
"Andy, wait!" Father Gil Says As Andy shoots himself. The nun screams as Andy's body slumps forward over the balcony wall. Father Gil looks sickened.
Bobby is working on the Colt, while Dean melts metal into bullets. Bobby looks at a magnifying glass at the Colt, and looks at a diagram of parts.
"Hey." Sam Says
"Hey, what's up?" Dean Asks
"Might've found some omens in Ohio. Dry lightning, barometric-pressure drop." Sam Says
"Well, that's thrilling." Dean Says
"Plus, some guy blows his head off in a church and another goes postal in a hobby shop before the cops take him out.Might be demonic omens." Sam Says
"Or it could just be a suicide and a psycho scrapbooker." Dean Says
"Yeah, but it's our best lead since Lincoln." Sam Says
"Where in Ohio?" Dean Asks
"Elizabethville. It's a half-dead factory town in the rust belt." Sam Says
"There's got to be a demon or two in South Beach." Dean Says
"Sorry, Hef. Maybe next time,How's it going, Bobby?" Sam Asks
"Slow." Bobby Says
"Eh, I tell you, it's a little sad seeing the Colt like that." Dean Says
"Well, the only thing it's good for now is figuring out what makes it tick." Bobby Says
"So what makes it tick?" Sam Asks As Bobby looks up β not amused Sam holds his hands up in amusement Then Elena Walks in.
"Hey Boys" Elena Says
"Hey" They All Says
"So How's the Colt Coming out dad?" Elena Asks
"Slow" Bobby Says
"Okay Then, So What's today's agenda?" Elena Asks then the roar of a car is heard out side
"What The Hell?" Bobby Says
"Who's that?" Dean Asks
"Don't know" Elena Says As She Walks towards the door and walks on the poach and they all follow, they See an old pickup truck in front, a blonde woman gets out of the truck
"Who's Barbie?" Dean Asks
"Dean, I think that's Corrina From when we were kids?" Sam Says
"Corrina, Braces Glasses Ohh" Dean Says
"Oh My God, Corrina?" Elena Says as she runs down the stairs
"Elena, Oh my god hey" Corrina Says As She Hugs Elena
"What The Hell, Your here how?" Elena Asks
"Well it's kind of a long story" Corrina Says
As Elena Looks at her face it's bruising all over
"We'll Come on in" Elena Says As She Helps Corrina inside the house
"I guess we're having Guest" Bobby Says
Inside Bobby's Study
Corrina Is On The Couch, She's Sitting Next to Elena who's holding her hand
"You Alright?" Bobby Asks
"I'm not sure, I hate that this is how we meet again, nice to see you Bobby" Corrina Says
"You To" Bobby Says
"Corrina You Wanna Tell us what happened to you?" Elena Asks
"Um...Okay, Where do I even begin" Corrina Says
"How About the beginning" Sam Says
"Okay, So Remember How after college I only wanted to focus on hunting and I decided that I'm gonna travel the world and hunt other creatures out there in the world you know?" Corrina Says
"Yeah" Elena Says
"Well I Did that for about 2 Years and it was fun you know I was alone and free could do whatever I wanted no authority for the first time in my life I didn't follow anyones order, until I became a hit man for someone" Corrina Says
"You Became an assassin?" Dean Asks
"Yeah, It was the only was I could get paid and to survive out there, so I did his dirty work for him you know killing the supernatural here and there, until around last year, I was sent on a job to kill a demon named Jalvek up in Mexico, It was a long process and my boss was getting aggravated with me so one night I met this guy his name was Marco and he was a hunter and apparently he's been looking for Jalvek as well and I decided that we should work together, so one night Marco found the place where the demon was and he lead me to the place once I got inside everything went black, I woke up chained and Apparently Marco Was Jalvek the whole time, so he kept me as a prisoner, he would torture me every single day and he... raped me as well and I just took the pain but I was tired of it I couldn't take it anymore apart of me was ready to die but then I thought about my family and you that's what kept me alive, so a couple of days ago i managed to escape and at first I tortured that son of bitch for all that he's done to me, but right before I was about to stab him I thought about the complete innocent person trapped so I exorcised him and I saved that man and I got out of Mexico, I got on a plane landed in Texas stole a car and I just had to come see you" Corrina Says as Elena looks at her with Tears in her eyes
"I'm So Sorry, I should have known something was wrong you haven't contacted me in months" Elena Says Sobbing
"Come Here,She hugs Elena, look I'm here Im breathing, I'm back home in the states" Corrina Says
"We Gotta let your parents know they must have been worried about you?" Elena Says
"I'll Call them later I just need a minute to take this all in, I just drove 6 hours to get here" Corrina Says
"Well Thank god your okay" Sam Says
"Thanks, Wait Oh My God Sam and Dean, Look at you guys haven't seen you two In years" Corrina Says
"I know" Dean Says
"Wow You Guys Aged Well, especially you Sam" Corrina Says
"Me to" Dean Mumbles
"Okay, Corrina We should get you out of these clothes and some food luckily I cooked" Elena Says
"Yeah That Sound Like A Great Idea, But I'll see you guys later okay" Corrina Says As Elena leads her upstairs
"Wow" Bobby Says
"Yeah I know" Dean Says
"Well You Boys better get moving I gotta lot of work to do I'll check up on them two in a min" Bobby Says
"Okay, We'll See you later Bobby" Dean Says As Elena Comes back downstairs
"Where are you guys going?" Elena Asks
"Uh We Got A Case?" Sam Says
"Oh" Elena Says
"Look I'm sorry I know this is bad timing but if you want we can stay" Dean Says
"No no no trust me guys it's okay, I'll help her she's my best friend I gotta be there for her" Elena Says
"Okay, keep us posted okay" Dean Says
"I Will" Elena Says
"Later Lena" Sam Says as he hugs her
"Bye" Elena Says
"Hey! You boys run into anything β anything β you call me." Bobby Says As They nod and head out.
Sam and Dean are in suits.
"There's not much left for the insurance company. It was a suicide - I saw it myself." Father Gil Says
"Well,this shouldn't take long, then." Dean Says
"That's where Andy did it. It's the first time I'd seen him in weeks. He used to come every Sunday." Father Gil Says
"When did he stop?" Sam Asks
"Probably about ... two months ago? Right around the time everything else started to change."Father Gil Says
"Change how?" Sam Asks
"Oh, let's just say this used to be a town ... you could be proud of. People ... cared about each other. Andy sang in the choir, and then one day, he just ... wasn't Andy anymore. It was like he was ..." Father Gil Says
"Possessed?" Sam Says
"You could say that. Gambled away his money, cheated on his wife, destroyed his business. Yes, like a switch had flipped." Father Gil Says
"Father, did you know the man who killed those folks in the hobby shop?" Sam Asks
"Sure, Tony Perkins." Father Gil Says
"Tony Perkins." Sam Says
"Good man." Father Gil' Says
"Would you say that his personality suddenly changed one day, too?" Sam Asks
"I never thought about it that way, but... yes. about the same time as Andy β about two months ago." Father Gil Says
"Well, thank you, Father. Appreciate your time." Dean Says As He and Sam start to leave.
"Two months ago, we open up the devil's gate, all of a sudden this town turns into Margaritaville? It's no coincidence." Sam Says
Sam and Dean are entering their room, Dean chuckling at the mirrors on the ceiling.
"What Are you doing?" Dean Asks
"Texting Elena Seeing if Everything's okay over there, Man I can't believe that happened to Corrina" Sam Says
"Yeah I know" Dean Says
"She Grew Up Nicely" Sam Says
"Yeah" Dean Says Then The Door from across the hall opens,Richie. The other guy looks up.I don't believe it."
"Hey, Dean... Winchester, right?" Richie Asks
"Yeah." Dean Says As A tall scantily dressed girl appears from Richie's room.
"This is my sister, uh, Cheryl." Richie Says
"Hey." Cheryl Says
"Cheryl." Dean Says
He hands Cheryl some money,"There, Well, you know... stepsister." Richie Says
"Come on in. This is my brother, Sam." Dean Says
"Hey. How you doing?" Richie Says
"Not too bad. How do you two know each other?" Sam Asks
"You were in school." Dean Says
"It was that succubus, in Canarsie right?" Richie Asks
"Yeah, yeah." Dean Says
"Oh, man. You should have seen the rack on this broad. Freakin' tragedy when I had to gank her." Richie Says
"Whoa, whoa. Wait. Who killed her? If I remember, your ass was toast until I showed up." Dean Says
"Oh, I forgot what a comedian this guy was." Riche Says
"Richie, Richie, know what? I told you then and I'll tell you again β you're not cut out for this job. You're gonna get yourself killed." Dean Says The Richie phone rings
"Talk to me,FYI, Winchester β words hurt. Yeah?,No, it's not a good time, babe. Later." Richie Says
"So you find anything in this town, anyway?" Dean Asks
"Ah, no. I got nothing,Oh, wait a minute. You mean as in demons and whatnot?" Richie Says
"Yeah." Dean Says
"No, I got nothing." Richie Says
"Typical. What about your sister back there?" Dean Asks
"Oh, honestly? She definitely had the devil in her, but she wasn't no demon, you know what I'm saying?,Right. Seriously,Church guy, hobby-shop guy β they were lunch meat by the time I got there. Hey maybe they were possessed, but I can't prove it." Richie Says
"Yeah, that's where we are, too. You know, let's just say that demons are possessing people in this town. You know, raising hellβ" Sam Says
"Yeah, but why would a demon blow his brains out?" Dean Asks
"Well, for fun? You know he wrecks one body, moves to another. You know, like taking a stolen car for a joyride." Richie Says
"Anybody else left in the town that fits the profile β you know, nice guy turned douche, still breathing?Dean Says
"There's Trotter." Richie Says
"Who's that?" Sam Asks
"Well, he used to be head of the Rotary Club. And then people say he turned bastard all of a sudden? Brought in the gambling, the hookers. ... Ah, he practically owns this whole town." Dean Says
"Know where we could find him?" Sam Asks
"Oh, he'll be at his bar in a few hours." Richie Says
Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Run Through the Jungle" continues playing as Sam and Dean pull up in the Impala. The town in buzzing, it looks like Mardi Gras β people wandering around with cocktails, sexy girls, lots of action.
"I thought you said this was some boarded-up factory town." Dean Says
"It is. At least, it's supposed to be." Sam Says
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's do some research." Dean Says As He looks excited to follow a bunch of attractive women. From a car, a woman in a miniskirt watches him, then gestures for him to come. Dean approaches the car and looks at her, smiling; Sam comes back to fetch Dean and smiles embarrassedly at the woman as he pulls Dean away.
CCR continues to play as Sam and Dean thread their way through a crowded bar. People are drinking and dancing and seem to be having a good time. Dean is at ease, moving through the crowd like he's trying to pick out the best action. Sam is getting bumped into and seems to feel a little awkward and overstimulated.
Richie brushes past a woman and approaches Sam and Dean. He's wearing a somewhat shiny orange short-sleeved shirt halfway unbuttoned to reveal a white t-shirt underneath.
"Oh, Richie. Look at you." Dean Says
"Hey." Richie Says As He and Richie shake hands.
"Bringing satin back." Dean Says
"Oh, you like this? Try Thai silk β Canal Street.
You'd have to pay $300 for threads like these, easy. Cost to me β fuggedaboutit." Richie Says
"How much is "forget about it"?" Sam Asks
"Ah, forget about it. That's Trotter over there. He sits there all night. Can't touch him." Richie Says
"So,what do we do now?" Sam Asks
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna do a little investigating with that bartender." Dean Says
"Easy. Me and her, we got a little ... somethin'-somethin' lined up for later." Richie Says
"Yeah, right." Dean Says
"Stings, don't it? All right. I got to hit the head, release the hostages. Be back in a few." Richie Says
As Sam laughs at Richie general cheesiness.
"No way he gets a girl like that. I mean, look at her. You could fit that ass on a nickel." Dean Says
"You think so?" Father Gil Asks
"Oh.,Sorry, Padre." Dean Says
"Knew you boys would find your way here. They all do." Father Gil Says
"No offense, but what are you doing here, Father?" Sam Asks
"Like it or not, you go where your flock is." Father Gil Says The bartender - Casey β pours him a drink.
"Plus, the clergy drinks for free." Casey Says
"True, and a certain bartender owes me a confession." Father Gil Says
"Not in this lifetime, Father." Casey Says
"I better see your butt on Sunday.looks at Dean as he leaves the seat, Nickel or no nickel." Father Gil Says
"What can I get you boys?" Casey Asks
"What's your speciality?" Dean Asks
"I make a mean hurricane." Casey Says
"I guess we'll see about that." Dean Says
"You drink hurricanes?" Sam Asks
"I do now." Sam Says
Over near the pool table, a man Reggie enters
"Hi, John." Reggie Says
"Reggie. Everything okay with you?" John Asks
"I don't know. I'm just not feeling myself today." Reggie Says
"Hey, what are you doing?!" John Asks As Sam spots that Reggie has a gun , Dean, hitting him and gesturing toward Reggie,Hey."
Reggie raises his gun and shoots John point-blank in the forehead. The crowd erupts in chaos. Trotter and his henchguy stand up. Reggie aims the gun at his own head. Dean tackles him to the ground. Sam surreptitiously splashes holy water on him.
Reggie seems really surprised and outraged by being splashed with water, but doesn't sizzle.
What are you doing?!, He slept with my wife. That bastard slept with my wife!
"Somebody call 911!" Sam Says As he exchanges a look with Trotter
Later, Police cuff Reggie and lead him away.
"Too many cops here. I say we roll." Sam Says
"Just be cool. Poor jerk. Only thing possessing him was a sixer of Pabst." Dean Says
"So, what's the deal, then? People in this town getting possessed or not?" Sam Asks
"I don't know. Maybe it is just what it is β town full of scumbags." Dean Says
"Yeah. Maybe." Sam Says
"You boys ready for your mug shots?, Sam and Dean look nervous and the cop hastens to reassure them. The photographer's gonna be here in a few, and ... take your picture for the local paper." Police Officer Says
"Be an honor, Officer. What a thrill! heh heh" Dean Says
"Yep, time to go." Sam Says
"Wait a second. Wait a second." Dean Says
"What?" Sam Asks
"Where's Richie?" Dean Asks
Casey and Richie arrive at a house.
"So, how's a bartender afford a place like this?" Riche Asks
"My parents left it to me. I don't come out here much mostly when I want to be alone." Casey Says
Casey leads Richie into a rather gothic-looking basement.
"Wow. This is, uh, ... charming?, You sure you wouldn't be more comfortable in a bedroom or my motel room? I mean, not for nothing, but, you know, I got oils." Richie Says
"But I have toys." Casey Says
"Yeah, no. Toys trump oils, Casey lights candles.You don't get, uh, scared down here all by yourself?" Richie Says
"Of course not. Not when I've got a hunter to protect me." Casey Says As She turns, and smiles briefly before closing her eyes, opening them to reveal fully black, demonic eyes. Richie's smile fades. Casey blows out the candle she's holding and draws a blade as he pulls one from his boot. She stabs him and quickly twists his neck 180 degrees. His body drops to the ground.
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